Newt Gingrich - Fiscal Conservative!

Posted 5/2/12 at 9:25pm by jamie

As Newt Gingrich ends his run for the White House, he shows us what real fiscal conservatives look like:

Newt Gingrich ends his White House dream today with his political committee facing a mountain of debts -- owing about $4 million to scores of businesses and campaign workers around the country who fear they will never get paid.

Campaign watchdogs said the size of Gingrich's debt is extraordinary -- and could have been avoided if the candidate and his team had been more disciplined.

"He was reckless in running up these bills, especially in the last month or so of the campaign when it was quite clear that Mitt Romney would be the nominee," said Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist for the watchdog group Citizen Union.

This is common place among conservatives. We hear them preach about "living within your means" and "accepting personal responsibility", yet they never practice it. I'm sure as time goes on the excuses that Newt gives us will continue to amaze. His only real hope is for Mitt Romney to offer to pay off his debt in exchange for an endorsement or maybe sell back some of that stuff he bought at Tiffany's

'Unfit to Lead'

Posted 5/1/12 at 9:37am by jamie

The U.K. Parliament has released a scathing report into the News of the World hacking scandal:

In a report on the malpractice at Murdoch's now shuttered News of The World tabloid, legislators accused Murdoch and his son James of overseeing a corporate culture that sought "to cover up rather than seek out wrongdoing."

Parliament's cross-party Culture, Media and Sport committee unanimously agreed that three key News International executives had misled Parliament by offering false accounts of their knowledge of the extent of phone hacking - a rare and serious censure that can see offenders hauled before Parliament to make a personal apology.

The panel said the House of Commons would decide on the punishment meted out to the three executives: New York Daily News editor Colin Myler, a former News of The World editor; the British tabloid's longtime lawyer Tom Crone and Les Hinton, the former executive chairman of News International, former publisher of The Wall Street Journal and former board member of The Associated Press.

Members of the panel said Rupert Murdoch, 81, had insisted he was unaware that hacking was widespread at the News of The World, blaming his staff for keeping him in the dark. That explanation was not accepted.

When this story first started breaking last year I was amazed at how much Murdoch and his son kept trying to say "well we didn't know it was happening". These are idols of conservatism, the very people who always preach about personal responsibility, yet they sat there and blew off any responsibility. Well we all know where the buck stops, except maybe Murdoch. It's his damn company so he is responsible. That's why the report has declared Murdoch "unfit to lead" his own company.

Today's Faux Outrage Brought To You By Wingnuts Everywhere

Posted 4/29/12 at 4:25pm by jamie

The Daily Mall has this piece up:

Barack Obama has already held more re-election fundraising events than every elected president since Richard Nixon combined, according to figures to be published in a new book.

Obama is also the only president in the past 35 years to visit every electoral battleground state in his first year of office.

The figures, contained a in a new book called The Rise of the President’s Permanent Campaign by Brendan J. Doherty, due to be published by University Press of Kansas in July, give statistical backing to the notion that Obama is more preoccupied with being re-elected than any other commander-in-chief of modern times.

Doherty, who has compiled statistics about presidential travel and fundraising going back to President Jimmy Carter in 1977, found that Obama had held 104 fundraisers by March 6th this year, compared to 94 held by Presidents Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Snr, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined.

Since then, Obama has held another 20 fundraisers, bringing his total to 124. Carter held four re-election fundraisers in 1980, Reagan zero in 1984, Bush Snr 19 in 1992, Clinton 14 in 1996 and Bush Jnr 57 in 2004.

Needless to say the right is starting a storm over this already. Here's Weasel Zippers:

He excels at two things and two things only: Running up enormous debt with other peoples’ money and raising cash for his own self-serving ends. He is nothing more than an ordinary street hustler in an extraordinary position.

CISPA Passes The House On A Rush Vote

Posted 4/27/12 at 11:24am by jamie

Yesterday the draconian Republican leadership in the House decided to rush through the CISPA legislation:

Up until this afternoon, the final vote on CISPA was supposed to be tomorrow. Then, abruptly, it was moved up today—and the House voted in favor of its passage with a vote of 248-168. But that's not even the worst part.

