Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Don't really care how many countries Bachmann is a citizen of, but reporters should ask her if people who are married to US citizens (including, but not limited to, same-sex unions) are automatically granted citizenship.
Tell Bands I Like To Stop Quitting
Not all that plugged into the local music scene, but East Hundred was one I quite liked.
So What'd I Miss While I Was Out?
Looks like the man did the right thing, and not in an absurd babysplitting way.
It's Tribal
The rich know that the moochers and the parasites need to suffer for their (the rich) sins, and for punishment for failing to live pure enough lives to demonstrate that great leadership of their betters (the rich).
Policy preferences mostly aren't about narrow personal economic considerations, even for the rich. Most of them aren't lobbyists or even really businessmen. They're just rich assholes with a lot of time on their hands to practice the craft of being assholes.
Policy preferences mostly aren't about narrow personal economic considerations, even for the rich. Most of them aren't lobbyists or even really businessmen. They're just rich assholes with a lot of time on their hands to practice the craft of being assholes.
The COLA Fix Scam
Just the occasional reminder that "inflation on stuff old people buy" is not the same as "inflation on stuff the rest of us buy" and "fixing" the COLA by cutting it is dishonest.
Very Serious though!
Medical costs continue to loom large over retirement, a report from Fidelity Investments says.
A 65-year-old couple retiring this year without any employer-based health coverage would need an estimated $240,000 to cover medical costs through retirement, according to Fidelity’s latest estimate. That’s a 4 percent increase from last year’s figure. (The number has increased by 50 percent since 2002, when Fidelity first calculated the cost at $160,000.)
Very Serious though!
If You Keep Doing What You're Doing
Pulitzer Prize nominee Jonah Goldberg would consider this to be practice.
12,000 years ago, in the early days of this blog, I think a lot more liberal people were opposed to marriage equality. Many cloaked it in politics, as in them gays are going to lose elections for "us" if they keep pushing this stuff, but many just echoed what I hope are, to most of us, increasingly gross and creepy arguments. Such as "I believe in equality but I'm just not comfortable with using the term 'marriage' for man on man unions" or similar.
Deny basic rights to people because it makes you feel a bit icky. Dumbasses. It's not fucking about you.
... some Very Serious Connected People on the twitter seem to think that Obama's evolution might be completed today.
Deny basic rights to people because it makes you feel a bit icky. Dumbasses. It's not fucking about you.
... some Very Serious Connected People on the twitter seem to think that Obama's evolution might be completed today.
Other People Suck
The desire to make up a "structural" story is simply about telling the moochers and the parasites that it's their own damn fault. They failed to adapt to the needs of the economy, and they should suck it up and pick through garbage for food. Also, too, tax cuts for jaayyyyyaaabbb creaaayyyyturrrzzz.
In my opinion, even aside from the zero bound/liquidity trap issue, any "traditional" monetary policy is going to be a big fail because our banking system isn't really a banking system anymore. They aren't in the business of borrowing at low rates, doing some quality underwriting, and lending at slightly higher rates. They're in the gambling business. All the money stays in the shadow economy, except that which leaks out in absurd compensation packages and goosed asset prices which mostly benefit rich people as well. Free money for actual people, not the rich assholes who keep trying to destroy the world, is what's needed.
The British economy needs three things: demand, demand, demand. It needs cash in pockets and cash in tills. It does not need richer banks or easier credit lines or looser regulation. It needs that old Keynesian salve, money in circulation. If money can be showered short term on banks, it can be showered short term on consumers, whether through benefit handouts, vouchers, tax holidays or scrappage schemes. Osborne declares quantitative easing to be off his debit sheet. He can do the same for temporary boosts to the money supply.
I See Stupid People
Or maybe liars. Who knows.
The real thing is that after years of doing this I know they just can't be shamed. They don't care.
The real thing is that after years of doing this I know they just can't be shamed. They don't care.
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
They Do?
I mean, it'd be nice if that was true, but I see few signs of the stupidandorevil going away.
FRANKFURT — Everyone in Europe seems to agree that government austerity has been overdone.
Because It's Working So Well
Not that it really matters, I suppose, but we've got a whole lot of stupid and evil here.
The Prime Minister said the coalition would keep to its "difficult" spending plans to tackle the country's debts.
"We can't let up on the difficult decisions we've made to cut public spending and to get the deficit and debt under control.
"I know it's hard, I know it's difficult, but when you've got a debt problem the one thing you mustn't do is keep adding endlessly to that debt."
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