illegal aliens crossing

How should Christians respond in the so-called illegal immigration debate? Gabriel Salguero, president of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition, opposes laws like SB 1070. In fact, he favors immigration reform, a euphemism for amnesty. “Hospitality is not at the margins of Scripture,” he said earlier this year at the G92 South Immigration Conference at Samford University. “Jesus wasn’t kidding around when He said, ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me.’”

Scripture misapplication notwithstanding, Christians certainly are called to be compassionate, but are we called to welcome lawbreakers? In light of such questions, Professor James K. Hoffmeier, author of The Immigration Crisis: Immigrants, Aliens, and the Bible (Crossway, 2009), investigated what the Bible has to say about foreigners/strangers/visitors in a host country. The relevant terms he found are ger,zar, and nekharZar and nekhar refer to people passing through, but only ger refers to foreigners who live in the land with the host’s permission.

“The law is clear that ger is not to be oppressed,” Hoffmeier wrote in an email interview with the Gospel Coalition, “but to receive equal justice, and have access to the social support system of ancient Israel. And there was a provision for religious inclusion, but they were also obligated to live in accordance with the laws just like the Israelites.”

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WORLD: Shacking Up

by La Shawn on 04.23.12

in Columns

shacking up

The web is buzzing about an opinion article published by The New York Times last Saturday. “The Downside to Cohabitating Before Marriage” has been one of the most emailed and among the most viewed articles on the Times’ website this week, although it contains nothing new or groundbreaking. It merely confirms what most know or suspect: Living together before marriage increases the risk of divorce.

Meg Jay, a clinical psychologist and author, writes about a client she calls “Jennifer.” The client and her live-in boyfriend eventually married, but when Jennifer was in therapy with Jay, divorce was on her mind. During cohabitation—a euphemism for “shacking up”—Jennifer said she felt like she was on a “multiyear, never-ending audition to be his wife.” They’d bought furniture together and had the same friends. In their 20s when they moved in together, they married in their 30s seemingly by default. How romantic.

Jay notes that women and men tend to see shacking up differently. You don’t say?

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WORLD: Voter ID ‘Controversy’

by La Shawn on 04.16.12

in Columns

I voted

One side of the political aisle claims that requiring American citizens to show a photo ID to elect other Americans to positions of power presents a hardship to “the poor,” blacks, and Hispanics. The claim is absurd on its face and even more so when you consider that people have to show photo ID throughout their lives, including when cashing a check, boarding a plane, or even entering the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), which opposes voter ID laws.

Voter fraud doesn’t have to be rampant to pose serious problems. One fraudulent vote is one too many, especially in close contests. In a stunning and ironic display of potential fraud, James O’Keefe, who released undercover videos of ACORN employees advising operatives on how to break the law, released this week an undercover video that revealed how easy it is to commit voter fraud in the nation’s capital.

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WORLD: He is not here

by La Shawn on 04.06.12

in Columns

The Risen Christ

This Sunday we commemorate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, the One we call the Christ. The resurrection is the foundation of our faith, and Christianity itself rests on the truth of the claim that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. His physical resurrection is a sign pointing to our own physical resurrection, but also a deeper, spiritual rising from the dead.

We are spiritually dead and unable to do anything to save ourselves. Before salvation, we were as spiritually dead as Lazarus was physically dead in his tomb. Christ called to him and commanded him to come forth, and the dead man rose and came forth.

“I am the resurrection and the life,” Christ said to Martha, Lazarus’ sister. “Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

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WORLD: Christian Tebow and Atheist Dawkins

March 29, 2012
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Tim Tebow knows his future Doctors thought Timothy Richard Tebow, the youngest of five homeshooled children, would be stillborn. While doing missions work in the Philippines, his pregnant mother contracted a bacterial infection. The medication she took caused placental disruption. Doctors recommended abortion, but his mother refused. In his memoir, Through My Eyes, Tebow said [...]

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‘Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler…’

March 21, 2012
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Last March 18 I forgot it was the 14th anniversary of my sobriety. I usually talk about it and mention it on my blog. But I didn’t think about it until two months later. I never imagined I’d ever overlook such an important date. For over a decade, I consumed alcohol in large quantities whenever [...]

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WORLD: ‘Failure of Leadership’ at Penn State

March 15, 2012
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On Monday, the Pennsylvania State University Board of Trustees released a report explaining why they “removed” the late head football coach Joe Paterno and university President Graham Spanier last November. Penn State alumni, students, and others complained about the firings and asked the trustees to “state clearly” why they did so. The report is their response. [...]

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WORLD: Kirk Cameron and Romans 1:27 – UPDATED

March 8, 2012
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Kirk Cameron, former teen star of Growing Pains, a sitcom that ran from 1985 to 1992, became a Christian while on the show. In 2002, he co-founded a ministry called The Way of the Master (the on-the-street witnessing is instructional), and in 2008, he played the leading man in the Christian movie Fireproof, a surprise hit. Promoting his new [...]

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Maryland’s Gun Law Unconstitutional

March 5, 2012
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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Under Maryland law, a resident must show a “good and substantial reason” to obtain a permit to carry a handgun. But the state has it exactly backward. The [...]

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Andrew Breitbart, 1969-2012

March 1, 2012
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A few years ago, I e-mailed Andrew Breitbart on Facebook to ask about writing for one of his sites. Rather than e-mail me back to discuss it, he gave me his number and asked me to call him. The man who helped create the Drudge Report and ran a news aggregation service and other sites [...]

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WORLD: Atheists, Christians, and Censorship

March 1, 2012
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Last week, the Knoxville News Sentinel reported that Lenoir City High School in Tennessee denied an atheist student permission to publish an editorial accusing school administrators and faculty of violating her rights as an atheist. Krystal Myers, editor of the school newspaper, wrote that the school allows prayer at football games “via the public address system,” which [...]

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WORLD: Marriage and Fathers

February 28, 2012
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“Marriage Redefined: Implications” An excerpt: “Marriage is a relationship of opposites. In redefining it to include people of the same sex, marriage is rendered meaningless, and children are deprived of a normal family. Children from same-sex unions, begat through a known or unknown sperm donor or womb, are deprived of what they long for, even [...]

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Banning Racial Preferences Is a Worthy Cause

February 25, 2012
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I used to blog for Ward Connerly’s American Civil Rights Institute (ACRI), an organization created to eradicate racial preferences and discrimination in government. On a Friday evening earlier this month, I was told via e-mail that my services no longer were required, effective immediately — a disappointing way to end a three-year professional relationship. A [...]

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Counseling and Religious Freedom

February 22, 2012
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Religious freedom is a precious thing, especially in a world bloated with politically correct pabulum. But that freedom is not absolute. Unlike freedom of belief, it is subject to restrictions. For example, you can sincerely believe your religion requires you to have multiple wives or to kill those who blaspheme your god, but you can’t [...]

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Supreme Court to Revisit Racial Preferences

February 21, 2012
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Anybody who knows me knows how I feel about racial preferences. I used to blog for the American Civil Rights Institute, an organization created to eradicate the practice in government, and I’ve written about preferences a few times at Pajamas Media. “Affirmative action” opponents have been waiting for the U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether [...]

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