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Another state convention is upon us, and that means another opportunity. Republicans could leave the convention next month having restored real democracy and accountability.
The younger generation's reaction to conservative-led stalemate is to consider our government irrelevant. That's a big mistake. You may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you.
Every 90 seconds, somewhere in the world, a woman dies from a pregnancy-related complication. This isn't just a "third world" problem. The United States currently ranks 50th in the world for maternal health. It is safer to give birth in Bosnia or Kuwait than in California.
The woman who was once viewed as a liability on the campaign trail in 2008 is now viewed as a greater asset than her husband as he seeks re-election in 2012. Could she one day see herself following Hillary Clinton's footsteps down the path of first lady turned presidential candidate?
Not only are rising prices starting to look like a real trend, they're also coming to a market near you -- if they haven't already. Asking prices increased year-over-year in 44 out of the 100 largest metropolitan areas, with Miami and Phoenix leading the charge.
If the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals grants the motion for DNA testing, a little blood and sweat on a jacket may be the difference between life and death for Hank Skinner. Could anything be less frivolous?
I help lead one of America's cities -- Portland, Oregon. It is known for being a well-planned city. It's not. At least, not as well as we want it to be. And not as well planned as every American city must be.
I'm pushing 50 now and Mother Nature is about done with me. It's Father Time's turn and he is determined to make a man out of me.
I'm in New York for the much anticipated Frieze Art Fair, which has blown the roof off how an art fair is supposed to look.
Vegan is Love you've gone more in depth on vegan life choices that children can make The most important lesson for kids to learn is that we don't have to fear anything we have the power to change.
Chicago knows from experience how partnerships can sour. Emanuel's Infrastructure Trust, if done right, could be a new model for rebuilding urban infrastructure. Done wrong, it'll be just another hand off of public assets to private control.
Why not celebrate Mother's Day by taking your mom out to see some of the culture the city has to offer?
I love Cinco De Mayo! I mean, duh -- tacos, margaritas, colorful décor. What's not to love?
"The dogs in our lives offer more than fidelity, consolation, and companionship. They offer comedy, irony, wit, and a wealth of anecdotes, the "shaggy dog stories" and "stupid pet tricks" that are commonplace pleasures of life."
What was motivating the hundreds of people to prefer to stand on a taxi line at one in the morning rather than share a taxi?
As a nation, we face incredible challenges right now. People are struggling to find jobs, pay their bills and make a better life for their children. When folks tell me about struggling to put food on the table, I understand because I've been there.
It isn't the quantity but rather the quality of an education that determines a learner's success. This commonly held, simple truth seems to be oddly absent in the thinking of both decision-makers and many parents as we seek to raise the next generation of Americans.
As a community, we must continue our commitment to raising the bar for our early learning centers and closing the school readiness gap for our city's future leaders.
Welcome to TV in America, where violence, no matter how malicious or senseless, is just fine but sex is decried, maligned and verboten in all but the most secure corners of the schedule. TV's ban on sexuality not only covers scenes of nudity or sexual acts, but our very language itself.
Paul Klein, 2012. 4.05
Elysabeth Alfano, 2012. 4.05
Tammy Duckworth, 2012. 4.05