CISPA, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, is a total invasion of our rights in this country. Basically it allows the government to conduct cyber surveillance and use that information for about anything - all without the oversight of a court issued warrant.

So who voted for this? Well the vote was pretty much party line, with the "small government, protect our freedoms" Republicans voting for it. The vote was also scheduled for today, but after some shenanigans the Republican leadership moved the vote up to yesterday, ignoring their pledges to let legislation be posted 72 hours before a vote. That move was done after some serious changes were made to the bill yesterday:

The vote followed the debate on amendments, several of which were passed. Among them was an absolutely terrible change (pdf and embedded below—scroll to amendment #6) to the definition of what the government can do with shared information, put forth by Rep. Quayle. Astonishingly, it was described as limiting the government's power, even though it in fact expands it by adding more items to the list of acceptable purposes for which shared information can be used. Even more astonishingly, it passed with a near-unanimous vote. The CISPA that was just approved by the House is much worse than the CISPA being discussed as recently as this morning.

What Does Ohio Governor John Kasich And State Republicans Want To Hide?

Posted 4/27/12 at 9:11am by jamie

JobsOhio has been governor John Kasich's big plan to bring jobs to Ohio, but it is hitting some major hurdles:

A private economic development agency created by Gov. John Kasich to move "at the speed of business" has been slowed to a near halt in obtaining its start-up money as it awaits the outcome of a lawsuit.

A bond sale that JobsOhio expected to complete in the first quarter has not yet taken place, leaving it without $100 million it would have used to create business incentives.

The delay also has left the state without the first $500 million it would get under a deal requiring it to transfer 25 years of profits from state liquor sales to JobsOhio in exchange for the up-front bond money. The deal could raise as much as $1.4 billion for the state.

The hurdles are the real interesting part:

Attorney General Mike DeWine has thrown a further wrench into things by raising new questions about the public records rules lawmakers are debating for JobsOhio. He says broad wording in a bill that cleared the Ohio House on Wednesday and has headed to the Senate could turn otherwise public records private.

DeWine said he is lobbying Kasich and lawmakers to address a provision that says records created or received by JobsOhio are not public regardless of who has custody. DeWine thinks it could shield documents from public view that state agencies share with Jobs-Ohio.

"Once it was shipped to JobsOhio, it would get immunized from public disclosure," he said.

DeWine, a Republican, is upset over legislation passed by the state's Republican controlled legislator and pushed by the Republican governor. The Columbus Dispatch looks even looks further into the issue:

It's Starting To Look Like The Clinton Years Again

Posted 4/26/12 at 8:51am by jamie

Forget the good part of the 90's. It appears the Republicans are wanting to relive the bad part of them with bogus investigations into the President:

Now comes complainant Republican National Committee, snark firing on all cylinders, formally requesting that a government auditor look into whether President Barack Obama has been bilking taxpayers by billing them for what amount to campaign trips to battleground states. The White House immediately dismissed the suggestion of any impropriety.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus's letter to Comptroller General Gene Dodaro of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative arm of Congress, caps an escalating campaign of complaints by Republicans about Obama's election-year travel.

"On behalf of American taxpayers, I am writing to call your attention to a case of misuse of government funds," Priebus says in the letter's opening sentence.

Ahh yes - the never ending wave of investigations in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. We've already seen tons of these go on through Darrell Issa and now the RNC as a whole wants to get into the game. This was the exact same tactic Republicans used in the 90's, including looking into the Clinton's Christmas Card list.

But what really amazes me is that the Bush administration lied us into a war that cost the taxpayers over a trillion dollars and cost us thousands of lives. Whenever Democrats talked about investigations the Republicans warned against them, saying that investigations into the President never works. Of course the yellow bellies of the left bowed down and obeyed. I wonder if they will do the same should anything similar happen in the future?

Ann Romney Has Absolutely No Clue!

