The Vatican Hires Fox Reporter for Better Communication Skills?

You can’t make this stuff up; according to the Associated Press:

“The Vatican has brought in the Fox News correspondent in Rome to help improve its communications strategy as it tries to cope with years of communications blunders and one of its most serious scandals in decades.

Greg Burke, 52, will leave Fox to become a senior communications adviser in the Vatican’s secretariat of state, the Vatican and Burke told the AP.”

The Vatican’s “blunders” include such issues as the leaked Vatican documents, sex abuse scandals, reinstating a Bishop who denies the Holocaust, and the Pope’s Regensberg speech, (wherein he quoted a 14th-Century Christian emperor who said Muhammad had brought the world only “evil and inhuman” things).

I think the Vatican’s in for a big surprise when Mr. Burke starts using the  ”communication strategies” he gained at Fox. While no stranger to “blunders” itself,  Fox rarely admits them, choosing instead to continue presenting them as the actual facts.

The Daily Beast quoted Burke as stating:

One of the most challenging responsibilities of the new job will be to reach out to the press and get them back “on message.”

How Frank Luntz sounding.

There is the little matter of perception though; I doubt many people will find the Vatican’s statements any more credible after this move. There’s just something sordid about the Catholic Church hiring a p.r. man, let alone a Fox journalist. How do you put a positive spin on paedophilia?

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Romney Understands Why Jobs Come and They Go … to China

“…the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” —Thucydides

The Washington Post’s Tom Hamburger reports that Mitt Romney steered Bain Capital to invest heavily in companies that were “pioneers” of outsourcing jobs overseas, according to SEC files.  He founded Bain Capital in 1984 (ironically) and,

“Until Romney left Bain Capital in 1999, he ran it with a proprietor’s zeal and attention to detail, earning a reputation for smart, hands-on management.”

Bain’s decisions were Mitt Romney’s decisions.  With Romney at the helm, Bain actively encouraged outsourcing and invested in companies that practiced it.

Hamburger outlines a number of examples of Romney’s zeal for outsourcing during his tenure as CEO.  Bain Capital invested in a number of American tech companies born out of large business mergers which created jobs in Australia, Ireland, France, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan.  Later, a spin-off company from the same group created jobs in Mexico, China, Malaysia, Taiwan and South Korea.

Bain Capital invested deeply in a bicycle production company in 1993 after which, most of its labor was moved to China.  An electronics company sent jobs to Ireland and Mexico after Bain invested in it in 1998.  Bain invested in a computer chip company that did most of its business with US companies but did most of its production in China and South Korea.

Alex Seitz-Wald at ThinkProgress reports that Romney recently boasted at a fundraiser that while running the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games, he commissioned American flag lapel pins to be sold at the games.  The pins were made in China.

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A Key Defection on Gay Marriage, and an Idiotic Response From an Anti-Marriage Voice

The founder of the Institute for American Values, noted anti-gay marriage proponent and author David Blankenhorn has changed his opinion on the issue.  In an op-ed for the New York times he wrote

“the time has come for me to accept gay marriage and emphasize the good that it can do.”

“I don’t believe that opposite-sex and same-sex relationships are the same, but I do believe, with growing numbers of Americans, that the time for denigrating or stigmatizing same-sex relationships is over. Whatever one’s definition of marriage, legally recognizing gay and lesbian couples and their children is a victory for basic fairness.”

In the mind of today’s public, gay marriage is almost entirely about accepting lesbians and gay men as equal citizens. And to my deep regret, much of the opposition to gay marriage seems to stem, at least in part, from an underlying anti-gay animus. To me, a Southerner by birth whose formative moral experience was the civil rights movement, this fact is profoundly disturbing.

Blankenhorn may be disturbed by the bigotry of his former compatriots, but I’m concerned about their profound ignorance.  For example, consider Rev. Jim Garlow’s response to Blankenhorn’s defection: 

“He’s dead wrong,” said the Rev. Jim Garlow, senior pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in La Mesa, Calif. “I am a student of history. Christianity has made clear that marriage is between one man and one woman. And what we have seen is that when you change marriage for some, you change marriage for all.”

