LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
2010 Webby Award Winner for Best Political Blog
May 2, 2012
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Message From the Publisher

Dear Readers:

The purpose of our news website is to provide you with insightful and accurate reporting on current subjects and on issues that need to be brought to your attention. We want to challenge conventional wisdom. We seek to offer a solid and reliable resource for those of you who want to explore particular topics by drilling deeply. In addition, it is our mission to create a home for thoughtful, provocative ideas from talented contributors and editors.

We'd like to hear from you about what works and what doesn't work as our site evolves. Comments are welcome and can be sent to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Thank you for joining our Dig!


Zuade Kaufman, Publisher

Truthdig - The Site

Truthdig is a news website that provides expert coverage of current affairs as well as a variety of thoughtful, provocative content assembled from a progressive point of view. The site is built around reports by authorities in their fields who conduct in-depth exploration of contemporary topics. To offer frequent change and surprise, the site also presents a diversity of original reporting and aggregated content culled by the site's editors and staff.


Webby Award: Best Political Blog, Jury
Sigma Delta Chi Award: Editorial Cartooning, Mr. Fish
Southern California Journalism Award: Best Website, Exclusive to the Internet - Truthdig
Southern California Journalism Award: Online Sports News/Feature/Commentary - Mark Heisler, "Role Models for the Id"

Distinguished Work in New Media Award: Robert Scheer
Webby Award: Best Political Blog, Jury
Sigma Delta Chi Award: Editorial Cartooning, Mr. Fish
Southern California Journalism Award: Best Website, Exclusive to the Internet – Budget Over 10K - Truthdig
Southern California Journalism Award: Online Journalist of the Year - Bill Boyarsky
Southern California Journalism Award: Online Column/Commentary/Criticism - Chris Hedges, “One Day We'll All Be Terrorists
Southern California Journalism Award: Online Sports News/Feature/Commentary - Mark Heisler, "It’s Not About Tiger Woods, It’s About Us"

Southern California Journalism Award: Online Journalist of the Year - Chris Hedges
Southern California Journalism Award: Online News Story, Feature, Series or Package - Scott Ritter, "Dinner With Ahmed"
Southern California Journalism Award: Online Column/Commentary/Criticism - Chris Hedges, “Party to Murder
Maggie Award: Best Regularly Featured Web Column (Book Review)

Maggie Award: Best Regularly Featured Web Column (Book Review)
Interactive Media Award: Outstanding Achievement, Blog
Interactive Media Award: Outstanding Achievement, News
Webby Award: Official Honoree, Best Copy/Writing

Webby Award: Best Political Blog, Jury
Webby Award: Best Political Blog, People’s Voice

Truthdig was a finalist for the following awards. 2010: Webby Awards: Best Political Website; Online Journalism Awards: Online Commentary/Blogging (Chris Hedges). 2009: Webby Awards: Best Political Website; Maggie Awards: Best Web Article (Chris Hedges, "The Best and the Brightest Led America Off a Cliff"). 2008: Online Journalism Awards: General Excellence, Medium Site, and Topical Reporting (Bill Boyarsky, “On the Campaign Trail”); Webby Awards: Official Nominee, Politics; Maggie Awards: Best Web Column (Bill Boyarsky, “On the Campaign Trail”); Maggie Awards: Best Website; Weblog Awards: Best Liberal Blog; Weblog Awards: Best Political Coverage.


In this hyperlinked, blog-filled, talk-show-dominated world, discourse is often a food fight. It is increasingly difficult for people seeking to understand the world to find stories in depth, told by those who know their topic best.

An exception in 2004 was "The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq," by columnist Robert Scheer, co-authored with his son Christopher Scheer and reporter Lakshmi Chaudhry and funded by readers of the website Alternet.org. Despite receiving little play in the media, the book, which describes the roots of the Iraq quagmire, received publicity via the Internet, alternative radio shows and word of mouth and landed on the Los Angeles Times best-seller list. Three decades earlier, Pulitzer Prize finalist Scheer had challenged conventional thinking with 1965's groundbreaking "How the U.S. Got Involved in Vietnam," which helped to launch a new era of investigative reporting.

