If more people were paying even a modicum of attention to the past, the economic debate in the 2012 presidential campaign wouldn't be between one political party beholden to big money that dreamily depicts investment bankers and oligarchs as jobs creators, and another political party, also beholden to big money, that wants applause for fixing the problem. If more people remembered which policies worked and which failed during the Depression then the jobs debate in this election wouldn't be about austerity and deficits, it would be about stimulating short-term demand and making long-term investments in education, research and infrastructure.
Approximately one out of every eight children in sub-Saharan Africa dies before his or her fifth birthday from preventable and treatable causes. These deaths are preventable through the deployment of health systems of the kind being pioneered in the Millennium Villages.
Had I walked through with my suitcase, purse, and muffin on my own, I would have been treated like I always am -- a frequent business flyer. But I was with a 2-year-old, and a mother who looked a bit like a Sherpa...
Yes, America has a long-term budget deficit that's scary. So does Europe. But the first priority in America and in Europe must be growth and jobs.
Before Obama could even spend a few days basking in the glory of the Romney campaign's hideous gay meltdown last week, another idiotic gay panic has gripped his own campaign. And it really makes you wonder, what are these guys thinking?
The multi-billionaire Warren Buffett recently pointed out that he's avoided tax for decades. Meanwhile he's accumulated massive wealth that he kept out of reach of the IRS. He insists that as a matter of fairness he should be made to pay more taxes too.
The workplace still skews a little Mad Men, where, for every Don behind the desk, there's a Betty at home to take care of business. (Betty's been replaced, but you get my point.)
Mitt Romney, so far, has shown precious little backbone for taking on his party's fringe in any way. Just today, the news broke of a person at a question-and-answer session saying Obama should be "tried for treason," and Mitt didn't even blink (much less counter the suggestion).
Do we have traits that can be used to reliably predict whether someone is liberal or conservative in nature?
When you have no core values, it's always much easier to go along with the demands of passionate, committed true-believers than it is to stand your ground. And the Far Right knows this is true.
The total weekend number only tells part of the story. Arguably as important as the massive three-day figure is the manner in which it was earned.
Rosie is hands-down the best androgynous human on the show. With a few words, she sucked all the positivity out of the room and set the stage for a battle royale between Melissa and Teresa.
Former Romney partner in Bain Capital -- Edward Conard -- is out with a new book on economics. Conard believes that growing concentration of wealth is not just a good thing, but a fantastically great thing. The only problem our economy has, he suggests, is that we need a lot more of it.
I didn't immediately start yelling at my husband. I did stare in silence for a good 5-7 seconds, giving him ample time to retract his statement. He did not. And that is when I lost my mind.
There are more efficient mechanisms than patent monopolies to finance drug research. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is proposing one such mechanism, a prize system, be adopted to support research on AIDS drugs.
The cultural fear is so intense that many Brazilian women are terrified of experiencing even the slightest contraction and believe that a vaginal birth will damage their bodies irreparably. Secondly, the physicians and pediatricians do not practice in groups and must be on call for their private patients 24/7.
We can't devise a successful electoral strategy for "The Left" -- meaning the forces of peace, social/economic justice and sustainability -- unless we face a simple fact: We're getting our asses kicked.
Pastor Sean Harris of Berean Baptist Church in Fayettesville, N.C. gives "dads" special dispensation to punch their gender-nonconforming kids and snap their limp wrists. The reason I bring this hateful bile to your attention is that it brings to mind a recent study.
We all know that few student athletes make it in professional sports. What's not as well known is that shockingly few Americans students manage to complete college at all.
We've been surprised and disappointed by several American critics who have dismissed the lead character of Driss in our film, born of African immigrant parents, played by French actor Omar Sy, as a reductive stereotype.
We will spend a record $18.6 billion on Mother's Day gifts this year -- that works out to about $152 per mom. Judging by these figures, a Hallmark card and a macaroni necklace (my go-to gift from age three to 8 years-old) won't cut it this year.
So it occurs to me, how does one celebrate a small achievement like losing a pound? There are always a steady stream of stories about people who continue to endure day after day with so much more pain and suffering. And here I am, some schmuck who -- wooptie doo -- lost one freakin' pound.
Many couples I interviewed keep that mystery alive through separate bedrooms and separate bathrooms that separate their sex lives and annoying personal rituals.
What matters more with Bin Laden - the raid or an ad? Dizzy Dean: "It ain't bragging if you done it."
My hair horror all started with a lone PR email that floated its way into my inbox.
"Would you like to get a free keratin treatment?"
Mitt Romney had a chance Monday to demonstrate to the American people that he was more than an opportunistic mercenary who would say anything to win the White House. And he failed. Miserably.