
Birds of a feather

Posted in Right Wing Lies, Williamson County at 4:35 pm by wcnews

Today Texas Gov. Rick Perry was in Cedar Park campaigning today.  He was again pushing his budget “suicide” pact and endorsing candidates,Perry pushes budget compact in Cedar Park.

Perry also threw his support behind Williamson County District Attorney John Bradley, who faces County Attorney Jana Duty in one of the most hotly contested races in the county’s history.

But the main purpose for Perry’s visit was to press his budget compact, a five-piece pact that calls for “truth in budgeting,” stricter constitutional limits on spending, no new taxes, preserving the state’s rainy day fund — made up of some tax revenue from oil and gas production — and cutting “unnecessary and duplicative” government programs and agencies.

To much applause, Perry told the audience — mostly made up of similarly minded local elected officials — that the “common sense” compact is necessary to keep businesses like Corvalent coming to Texas. He finished off by asking the crowd to take out their cell phones and text their support for the compact.

Perry’s Cedar Park appearance was the last of a handful of stops across the state where the governor gave similarly themed speeches this week.

That’s right Perry and Bradley go way back.

But the thing to keep in mind about Perry and the GOP in Williamson County is they have much in common. Both would rather run up huge sums of debt instead of taxing the wealthy, and pay for our government as we go. That’s been the GOP way since Reagan afterall.

Further Reading:
Republicans, the Anti-Stimulus


  1. Eye on Williamson » TPA Blog Round Up (May 14, 2012) said,

    May 14, 2012 at 10:36 am

    [...] Texas Gov. Rick Perry came to Williamson County this week, he endorsed John Bradley for DA. WCNews at Eye On Williamson has the rest of the story, Birds of a feather. [...]

  2. Eye on Williamson » TPA Blog Round Up (May 21, 2012) said,

    May 21, 2012 at 8:54 am

    [...] This week in GOP infighting. Should Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst win his bid for the US Senate, picking his replacement will be a proxy war between Gov. Perry and Speaker Straus. WCNews at Eye On Williamson has the rest of the story, The tie-breaker. [...]

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