Garlow is a student of history, and a preacher to boot, and he’s all adamant that Christianity defines marriage as “between one man and one woman”. That definition of marriage is a radical departure from the actual bible where many venerated men had multiple wives and concubine harems. Is Garlow preaching from the same text that demands brides who are found to not be virgins on their wedding nights must be stoned to death, at the doorstep of her father? Talk about a law on marriage that would cause all sorts of consternation if the historical view were enforced on modern society.    We also know that, based upon biblical law, Garlow would insist if brothers live together, and one of them dies, that the widow must be forced to marry the surviving brother, whether he or she likes it or not.

The lesson to learn from the biblical definition of marriage is that change is absolutely crucial.  Otherwise any uncouth lout could force an unmarried virgin to marry him by raping her, and paying her father “50 shekels”.   Be careful which virgin you rape though, because you may not divorce that victim for the rest of your life.  Lucky her!

Really basing modern societal marriage law on biblical precepts would be a DISASTER of epic proportions!  It’s amazing that conservatives use the bible and the roots of Christianity to defend their very modern take on marriage, while insisting that another more modern view is heretical.

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The Marriage of a Republican Lesbian During a Democratic Presidency

The wedding of Mary Cheney, daughter of former Republic Vice President Dick Cheney, to her partner of 20 years, Heather Poe, received little attention in the press.  Their two children, 5 and almost 3, were probably relieved that their parents had finally married.  The kids aren’t old enough to read the papers, and probably don’t appreciate the significance of the marriage. For those of us born during the 50’s, it is a big deal!

Mary Cheney is the daughter of one of the best known Republicans of my life time. Dick Cheney was the most powerful Vice President in American history. While Dick Cheney occupied the office of the Vice President, he was at thecenter of power inside the White House, and at the helm of the U.S. decisions on foreign and defense policy. Dick Cheney surprised other Republicans by his support of his daughter’s homosexual life style. Mary Cheney was always close to her father, and he supported her even in high school when she told him of her sexual preferences. Yet inspite of Cheney’s power in the White House he was unable to change the Republican position on gay marriage. In 2004 Cheney confirmed that he was personally in favor of recognizing same-sex marriages. However he and George Bush were diametrically opposed on this issue.  Dick and his wife Lynn embraced their daughter’s lifestyle and celebrated the birth of their grandchildren.

Bush was opposed to same sex couple marriage, and was so adamantly opposed that he favored a constitutional amendment to “protect the institution of marriage.” Other famous positions of Bush included:

1. Bush opposed anti-discrimination laws being applied to gays.

2. Bush said he didn’t know if homosexuality was a choice.

3. Bush said that the union of a man and woman deserves an honored place in our society, he supported the protection of marriage against activist judges. He admitted he would appoint “federal judges who know the difference between personal opinion and the strict interpretation of the law.”

4. Bush did block hate crime legislation from being applied to homosexuals.

5. Bush opposed adoption of children by same-sex couples.

Hence, it is clear that even though Dick Cheney was clearly in favor of same-sex marriage, even HE, in such a powerful position, was unable to convince the Republican party or the President that same-sex marriage should be embraced.

During the 2012 Republican primaries we watched as Rick Santorum compared homosexuality to bestiality. Santorum argued that if the Supreme Court struck down sodomy laws and allowed people to perform homosexual acts in their own homes, thousands of years of civilization would go out the window. Marriage as an institution that exists only between a man and a woman must be upheld, he said. “In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality,”Santorum said. “That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be.”

However because Mitt Romney appears to be the most likely Republican candidate in the 2012 race, perhaps you were thinking that homosexuals shouldn’t be so concerned. You would be wrong. Mitt Romney opposes same-sex marriages, and even civil unions. Even more frightening is the fact thatRomney chose Robert Bork as his constitutional advisor.  Bork has made it clear that he favors a constitutional Amendment preventing homosexual marriages.   During Barack Obama’s first term, he has certified the repeal of the rule in the military of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  More recently he has become a strong advocate for recognizing same-sex marriage.

It is not coincidental that Mary Cheney had to wait until the President of the United States became an advocate for recognizing same-sex marriages. It is not coincidence that the first President to do so was a Democrat. Mitt Romney now says that same-sex marriage, although he opposes it, is a state issue.  To say that this is a “state issue” is a total disservice to the GLBT community. Currently only six states and Washington D.C.   allow same-sex marriages, and only nine states recognize such marriages. This is unlike abortion, where if you needed an abortion you could go to the state where it was legal, and then return to your home and enjoy all other rights guaranteed under the constitution. If you go out of state to marry a same-sex-partner, and return to one of 41 states, your marriage is not recognized. Forty-one states in the United States still refuse to recognize the validity of a same-sex marriage, even if it was legal and condoned by a fellow state.