The lesson was that if you respect the story and present it in a clear way, it will find an audience. There have always been and will always be people digging for the truth, rather than simply accepting the conventional wisdom of the day. It is these people we hope to reach with our news website, Truthdig.


Robert Scheer
Editor in Chief
Zuade Kaufman
Peter Scheer
Managing Editor
Kasia Anderson
Associate Editor
Lucy Berbeo
Lucy Berbeo,
Assistant Publisher
Sheri Gordon
Sheri Gordon,
Copy Desk Chief
Kassandra Zuanich
Kassandra Zuanich,
Web Design and Development
Maran Smith
Maran Smith,
Development Assistant
Natasha Hakimi
Ben Behrooz
Ben Behrooz,
Director of Social Media

Truthdig was co-founded by Los Angeles entrepreneur Zuade Kaufman, who serves as publisher, and journalist Robert Scheer, the website's editor.

  • Kaufman, who holds a master's degree in journalism from the University of Southern California, is a former reporter for the Westside Weekly, a Los Angeles Times publication. A photojournalist, she occasionally shoots portraits and photo essays for Truthdig.

  • Syndicated columnist Robert Scheer is also a syndicated radio talk-show host on NPR and author of several acclaimed books, including, most recently, "The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street."

  • Peter Scheer, the son of journalists Robert Scheer and Narda Zacchino, grew up in the newspaper business. He graduated with a communication degree from the University of Southern California and, after working in the movie business, joined Truthdig, where he is now managing editor.

  • After earning a degree in English literature and sociology at Swarthmore College, Anderson worked as a Web journalist in San Francisco and as an entertainment reporter for the New York Daily News. She has also written freelance pieces for Salon.com and the Orlando Sentinel, among other publications. At the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication, she received a master's degree. In addition to being Truthdig's associate editor, she is writing a doctoral dissertation on celebrity and politics.

  • Truthdig Contributors

    Bill Boyarsky
    Bill Boyarsky,
    Political correspondent
    Marcia Alesan Dawkins
    Mr. Fish
    James Harris
    Podcast interviewer
    Chris Hedges
    Gbemisola Olujobi
    International Editor, Africa
    Joshua Scheer
    Joshua Scheer,
    Podcast interviewer
    Richard Schickel
    Eunice Wong
    Eunice Wong,
    Books Editor


    The following is the complete list of contributors to Truthdig.

