Friday, May 25, 2012

S.E. Cupp Discusses Her Photoshopped Hustler Picture On The "View" (Video)


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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why Does Facebook Hate Women? Sign the Petition!

In other words, why won't Facebook put some women on its effin' white male board?

Sign the Petition: Tell Facebook: Putting Women on the Board is Good Business

via Facebook Comes Under Increasing Fire for Its White-Male Board  

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State Rep. Bubba Carpenter: Women May Resort to Coat Hanger Abortions, But, Hey,

Quote of the Day 

"It's going to be challenged, of course, in the Supreme Court and all — but literally, we stopped abortion in the state of Mississippi, legally, without having to— Roe vs. Wade. So we've done that. I was proud of it. The governor signed it into law. And of course, there you have the other side. They're like, 'Well, the poor pitiful women that can't afford to go out of state are just going to start doing them at home with a coat hanger. That's what we've learned over and over and over.' But hey, you have to have moral values."

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Monday, May 21, 2012

NAACP Endorses Gay Marriage As A Civil Right

Quote of the Day  

“Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law,” NAACP president Benjamin Todd Jealous said in a statement released Saturday. “The NAACP’s support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people. The well-funded right wing organizations who are attempting to split our communities are no friend to civil rights, and they will not succeed.”

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New York Times: GOP Is Waging a Life-Threatening War on Women

Saturday's New York Times editorial lays out the many ways the GOP is waging a War On Women. Heaven help the women in GOP controlled states:  

New laws in some states could mean a death sentence for a pregnant woman who suffers a life-threatening condition. 

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chicago Police Van Does A Hit and Run Over NATO Protesters (Video)

If you were watching CNN Sunday afternoon, you saw Chicago riot-geared police in a violent frenzy beating protesters with nightsticks. CNN missed a few things.  Boing Boing has good coverage of some of the alarming combat-geared police overreaction to the NATO protesters:

  Chicago Police van number 6751, accelerated as it passed through the crowd, striking several people and seriously injuring one victim who was later transported to the emergency room. The extent of the victim's injuries are not known. The driver of the van made no attempt to ascertain the condition of any of the people that were struck. Witnesses watched as the van passed through the phalanx of police surrounding the scene and drove away from the area. Had there been a civilian driving, they would certainly have been charged with a hit-and-run on a pedestrian in the roadway and taken into custody once they had been apprehended. No order to disperse had been given to the crowd.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

National Review Takes Down False Plagiarism Charge Against Elizabeth Warren

Conservatives will try anything, including a fake plagiarism charge against Elizabeth Warren. This one didn't last long. Heh.


The National Review’s fake plagiarism scoop 

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rachel Maddow & Jane Lynch Tallk About Gay Rights Evolution (Video)

As Lynch observes, it's a wonder GOP lawmakers haven't outlawed conversation between these two women:

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Newsweek Cover Dubs Obama 'First Gay President'

And the cover story is by the always entertaining Andrew Sullivan.  See the cover, aka new Obama poster, magnified:

'First Gay President': Newsweek marks Obama's landmark announcement with controversial cover  

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Washington Post Front Page: Mitt Romney Prep School Bully

Washington Post Front Page Story about Mitt Romney, Anti-Gay Prep School Bully  

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Obama Ad: Romney to the Right of George Bush on Gay Rights (Video)

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Romney Outed As Homophobic Prep School Bully

Apparently, Romney's life as a high school homophobic bully was so unremarkable to Romney that he simply can't recall his habit of mocking and terrorizing gay kids:  

John Lauber, a soft-spoken new student one year behind Romney, was perpetually teased for his nonconformity and presumed homosexuality. Now he was walking around the all-boys school with bleached-blond hair that draped over one eye, and Romney wasn’t having it.. A few days later, Friedemann entered Stevens Hall off the school’s collegiate quad to find Romney marching out of his own room ahead of a prep school posse shouting about their plan to cut Lauber’s hair. Friedemann followed them to a nearby room where they came upon Lauber, tackled him and pinned him to the ground. As Lauber, his eyes filling with tears, screamed for help, Romney repeatedly clipped his hair with a pair of scissors. 

The incident was recalled similarly by five students, who gave their accounts independently of one another.


 In an English class, Gary Hummel, who was a closeted gay student at the time, recalled that his efforts to speak out in class were punctuated with Romney shouting, “Atta girl!”

