Daniel Chong: DEA Left Student To Drink His Own Urine In Cell


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Published on May 2, 2012 by

Via Mike Riggs at Reason.com: "23-year-old Daniel Chong sat down with NBC San Diego to recount the five days he spent handcuffed in a DEA holding cell without food or water after he was arrested at a "4/20 party." During that period, Chong, a student at UC San Diego, was forced to drink his own urine because his cries for help, for water, and for food went ignored, or perhaps unheard, by DEA agents. By the third day, Chong said he was hallucinating. He tried to kill himself by breaking the lens of his glasses, cutting his wrists, and then swallowing the shards...".* Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks.

*Read more here: http://reason.com/blog/2012/05/02/college-student-daniel-chong-attempted-s

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  • Overdose on water and you can die from Water Intoxication. Overdose on weed and the worst thing that can happen is munchies and passing out. That guy you are talking about who died from weed must have died from something else!

  • Seriously, Cenk? With how incredibly many lies the war on drugs is based on in the first place, you're telling me you don't expect the DEA to tell lies in their enforcement of it?

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  • My comparison was to demonstrate that marijuana is even safer than water in overdosing quantity. Your comparison is not valid because you are adding a variable to the equation. That's like saying, being tired should be illegal because there are people out there that will drive sleepy. Typical anti-marijuana propaganda lol.

  • agreed

  • By that logic we should ban alcohol

  • Smoking weed can cause a car accident, drinking a glass of water before driving won't increase the risk. There are too many idiots in the world to legalize weed.

  • Yes. a very good point.

    When I was doing this to myself... I could have stopped it at any moment. Being stuck in this situation without any idea on whether or not it will ever end is a lot worse.

  • It was an Ecstasy party. It's false advertising to discredit that. 18k of E pills. If you produce them and deal at a high level that's normal you idiot girl.

  • How the fuck can you smoke alot of weed and stay awake for days?? Hahahaha..

  • No, only people with low or no ethical standards "sometimes must vote for the lesser of two evils", not every one, especially us Progressives (Independents & Democrats).

    Progressive-Independent Bernie Sanders proves you absolutely wrong concerning your misguided statement, "corruption and politics go hand-in-hand no matter what".

    As for a better alternative there are: Rocky Anderson, Jill Stein, or even Ron Paul, who are all Left of Obama in comparison to his Right-wing actions.

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