The place to be
You have arrived at the place where you can meet smart, funny, educated, crazy and loveable Russians. In fact, no matter the adjective, that person is sure to be found here.
MeetFriends connects you with the rest of the world, too!
Itâs a place to meet, converse and discuss the issues of the day, or just hang-out and chat about life. And unlike other services, MeetFriends offers video chat, allowing the user to get to know the real person on the other end, making it all the more personal and meaningful.
This is a service for people who are interested in meeting intelligent Russian folk and people from all walks of life. Perhaps youâre looking for a debating buddy, or maybe a soul mate? Who knows? Maybe youâll land a date, or even find your future partner!
In any case, youâre sure to find a rewarding and eye-opening experience.