Posted 4/24/12 at 10:40am by jamie

I stayed away from the Hillary Rosen/Ann Romney made up controversy last week, but the latest from Queen Ann really has me going. Last night, while speaking at the Connecticut Republican Party’s Prescott Bush Awards Dinner, Ann made the following comment:

Romney alluded to the fact that not all women can stay at home saying, “I love the fact that there are women out there who don’t have a choice and they must go to work and they still have to raise the kids. Thank goodness that we value those people too. And sometimes life isn’t easy for any of us.”

She "loves this"? I guess she also loves the fact that there are women out there who struggle to even feed their children, or give them medical care, school needs, clothing, etc.?

But this is how the Republican Party thinks. A few years ago Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga) talked how mothers and fathers should work 2-3 jobs each if they have trouble surviving, then a couple of weeks later complained because Nancy Pelosi was making the House work 5 days. His complaint? Family time.

So if you enjoy working non-stop, getting to spend no time with your kids and living pay check to pay check, go ahead and vote Republican. It's obvious that's the American dream to this bunch of clowns.

John Edwards Favorability Down To 3%

Posted 4/23/12 at 10:27am by jamie

As the trial starts, get ready for a lot of talk about John Edwards:

CBS News) With opening arguments in the trial of former U.S. senator and presidential candidate John Edwards set to begin on on Monday, a CBS News/New York Times poll shows that public opinion of him has plummeted since he was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2007. Now, he is now most known for cheating on his wife.

The CBS/NYT poll reveals that only 3 percent of those polled hold a favorable view of Edwards, who has been charged with misusing campaign funds. That is down from 30 percent in 2007 when he was running for the Democratic nomination, which is also the last time the question was asked among registered voters.

Since 2007, Edwards' unfavorable ratings have risen eleven points, from 30 percent to 41 percent today. However, half of those polled are undecided or don't have an opinion of Edwards.

What Edwards did to his wife was horrible, but not unprecedented. There is still a candidate in the GOP primary who cheated on a wife while she was going battling cancer:

Your "Liberal Media" - Sunday Talking Heads Edition

Posted 4/19/12 at 12:26pm by jamie

This is how liberal your Sunday talk shows are:

Single-source interviews are the showcase segments on the Sunday shows, which tend to compete for access to guests they consider the top newsmakers—which, in the world of Beltway media, usually means politicians. In the eight-month study period, partisan-affiliated one-on-one interviews were 70 percent Republican—166 guests to Democrats’ 70.

Then you got this part:

Unlike the one-on-one interviews, these roundtable segments include some voices from outside the two parties; partisan sources—who leaned Republican, 180 to 109—accounted for less than half of the guests. But the nonpartisan guests didn’t alter the right’s advantage, with Republicans and/or conservatives making 282 appearances to 164 by Democrats and progressives (categories that are less interchangeable). Middle-of-the-road Beltway journalists made 201 appearances in roundtables, which serves to buttress the argument that corporate media’s idea of a debate is conservative ideologues matched by centrist-oriented journalists.

So the round table is a little better, with only a 63% domination from Republicans. Still, I don't see how you can consider this the "liberal" media.

The Sad State Of Our Electorate

Posted 4/19/12 at 10:19am by jamie

Chris Cillizza pulls out this chart from almost 2 years ago:

That's pretty sad when over half the people, who are responsible for choosing the future leaders of our nation, don't even know who the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is. That's exactly how biased media outlets can push so many falsehoods about the court so that they slant to their own views.

It makes you wonder if there is any hope for our country.

Voting Without Knowledge

Posted 4/16/12 at 1:30pm by jamie

In a democracy the people are expected to select their leaders. In order to do that the people need information. They need to know what kind of leader that person will be and what kind of policies they will put forth.

A major problem with Mitt Romney is that he never gets into the specifics of policies. This problem isn't only talked about amongst Democrats, but also Republicans.

