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Mitt Romney Makes A Big Show Of Concern For Poor And Middle Class

Mitt Romney appeared on Hannity Tuesday night (5/8/12) for a two-part softball interview. As Media Matters noted, Hannity failed to ask Romney about his controversial claim to take "a lot of the credit" for saving the auto industry. But what struck me was Romney's obviously-scripted show of concern for those less fortunate than he. Did he not look like a rich guy hamhandedly pretending he's in touch with everyday Americans?

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Norfolk, VA Not So Thrilled With O’Reilly’s Intrusion Into “Racially Motivated” Case

For the last several days, Bill O’Reilly has been making a big deal out of a “racially motivated” beating of two white reporters for the Virginian Pilot by some black people (their race seems to be more important than determining their numbers, as far as The O’Reilly Factor’s reporting is concerned). All in a day’s work of “looking out for you,” especially if you think white victims are discriminated against by the media. But, sadly for O’Reilly, it seems Virginia doesn’t appreciate his efforts on their behalf. Not only has the local news reacted less than favorably, Virginia’s Republican Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli, a frequent friendly face on Fox, more or less told O’Reilly to mind his own business during a contentious interview last night.

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Steve Doocy And Conservative Catholic Guest Upset With Georgetown's Sebelius Invite

When President Obama was invited to speak at the Notre Dame's graduation, Fox News was on it like flies on you know what. Fox & Friends gave it their usual - ahem - unbiased treatment with Gretchen Carlson asking her Catholic priest guest if it was "prestige over principal" and, in a question to the other guest who supported the invitation, echoing the priest's comparison of Obama's speech to a Holocaust denier speaking at a Holocaust museum. In another segment, famous Catholic theologian, Steven Baldwin, provided his trademark incisive exegesis on the issue. Flash forward to 2012 and Georgetown University has invited HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to speak at one of their commencement venues. Fox "news" wasted no time in getting self proclaimed Catholic crank spokesman, Bill Donohue, to rant about this on Megyn Kelly's alleged news program. Not surprisingly, Fox & Friends gave this new "outrage" their usual - ahem - unbiased treatment.

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Fox News Attacks Obama’s Support For Same-Sex Marriage As a Flip Flop

Is there anything so laughably hypocritical as Fox News’ sudden concern that Obama flip-flopped on the issue of gay marriage? Now that Mitt Romney – a flip-flopper extraordinaire if ever there was one – is the presumptive Republican nominee, it’s hard to find any criticism of him for flip-flopping on Fox News. But with President Obama it’s a different story. Not only is Fox blasting his support for same-sex marriage as a flip-flop, but using it as a meme for the network’s framing of the event.

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Shepard Smith On Obama’s Support For Gay Marriage: The President of the United States, Now In The 21st Century

Shepard Smith, perhaps the only Fox News host without a political agenda, nevertheless gave his seal of approval to President Obama’s support for gay marriage today. Introducing a discussion about Obama’s groundbreaking statement, Smith said, “The President of the United States, now in the 21st Century.”

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O’Reilly Continues His Crusade To Make Sure White People Get Equal Opportunity In The Media

Bill O’Reilly is still in dogged pursuit against discrimination against white people – as evidenced in the “racially motivated” assault in Virginia he’s been up in arms over. Our Margarita has done some excellent analysis of how O’Reilly’s has been showboating to promote his own agenda of protecting whites from the ravages of a media (and you know who they’re in bed with!) that’s overly sensitive to blacks. Last night, O’Reilly attempted a sensitive look at why the media has been ignoring the Virginia case – and he came up with this conclusion: the media and politicians’ fear of African Americans has led to injustice for white people.

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Fox Nation Says Obama's Support For Gay Marriage Is "War On Marriage"

President Obama has come out in favor of marriage equality - a concept that about half of Americans now support. But the "real" Americans at Fox Nation know that gay marriage is an evil Satanic plot to undermine the most awesome country that Jesus ever created. So the title of their big, fat lede is "Obama Flip-Flops, Declares War On Marriage." Really? Only in the bizarro world of the rabidly right wing Fox Nation, which is supposed to be for "those opposed to intolerance" is same sex marriage considered an attack on marriage. (Funny, all those married gays haven't affected my marriage in the least.) The Fox Nation thread links to a Yahoo article that factually reports this development with nothing at all about a "war on marriage." (Is this in the same category as the "war on Christmas?) Allow me a Lewis Black moment - ARE THESE JOKERS FREAKING CRAZY?! And BTW, I wonder if Fox Nation knows that Mitt Romney's position on gay marriage (and abortion) has also flip-flopped. But Obama is declaring a war on marriage - okaaayyy....

Update - Fox Nation's headline is now "Obama Flip-Flops on Gay Marriage." Interesting...

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Megyn Kelly Promotes Bill Donohue Attack On Kathleen Sibelius & "Killer Tiller"

It was predictable. As soon as it was announced that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sibelius would be speaking at GeorgetownUniversity, the forces of reactionary Catholicism swung into action. And right (pun intended) on cue, Fox News jumped into the fray as they did prior to President Obama's commencement speech at Notre Dame which was also opposed by the same reactionary forces. So it comes as no surprise that Fox News, as the media mouthpiece for the Catholic Church's opposition to the HHS birth control mandate, would engage its new BFF, the anti-Semitic, homophobic, pedophile priest defender, and head of the Catholic League, Bill Donohue in a discussion of Sibelius' invitation. During Fox's extensive and supportive coverage of the contraceptive mandate, Donohue provided his misogynistic take on this issue to the welcoming Fox "News" anchor Megyn Kelly. Last week he brayed about "religious liberty" to a welcoming Megyn Kelly. And yesterday he launched another hate filled tirade against Secretary Sibelius which included an attack on abortion provider Dr. George Tiller who was assassinated amidst a climate of hatred stoked by the Fox News network's Bill O'Reilly. Megyn Kelly was very welcoming.

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Rand Paul Cheerleads For Social Security Cuts – With Neil Cavuto’s Approval

Senator Rand Paul visited Your World yesterday to cheerlead for discuss Republican austerity measures. Neil Cavuto was all ears.

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Cavuto Lectures Nutritionist: You Creep Into Our Lives Like Velcro

Neil Cavuto seemed to subscribe to the “domino theory” of nutritionist invasions when he hosted nutritionist Rebecca Scritchfield on Your World to discuss the link between drinking soda and obesity. Two minutes in, Cavuto asked “Let’s say all your intentions are good, and they always are… but you creep into our lives like, you know, Velcro, and you won’t leave. It’s one thing with the soda, and then fatty foods at McDonald’s, and they better get salads on board and yogurt on board. So they do. That’s not enough… Then we go on and on to the pizza makers and who puts too much into their crust and who doesn’t. In other words, you never seem to be satisfied.”

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