Anti-gay group: Biden declared war on 30 states
Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, blasted Vice President Joe Biden on Monday for claiming same sex couples should have the same rights as opposite sex couples.
Rep. Allen West: Obama’s meeting with Karzai a ‘Chamberlain, Hitler moment’
Rep. Allen West, a tea party Republican from Florida, on Monday compared the draw down of U.S. troops in Afghanistan to the appeasement of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.
Cornell students use ‘Trayvon’ as a racial slur
The Sigma Pi fraternity at Cornell University threw objects and made a reference to the late Trayvon Martin at black students Sunday morning.
Rep. Adam Smith urges Congress to nix indefinite detention
Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) urged his colleagues on Monday to ensure that next year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) did not allow the military to detain anyone on U.S. soil without trial.
NAACP’s NC President calls Amendment One ‘appalling’
The president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s North Carolina chapter strongly condemned Amendment One, an amendment that would define marriage in the state as only between a man and woman.
Civil rights groups oppose House's VAWA
Civil rights groups stated their opposition to the House version of the Violence Against Women Act on Monday, saying the bill lacked protections for minority groups.