    Chris Abani, Contributor
    Moshe Adler, Contributor
    Leilani Albano, Contributor
    Andrew Foster Altschul, Contributor
    Kasia Anderson, Associate Editor
    Perry Anderson, Reviewer
    David Antoon, Contributor
    Christian G. Appy, Reviewer
    Mark Arax, Reviewer
    Tom Artin, Reviewer
    Jabari Asim, Columnist
    Sheerly Avni, Contributor
    The Rev. Ed Bacon, Contributor
    Anna Badkhen, Contributor
    Charles Baker-Boyd, Contributor
    Benjamin Barber, Contributor
    Allen Barra, Contributor
    Jim Lair Beard, Contributor
    Andrew Becker, Contributor
    Larry Beinhart, Contributor
    Clay Bennett, Cartoonist
    Lucy Berbeo, Assistant Publisher
    Jeremy Bernstein, Reviewer
    Norman Birnbaum, Contributor
    Arthur Blaustein, Contributor
    James G. Blight, Contributor
    Bill Blum, Contributor
    Larry Blumenfeld, Contributor
    Steven Borowiec, Contributor
    Andy Borowitz, Contributing Columnist
    Chesa Boudin, Reviewer
    Fred Branfman, Contributor
    Carol Brightman, Contributor
    Peter Brooks, Reviewer
    Stephen Brown, Reviewer
    Zbigniew Brzezinski, Contributor
    Lou Cannon, Reviewer
    Cameron Cardow, Cartoonist
    T.L. Caswell, Contributor
    Ken Catalino, Cartoonist
    Celia Chazelle, Reviewer
    John Cheney-Lippold, Assistant Editor
    Robert Christgau, Reviewer
    Jane Ciabattari, Reviewer
    Marie Cocco, Columnist
    Andrew Cockburn, Contributor
    Patrick Cockburn, Contributor
    Elliot D. Cohen, Contributor
    Warren I. Cohen, Reviewer
    Marjorie Cohn, Contributor
    Juan Cole, Contributor
    David Coleman, Contributor
    Robert Collier, Contributor
    Joe Conason, Columnist
    Paul Conrad, Cartoonist
    Marc Cooper, Contributor
    John Crawford, Contributor
    Paul Cummins, Contributor
    Tad Daley, Contributor
    Lauren B. Davis, Reviewer
    Marcia Alesan Dawkins, Columnist
    Elizabeth de la Vega, Contributor
    John Dean, Contributor
    Michael Deibert, Contributor
    Jon Dillingham, Contributor
    E.J. Dionne, Jr., Columnist
    Michael Dirda, Reviewer
    Mark Dowie, Reviewer
    Will Durst, Contributor
    Carolyn Eisenberg, Reviewer
    Rosa Elizalde, Contributor
    Adam Elkus, Contributor
    Richard Ellis, Contributor
    Daniel Ellsberg, Contributor
    Tom Engelhardt, Contributor
    Jason Epstein, Contributor
    Reese Erlich, Contributor
    Donald Fanger, Reviewer
    John Mack Faragher, Contributor
    Mike Farrell, Contributor
    Bruce Fein, Contributor
    Jay Feldman, Reviewer
    Mark Fiore, Contributing Cartoonist
    Mark A. Fischer, Reviewer
    Mr. Fish, Cartoonist
    Robert Fisk, Contributor
    Richard Flacks, Reviewer
    Chip Fleischer, Contributor
    Steve Fraser, Reviewer
    Rosa-Linda Fregoso, Contributor
    Ellen Garrison, Reviewer
    Gene Gerard, Contributor
    Susan Gillman, Reviewer
    Todd Gitlin, Contributor
    Aaron Glantz, Contributor
    Stan Goff, Contributor
    Danny Goldberg, Reviewer
    Barry Golson, Contributor
    Tyler Golson, Contributor
    Amy Goodman, Columnist
    Ellen Goodman, Columnist
    Michael Gorra, Contributor
    Roger Gould, Contributor
    Kevin Douglas Grant,
    Larry Gross, Contributor
    Andrew Gumbel, Contributor
    Natasha Hakimi, Intern
    Theodore Hamm, Contributor
    Sam Harris, Contributor
    Danny Postel and Nader Hashemi, Contributors
    Tom Hayden, Contributor
    Jacob Heilbrunn, Reviewer
    Anthony Heilbut, Reviewer
    Mark Heisler, Contributor
    Doug Henwood, Contributor
    Mary Hershberger, Contributor
    Steven Hill, Contributor
    John Holmes, Reviewer
    Megan Hustad, Reviewer
    Gary Indiana, Reviewer
    Michael Intriligator, Contributor
    Susan Jacoby, Reviewer
    Martin Jacques, Contributor
    Dahr Jamail, Contributor
    Chalmers Johnson, Contributor
    Troy Jollimore, Reviewer
    Carla Kaplan, Contributor
    Zachary Karabell, Contributor
    Zuade Kaufman, Publisher
    Michael Kazin, Reviewer
    Nikki Keddie, Reviewer
    Tom Kemper, Contributor
    Anthony Kenny, Reviewer
    Christopher Ketcham, Contributor
