Dick Lugar was a nice guy who stayed too long. But his crushing loss is also a valid data point in a profound and troubling trend, obvious not only in politics but in every other aspect of American life. We are losing the mediating middle of everything, and the result is a country paralyzed by social and economic as well as political division. The remorseless logic of global capital (think: big banks and super PACs) and the middleman-crushing power of the Internet (think: Amazon and the Tea Party) are combining to end not only the "small r" republican vision of the Founders but also many essential, intermediating business and social structures. The Founders feared both the Monarch and the Mob. Now the salving, balancing middle is being ground to dust between the two.
We need to not only take back our economic fate from Wall Street, we need to cleanse our values system of their culture as well.
I am a lucky mom. Many moms in developing countries aren't so lucky. In fact, children in an alarming number of countries do not get the nutrition they need from pregnancy to their 2nd birthday-the critical window for ensuring healthy growth and development -according to Save the Children's 13th annual State of the World's Mothers report released today.
As I swam my laps, I wondered idly if I really was too old to have kids this young? Was biology nature's way of saying, "you won't have the energy for this in a few years?" And yet how many of us are successful at making life fall in line with the perfect time to marry, procreate or change careers?
Is eating people dangerous? Nutritional? Healthy? What actually happens, physiologically, when human flesh is consumed?
The latest victims in Republican warfare are the most defenseless among us -- our children. By allowing student interest rates to double, we will once again hurt those who need financial aid the most, and once again further disenfranchise the already marginalized.
On May 4 my partner and I took our two boys with us to vote early against North Carolina's Amendment 1. We were not prepared at all for the drama that we encountered as we approached the early voting location.
Many farmers and agricultural professionals are miffed that the days of "it's-none-of-your-business" farming are over. Once upon a time, consumers cared only about the price and wholesomeness of food and didn't worry about--or videotape--its origins and "disassembly."
I'm a little nervous that some of the "fun" I had in the past may affect my future prospects of employment. I have heard of potential employers doing an Internet search before hiring someone. Do companies have the right to use this information against me?
I looked down at her bare feet, caked with dirt, bits of long-ago red polish on her toenails. Her plaid green skort and halter top were soiled and stained--and not the kind of dirty that clothes get after a hard day's play.
Right-wing bloggers can whine all they want about Obama not being vetted, but they had their chance to do it in 2008. These same bloggers blew it though, by trafficking in some of the most absurd, un-thinking conspiracy theories imaginable.
Eman is not just getting married this summer, she's also on a quest to become the world's biggest woman. What troubles me about this story is not Eman's quest, but how "Inside Edition," and other outlets that have since picked up the story, are talking about her.
The propensity for settlement and stewardship is at the heart of conservative philosophy and ought to be at the heart of conservative politics too.
The most important rule is to avoid making prolonged eye contact with the monkeys, which is taken as a sign of aggression and responded to in kind.
Tuesday marked the end of the distinguished career of Indiana's longest-serving U.S. senator ever, Richard Lugar. This shocking turn of events was unthinkable for almost all of Lugar's 36-year career in the U.S. Senate. So what happened?
It doesn't matter what it is, bullies will find something different about you and try to make your life hard.
As Romney has campaigned, it has become increasingly clear that while he is smart and well-spoken, he is also not a strong campaigner. Romney's penchant for awkward gaffes that confirm what many voters fear about him is only part of this.
For a party that wants government "off our backs" and "out of our pockets," they sure seem to care a lot about who we love.
Is it better to buy a house or rent? Should you give the kids an allowance just for being your kids, or make 'em work for it? Should you hire a real estate agent or sell the house on your own?
The opera arias lent an upbeat note to the UN secretary-general's otherwise glum day: the UN secretary-general has Syria on his mind. In an exclusive interview, he met Metro to talk about Syria, energy and the future of humankind.
Whoever thought the time would come when you are no longer in love with the person that you said "I do" to?
North Carolina doesn't define a nation. Our nation is going to be defined by the millions upon millions of people who understand that equality isn't limited to sexuality, and human rights aren't something that should be given only to those you agree with.
Anyone who wants to argue that Romney would be worse when it comes to medical marijuana should begin by explaining how. Obama's been worse on this issue than George W. Bush ever was, so what's to say he wouldn't be worse than Romney too?
I am a communication purist, in that I believe the most important aspect of communication is understanding by the recipient, not precision in its delivery. However, you must ask yourself. How does a signature line serve me? It too is to provide communication. So be careful.
In honor of Mother's Day, I want to invite you to join me on this journey of advocating for all mothers everywhere. It is an act of love, it is a celebration of life and it is a promise for an inspired tomorrow.
As you know, Mitt, I was governor of Michigan during that horrible time, when the financial industry was melting down and the auto industry was in free fall. So Mitt, here's my request: Just stop it.
I travelled to Rome and walked in O'Flaherty's footsteps across the city to the safe houses he used. In Ireland, I visited the homes of O'Flaherty's friends and relatives and began to build up a picture of a man who was a lifesaver to thousands.