Newspaper Column
- Contradiction Where Religion and American Politics Meet for 04/20/2012Here's a newspaper headline that might induce a disbelieving double take: "Christians 'More Likely to Be Leftwing' And Have Liberal Views on Immigration and Equality." Sounds too hard to believe, right? Well, it's true — only not here in America, but in the United Kingdom.i That headline, from London's Daily Mail, summed up ...
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- Contradiction Where Religion and American Politics Meet for 04/20/2012
- America’s Christian hypocrisy April 20, 2012Here’s a newspaper headline that might induce a disbelieving double take: “Christians ‘More Likely to Be Leftwing’ and Have Liberal Views on Immigration and Equality.” Sounds too hard to believe, right? Well, it’s true -- only not here in America, but in the United Kingdom.That headline, from London’s Daily Mail, summed up the two-tiered conclusion of a new ...
Read Sirota's article here
- America’s Christian hypocrisy April 20, 2012
Other Articles
Hollywood Glorifies Military at Taxpayers’ Expense
San Francisco Chronicle
Since the taxpayer-supported “Wings” won the first Academy Award in 1927, the U.S. government has worked closely with Hollywood to promote, glorify and celebrate the armed forces. In the 1980s, this partnership became a highly political Military-Entertainment Complex, which today grants and denies filmmakers access to military hardware on the basis of filmmakers’ ideology and message.
The result is that many pro-war films are supported by huge public subsidies that underwrite studios’ use of military planes, boats and hardware – as long as those studios promise to produce a film that Pentagon spinmeisters approve of. Antimilitarist filmmakers, by contrast, are often barred by the government from even photographing the same hardware.
Read Sirota's article here
Television Appearances
CURRENT: Sirota on Ad Boycotts and the First Amendment
Sirota appeared on Current TV’s “The Young Turks” to discuss the controversy surrounding Rush Limbaugh, Bill Maher’s defense of Limbaugh, and what the First Amendment really means. Watch the clip here.
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Kevin Pollak on Filmmaking
Sirota talked to actor/comedian Kevin Pollak about “The Usual Suspects,” the rigors of filmmaking and the realities of Hollywood. Click here to listen to the AM760 interview.
Read Sirota's article hereSirota's Twitter Feed
- On air on @850KOA w/@MichaelBrownKOA talking about vegetarianism and petri dish-grown meat. Tune in: http://t.co/jCGVFqmO about 38 minutes ago from web
- Am guest host in @850KOA today from 9am-12noon with Heckuva Job Brownie. Tune in: http://t.co/PxmCoL0v about 2 hours ago from web
- Another deathblow to corporate "reformers": study shows zoning/discrimination/poverty - not unions - driving ed crisis: http://t.co/neMFNe39 about 2 hours ago from web