    Parag Khanna, Contributor
    David Kipen, Reviewer
    Jonathan Kirsch, Reviewer
    Joel Kotkin, Reviewer
    Steven Kotler, Contributor
    Ron Kovic, Contributor
    Dennis Kucinich, Contributor
    Stanley Kutler, Contributor
    Saul Landau, Contributor
    Barry Lando, Contributor
    John Lasker, Contributor
    Eric Lax, Reviewer
    Derek Lazzaro, Contributor
    Titus Levi, Contributor
    Jeremiah Levine, Contributor
    Yasha Levine, Contributor
    Simon Lewis, Reviewer
    Susie Linfield, Reviewer
    Rosa Lowinger, Reviewer
    Mike Luckovich, Cartoonist
    Ruben Luengas, Contributor
    John Lukacs, Reviewer
    Jeff Madrick, Reviewer
    Mark Malseed, Contributor
    Ruth Marcus, Contributor
    Regina Marler, Reviewer
    Alexander M. Martin, Reviewer
    Yxta Maya Murray, Reviewer
    Allen McDuffee, Contributor
    Douglas McGill, Contributor
    Karl E. Meyer, Reviewer
    Ivo Mijnssen, Contributor
    Chris Mooney, Contributor
    David Moore, Contributor
    Caroline Moorehead, Reviewer
    André Naffis-Sahely, Reviewer
    Andrew Nagorski, Reviewer
    Cristina Nehring, Contributor
    Glen Newey, Reviewer
    Mark O'Connell,
    Christian Parenti, Contributor
    Cherilyn Parsons, Contributor
    Eve Pell, Reviewer
    Suzanne Pepper, Reviewer
    William Pfaff, Columnist
    Gary Phillips, Contributor
    Tony Platt, Contributor
    Sergei Plekhanov, Contributor
    Dwayne Powell, Cartoonist
    Nomi Prins, Contributor
    Tracy Quan, Reviewer
    Ryan Quinn, Contributor
    Jean Randich, Reviewer
    Shaun Randol, Reviewer
    Frederic Raphael, Reviewer
    Helen Redmond, Contributor
    Richard Reeves, Syndicated Columnist
    Carrie Rickey, Contributor
    David Rieff, Reviewer
    Scott Ritter, Contributor
    Eugene Robinson, Contributor
    Francis Robinson, Reviewer
    Mike Rose, Contributor
    Nir Rosen, Dig Leader
    Ruth Rosen, Reviewer
    Onnesha Roychoudhuri, Contributor
    Louise Rubacky, Reviewer
    Heather Sarantis, Contributor
    Mark Sarvas, Contributor
    Jeremy Scahill, Contributor
    Peter Z. Scheer, Managing Editor
    Robert Scheer, Editor in Chief
    Orville Schell, Contributor
    Richard Schickel, Contributor
    Nicholas Schmidle, Contributor
    G.W. Schulz, Contributor
    Sharon Scranage, Contributor
    Ruth Scurr, Reviewer
    Barry F. Seidman, Contributor
    Robin Shamburg, Reviewer
    Jonathan Shapiro, Reviewer
    Richard Shelton, Reviewer
    Scott Sherman, Reviewer
    The Rev. Madison Shockley, Contributor
    Nicholas Shumaker, Contributor
    Dan Siegel, Contributor
    Aram Sinnreich, Contributor
    Demitrious C. Sinor, Contributor
    David Sirota, Contributor
    Travis Smith, Web Developer
    Timothy Snyder, Reviewer
    Norman Solomon, Columnist
    Howie Stier, Contributor
    Deanne Stillman, Contributor
    Peter Stothard, Reviewer
    Susanne Strimling, Contributor
    Bhaskar Sunkara, Contributor
    Paul Szep, Cartoonist
    Carol Tavris, Reviewer
    Sunsara Taylor, Contributor
    Kevin Tillman, Contributor
    John Timpane, Reviewer
    Sandy Tolan, Contributor
    Scott Tucker, Contributor
    Nick Turse, Reviewer
    Lauren Unger-Geoffroy, Contributor
    Ebony Utley, Contributor
    Gore Vidal, Contributor
    Milton Viorst, Reviewer
    Paul Von Blum, Contributor
    Nicholas von Hoffman, Contributor
    Karen Lee Wald, Contributor
    Richard Walden, Contributor
    D.J. Waldie, Reviewer
    Ed Ward, Reviewer
    Curren Warf, Contributor
    Claire Wasserman, Reviewer
    Steve Wasserman, Contributor
    Bernard Weisberger, Contributor
    Lawrence Weschler, Contributor
    Katherine Wharton, Reviewer
    Stuart Whatley, Contributor
    Geoffrey Wheatcroft, Reviewer
    Mel White, Reviewer
    Jon Wiener, Contributor
    Amy Wilentz, Reviewer
    Wellford Wilms, Contributor
    Emily Wilson, Contributor
    Brenda Wineapple, Reviewer
    Eunice Wong, Contributor
    Col. Ann Wright, Contributor
    Susan Zakin, Contributor

    A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
    Copyright © 2012 Truthdig, L.L.C. All rights reserved.