Former Romney Classmate Describes ‘Bullying Supreme’ – A ‘Pack of Dogs’ Who Targeted ‘Different’ Boy 

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Reaction to Obama's Gay Marriage Endorsement

As you can see below, the reaction to President Obama's historic endorsement of marriage equality is all over the map. One thing for sure, the left is going to be supremely energized this election year:

New York Times Editorial: President Obama’s Moment: With those 10 words, Mr. Obama finally stopped temporizing and “evolving” his position on same-sex marriage and took the moral high ground on what may be the great civil rights struggle of our time. . We have one major point of disagreement with Mr. Obama: his support for the concept of states deciding this issue on their own. . Mr. Obama should remember that, in 1967, the Supreme Court said no state could prohibit mixed-race marriages because “marriage is one of the ‘basic civil rights of man.’ ” 
John Cook @ Gawker: Barack Obama’s Bullshit Gay Marriage Announcement: He now believes that gay couples should be able to marry. He doesn't believe they have a right to do so. This is like saying that black children and white children ought to attend the same schools, but if the people of Alabama reject that notion—what are you gonna do?

Adam Serwer @ Mother Jones: Obama Endorses Marriage Equality... But Not For All: On Wednesday afternoon, President Barack Obama finally evolved into a supporter of same-sex marriage—but only for those Americans who live in states where gay marriage is legal.

Chris Geidner @ Poliglot: News Analysis: Obama's Marriage Equality Support Is Not the Half-Loaf Some Are Claiming: As that brief -- filed by Ted Olson, David Boies and the other lawyers representing those plaintiffs -- makes clear, Obama's legal, policy and personal views are not in any way contradictory and present a clear path forward toward the advancement of marriage equality across the country. 

Media Matters: Fox Nation: "OBAMA FLIP FLOPS, DECLARES WAR ON MARRIAGE": Within an hour of posting its original headline, Fox Nation removed the “war on marriage” language from its post.

New York Times: A Watershed Move, Both Risky and Inevitable: President Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage on Wednesday was by any measure a watershed. A sitting United States president took sides in what many people consider the last civil rights movement, providing the most powerful evidence to date of how rapidly views are moving on an issue that was politically toxic just five years ago. 

BuzzFeed: Gay Marriage Reversal Means Cash For Obama: President Barack Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage carries a political cost, but it also means floods of cash from wealthy gay donors and disillusioned young people eager to be inspired by him again..This is beyond unifying — it’s electrifying,” said Eugene Sepulveda, a former top bundler who withdrew to take a non-political job early this year. “This man stands for right, despite the political consequences.” 

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Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Moving the Democratic Convention Out of Anti-Gay North Carolina: Sign the Petition

Sign the petition:

 Democratic National Convention Committee: Move the National Convention OUT of North Carolina! -- SAY 'NO' to DISCRIMINATION! 

On May 8th, the people of North Carolina voted in support of Amendment One, a constitutional amendment that discriminates against LGBT people, couples & their families. In protest, the Democratic National Convention Committee should MOVE its convention (September 2012) to a state that upholds values of equality & liberty, and which treats ALL citizens equally.

Gay Marriage USA 

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President Obama Supports Gay Marriage

Obama just became the first sitting president to support marriage equality for same-sex couples. Thank you, Mr. President!  On this historic day, President Obama said: 

"I've just concluded that for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married."  [More on video below]

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Obama Expected To Endorse Gay Marriage Today (Video)

This is pretty damn amazing. What a great way to energize the base!:

“Every expectation that we will, within the next hour, be in a different world, where we will have a President of the United States who supports the legalization of gay marriage,” Mark Halperin said this afternoon during an appearance on MSNBC. “The Vice President, I think, forced his hand. But even before the Vice President spoke on Meet The Press in favor of gay marriage, the President was headed in this direction,” he added. Watch it: 


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Monday, May 07, 2012

The Real Republican Real Women of Real America. (Video)

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Krugman on European Revolt Against Austerity

 Here's the money quote from Paul Krugman's piece on France's scary new socialist prime minister. We should be so lucky: 

 He is “rather dangerous,” declared The Economist, which observed that he “genuinely believes in the need to create a fairer society.” Quelle horreur!

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‘Gay Money Has Replaced Obama's Wall St. Money’ (Video)

According to NBC'S Chuck Todd, where Wall Street has withheld money from Obama, the LGBT community has stepped up.

Todd predicts that Obama will consequently 'evolve' on gay marriage sooner than the predicted November 7.

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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Tanning Bed Mom Video (Why Tanning Beds Should Be Illegal)


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