But today we have further proof that the people running to lead our nation don't care about the knowledge voters have. Not only that, but it also exemplifies that we don't have a democracy, but an auction:

In a speech to donors in the backyard of a private home here, the former Massachusetts governor and presumptive GOP presidential nominee outlined his plans to potentially eliminate or consolidate federal agencies, win back Latino voters and reform the nation's tax code.

And even Ann Romney, the subject of a national debate last week over the role of women in the workplace, was more direct than usual. She sounded like a political tactician when she described a Democratic consultant's criticism of her decision to be a stay-at-home mom as "an early birthday gift."

Romney went into a level of detail not usually seen by the public in the speech, which was overheard by reporters on a sidewalk below. One possibility floated by Romney included the elimination of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Cabinet-level agency once led by Romney's father, George.

So unless you have tons of extra money to donate to a candidate and can attend one of these super high price fundraisers, you really don't need to know about policy, like what departments a President Romney might eliminate in the federal government.

Affidavit: "Zimmerman confronted Martin"

Posted 4/12/12 at 4:32pm by jamie

The probably cause affidavit against George Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon Martin was filed today. In it we learn a couple key things:

It also says Trayvon's mother identified the screams for help heard in a 911 call as those of her son. It also reveals that investigators interviewed a "friend" of Trayvon's who talked to him on the phone in the leadup to the shooting.

Based on the description, it appears the friend was the girl described by Martin family attorneys as his girlfriend.

"During this time, Martin was on the phone with a friend and described to her what was happening," the affidavit said. "The witness advised that Martin was scared because he was being followed through the complex by an unknown male and didn't know why."

Martin tried to run home, the affidavit says, but was followed by Zimmerman. "Zimmerman got out of his vehicle and followed Martin."

The affidavit goes on to say that "Zimmerman disregarded the police dispatcher" who told him to stop, and "continued to follow Martin who was trying to return to his home."

Zimmerman, the affidavit says, "confronted Martin and a struggle ensued."

Key take point one; Zimmerman pursued and confronted Martin. That right there helps explain why Zimmerman is facing a charge of second degree murder instead of manslaughter.

The second point in this document is that his mother has now identified the screaming to be Trayvon's. Remember a few weeks ago a secret witness came out saying it was Zimmerman? Well not anymore.

Breaking From WaPo: George Zimmerman To Be Charged

Posted 4/11/12 at 2:20pm by jamie

The Washington Post is reporting that as early as today the prosecutor in Florida will be charging George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin murder case. So far the WaPo is the only news outlet reporting this information.

Should this be the case it raises some very interesting questions, especially if you consider the timeline:

- Monday Zimmerman met with/talked to prosecutors. This was without the knowledge or consent of his former council.

- Monday Zimmerman launches a legal defense fund website.

- Tuesday Zimmerman's now former attorneys hold a press conference to announce they have lost contact with Zimmerman and would no longer represent him.

Putting all this together, it makes you wonder if Zimmerman and the attorneys didn't have some idea that charges were coming. Maybe that's why the attorneys were quick to drop him and now Zimmerman is trying to get his story out there, through his new surrogate, Sean Hannity...

Allen West Channels Joe McCarthy

Posted 4/11/12 at 2:06pm by jamie

The very serious Allen West, one of those on the short list for VP on the Republican ticket, made a very familiar claim for this who remember some of the last century:

As many as 80 House Democrats are communists, according to Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.).

West warned constituents at a Tuesday town hall event that he's "heard" that dozens of his Democratic colleagues in the House are members of the Communist Party, the Palm Beach Post reported. West wouldn't elaborate beyond that, however, and didn't offer up any names. There are currently 190 House Democrats.

Really? Well why not release the names then? Maybe because he has totally made that up.

All the GOP has to offer is fear. They don't have any plans or visions, so why not scare up the votes? It's truly disgusting to see our political discourse return to that of the 50s. I just wonder how the GOP would react if a Democrat was out there saying "I heard as many as 80 House Republicans are members of NAMBLA (North American Man, Boy Love Association)?" With former members like Mark Foley, that could very well be the truth!!!!!!!

And for some exit fun, here's who Allen West is trying to be. Not a very good role model, Allen!


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