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Why Should Gun Nuts Violate the Rights of the Average Person?

Why Should Gun Nuts Violate the Rights of the Average Person? ­Florida Governor Rick Scott thinks it’s a good idea to arm up the Republican...

Three women that Mitt Romney should place on his VP list

Three women that Mitt Romney should place on his VP list Condoleeza Rice (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images / AFP) ­ Romney – and the...

Dismembering the War on Drugs

Dismembering the War on Drugs If wars are irreducible to elements of physical combat and drugs to their...

How Iran can have nuclear  power and the world can have peace

How Iran can have nuclear power and the world can have peace ­Once again, the world teeters on the edge of war. Once again, the conflict is...

Assange is Us

Assange is Us Judge Andrew Napolitano, of Fox News, once expressed his doubts as to whether...

Obama's pretzel logic

Obama's pretzel logic As this fall's presidential election takes shape as a contest between Barack...

Rejoice, Apple fans

Rejoice, Apple fans ­Warmest congrats, Apple fans – you got yourself another object of adulation...



Thom Hartmann: Thom's blog

Thom Hartmann

America's #1 progressive radio show host and NY Times bestselling author of over twenty books, Thom Hartmann is also the host of The Big Picture, a daily political show on RT.

4 May, 2012, 18:19

Why Should Gun Nuts Violate the Rights of the Average Person?

­Florida Governor Rick Scott thinks it’s a good idea to arm up the Republican National Convention in Tampa later this year. With an eye on safety, the city of Tampa has banned foreign objects like crowbars, water guns, and string. However, an attempt by the Mayor of Tampa to also ban handguns during the RNC was shot down by Governor Rick Scott his week. A 2011 law passed in Florida prevents...


1 May, 2012, 18:28
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Freedom Fighter

Jake Diliberto

­Jake Diliberto is a Political Scientist and Christian Theologian. He is a Ph D. candidate from UK University of Birmingham, and is a resident scholar on US National Security. He is the co-founder of Vets for Rethinking Afghanistan.. Jake is a specialist in Religious Conflict and Religious Guerrilla Warfare. He served as a US Marine in Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001 Af-Pak, and Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.

25 April, 2012, 19:33

Three women that Mitt Romney should place on his VP list

Condoleeza Rice (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images / AFP) ­ Romney – and the Republicans more broadly – must connect with woman voters this year if he wants to win in November. The Republicans also must breach the Democratic stronghold on minority voters. Campaign politics is not complex; it is a game of numbers.Obama and the Democrats are fairing better than the Republicans are, and now its...

20 February, 2012, 19:08
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Trends Forcaster

Gerald Celente

­Gerald Celente has earned his reputation as "The most trusted name in trends" by accurately forecasting hundreds of social, business, consumer, environmental, economic, political, entertainment, and technology trends. Gerald Celente, a Close Combat practitioner and black belt trainer, well understands the importance of proacting rather than reacting: "The first rule of Close Combat is to attack the attacker. Action is faster than reaction. The same holds true for the future. You know the future is coming … attack it before it attacks you."

17 February, 2012, 19:48

How Iran can have nuclear power and the world can have peace

­Once again, the world teeters on the edge of war. Once again, the conflict is in the Middle East. Once again, the conflict is over energy. For years, Iran has been developing nuclear power. For years, the world has disbelieved Iran’s claims that its atomic energy would be only for peaceful, domestic uses. The United States, Israel, the EU and other nations contend that Tehran is lying, and have...


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A view from Oakland

Christopher Petrella

­Christopher Petrella is a doctoral candidate in the African American Studies Department at the University of California, Berkeley. He writes a weekly column for NationOfChange and teaches at San Quentin State Prison. In addition to his regular contributions to NationOfChange, he has written for Monthly Review, Truthout, Axis of Logic, and The Real Cost of Prisons. Christopher holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from Bates College and an M.A. from Harvard University in Religion, Ethics, and Politics. He lives in Oakland, CA with his partner

12 March, 2012, 23:22

Dismembering the War on Drugs

If wars are irreducible to elements of physical combat and drugs to their chemical composition, then the so-called “War on Drugs” is at best a slippery shibboleth, at worst, a misnomer. If war is a metaphor and if “metaphors can kill,” as U.C. Berkeley linguist George Lakoff famously reminds us, then what would it mean to find ourselves dismembered by a figure of speech? Moreover, if war can be...

16 February, 2012, 20:49
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