As it appears that no city or county in the state has seen fit to do this today, I have taken matters into my own bloggy hands.
WHEREAS, the application of reason, more than any other means, has proven to offer hope for human survival upon Earth, improving conditions within the universe, and cultivating intelligent, moral and ethical interactions among people and their environments, an
WHEREAS, those who wrote the Constitution of the United States of America, the basic document for governing the affairs of humankind within the United States, based it upon principles delineated within the philosophies distinguishing the historical Age of Reason, and
WHEREAS, most citizens of the United States purport to value reason and its application, and
WHEREAS, it is the duty and responsibility of every citizen to promote the development and application of reason
NOW, THEREFORE, I Carissa Snedeker, Proprietress of the Blue Lyon blog, hereby proclaim Thursday, the 3rd day of May, 2012 a
and I encourage all citizens, residents and visitors to join in observing this day and focusing upon the employment of reason, critical thought, the scientific method, and free inquiry to the resolution of human problems and for the welfare of human kind.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and cause the Seal of Blue Lyon to be herein affixed.
Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer.
Memo from the Big Guy to those participating in today’s public displays of piety:
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.”~ Matthew 6
I think WordPress hates me
I’ve posted three comments on blogs I’ve commented on before and been put into moderation in all of them. I’m starting to get a complex.
Is it my breath?
Singing against a massmurderer
Reblogged from Bente Haarstad Photography:
I wasn’t going to write about the trial going on against the norwegian mass murderer who on the 22 July last year brutally killed 77 people, most of them young, some even children. Because there are so many others, that is every media in Norway. But there was one event today that really moved my heart. That is 40.000 people in Oslo, and others in every big city in Norway, singing a song.
Social Suicide
I can relate to this. Although I am not completely cut off from everyone in my family, there is definitely a wide chasm with most who believe. With some it is bewilderment, and in some cases, outright hostility. The responses that many in this video tell of getting from their family and friends when they came out as non-believers are ones I’ve also gotten as well. I’ve gotten the same sort of responses as well from old friends who “knew me then” and just can’t believe that I no longer believe. Fortunately, those closest to me believe as I do, so the pain of this separation is not as acute as it is for others. I just wish it weren’t so. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, eh?
My dear neglected readers,
First off, my apologies. Between work, family, Reno Freethinkers, and my photography this house has been sorely neglected. Excuse me while I brush away the cobwebs.
The fact of the matter is, I’m not quite sure what to do with this space anymore. Commenting on politics feels like beating a dead horse. Maybe more “My Life” stories and less “OMG look what the hell they’ve gone and done now” posts?
I mean, I’d much rather work on learning how to shoot good photographs.
That includes portraits of the critters.
Seriously, how does a photographer resist this just so she can comment on the latest faux outrage?
Isn’t this far more interesting than what foot Mitt Romney stuck in his mouth today?
Isn’t witnessing the sheer unadulterated joy your pups get from playing with their favorite toys better than just about anything?
“If you put people on the butcher block, they’ll agree to anything,”
Even to cutting their own throats.
But, there is hope on the horizon
The 58-year-old assembler at the General Electric plant in West Burlington, Iowa, was called back to work in September.
She had been on layoff since 2007 from the non-union factory, which makes electrical switch gears for municipalities and energy-hungry factories, hospitals, and call centers. “You know how you have a fuse box in your house?” she asks. “These are like fuse boxes for a city,” the size of a refrigerator.
But the job came with new terms: a 50 percent pay cut—she’d now make $12 an hour. No health care coverage when she retired. And no chance she’d get the $5,000 bonus GE’s union workers won in last year’s national contract.
“You know what the deal is, so I don’t want to hear any complaining,” the manager at the 150-worker plant told her at orientation.
Six months later Smith is a leader in the Electrical Workers (IUE-CWA) organizing committee that’s expecting a Labor Board election in April.
Newbie error
When Photoshopping a $30,000 watch off the wrist of your Patriarch, be sure to take care of the reflection on the table.
Hillary’s hidden history
This. Is. Wonderful. This is why I supported her for President. And yes, I hope she reconsiders 2016.
Women in the World 2012: Meryl Streep’s Tribute to Hillary Clinton – YouTube.
Press Release: First of Its Kind Event Happening in Nevada, April 13-14, 2012
I will be the official photographer of this event. I’m honored and excited. From what I understand, dentists are still really needed. They’ve got open chairs and not enough dentists have stepped up (though 300 of them have been contacted).
A few of the photos I’ve already taken can be found here.
April 10, 2012
For Immediate Release
First of Its Kind Event Happening in Nevada, April 13-14, 2012
Medical Outreach Response Event (MORE) to Provide Rural Nevadans
with Healthcare ServicesLyon County, Nev—Over 600 people from Lyon, Storey and Mineral Counties will receive free health care services this weekend. Most people who have applied for services are employed but cannot afford the skyrocketing cost of insurance or healthcare services, especially dental care.
Who organized this event and why? The free health care event was initiated by the non-profit Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey Counties, a group which includes over 100 local, state, federal and tribal agency partners and hundreds of community volunteers. The primary purpose of the Medical Outreach Response Event, or MORE, is to provide vision, mental health, dental, and preventive care for residents of this underserved three-county region.
When and Where: The event will be held at the Silver Stage High School, 3755 West Spruce Street, Silver Springs, Nevada, on Friday, April 13, from noon to 5pm and Saturday, April 14, from 9am to 5pm.
Who can get services and what are those services? For those who applied by March 23, medical screening, dental, mental health and/or vision services and medical insurance counseling will be provided. For Lyon, Storey, and Mineral residents who did not apply by March 23, free “walk-in” services including HIV tests with instant results, STD risk reduction counseling, and vaccinations for uninsured adults and children as well as access to a health information fair and educational clinics by the Carson Tahoe Wound Care Clinic, will be available.
Who is volunteering? MORE is made possible by the generous commitment of staff from dozens of Nevada health care, social service, nonprofit, and emergency preparedness agencies, as well as the work of hundreds of community volunteers and support from the Lyon County School District.
Long-term Impact: Organizers say this event will lead to long-term improvements since volunteers will help people identify and sign up for medical systems for which they qualify, such as veteran’s benefits, Access to Healthcare Network, reduced cost prescription drug plans, and affordable mental health care. Some vouchers for follow-up care, such as colonoscopies, mammograms, and dental exams will be available.
Christy McGill, Director of Healthy Communities Coalition: “People have been asking why we’re doing this. My answer is that volunteers from all over Nevada are working at this event because every member of our rural Nevada family deserves basic healthcare. We’re doing this because we can, because we should, because our neighbors and our families are valuable to this great state.”
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