Same-sex marriage is a federal issue. It is a Republican/Democrat issue. If Mitt Romney were elected, and allowed to appoint one or more U.S. Supreme Court Judges, Mary Cheney’s marriage might be deemed unconstitutional. Surely we won’t let that happen?

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If You Can’t State It, Don’t Legislate It.

Let me see if I’ve got this straight:

  • Women have to ask their employers if they allow birth control in their prescription plans.
  • Women have to ask their legislators if they can please get birth control through insurance.
  • Women have to ask their employers if they can please use birth control and not be fired.
  • Now female legislators have to ask permission to discuss their own anatomy; the very anatomy that is the focus of legislation being introduced all across the country by a bunch of condescending, flaccid twits.

According to Politico, Elected Michigan Representative Lisa Brown was:

“…blocked from speaking on the state House floor as punishment for referencing her private parts in an earlier speech.”

That earlier speech was in opposition to Michigan HB 5711, 12, and 13, an over-the-top set of anti-abortion bills crafted by state Republican legislators. Some of the bill’s requirements, as summarised by Think Progress, include (my emphasis):

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Friday Funnies

This week’s political illustrations by the best in the business, Mario Piperni:

republican shampoo

romney frankenstein

romney's in a pickle

Republican scum bags

republican dark side

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Video Clips of the Week

Ohio Residents React to Mitt Romney’s Bus Tour:

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Mitt Romney Does Not Know What a Business Is or He Cheated on His Taxes

Mitt should clear this up.  His wife Ann enjoys a very expensive sport: ‘dressage,’ or horse ballet.  She owns a dancing horse along with two other people.  This is simply the kind of eccentric hobby you might expect from someone who makes the average American’s annual income per day from capital gains interest.  The sticking point is that Mitt claimed the horse as a business write-off on his tax returns, and received a $77,000 deduction.

The ballerina horse does not make any revenue, and it’s not part of any other business venture.  It’s just a hobby, and part of Anne’s healthcare regime for treating MS.  There’s nothing wrong with pursuing whatever works to treat a difficult disease, and no one should begrudge her that.  But there is something seriously wrong with claiming a hobby/therapeutic horse as a business.  It’s not a business.  And Mitt Romney received more money from the government than the average family of four sees in a year simply because he owns a horse.  The usual tax deduction for a child is only $1,000.  While average families are struggling to make ends meet and while the US government is placing more and more burdens on the average family to pay for Bush’s ill-begotten wars and tax breaks for the rich, the Romney family received a gift from the government worth 77 times a child tax credit because they own a horse.

Romney’s entire pitch for why he should be president is based around the fact that he knows how to run a business… and that America is a business that he can run?  Something like that.  At any rate, he’s not running on the fact that he was the first governor to pass statewide socialized healthcare into law.  He’s not running on the fact that he’s a Mormon bishop.  He’s running on the fact that he bought businesses, fired however many people necessary to make the business make a lot of money, then acted as an aggressive corporate loanshark, liquidated the companies that couldn’t hack it, and pocketed the proceeds.  Rinse and repeat.

The fact that he thinks a pirouetting horse is a business is a dart through the balloon of his argument for why he should be president.  Any child who has ever spent a July afternoon running a lemonade stand could explain to him that his wife’s dancing horse is not a business.  He seems clownish, running for president as a businessman, even though he doesn’t know that his wife’s ballerina horse isn’t a business.  Either that, or he made a lot of money off of the American people because his tax returns are horseshit.

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Late Night Political Jokes for Dems

“Happy birthday to Donald Trump, who turned 66 years old today. He didn’t want a big party so he just invited a few close friends to comb over — I mean, come over.” –Jimmy Fallon

“Have you seen this video that’s gone viral of Mitt Romney having trouble trying to recognize a chocolate donut? It’s all over the web. At first he said, ‘Is that Beluga caviar on a bagel? What is that?’ That’s why he needs Chris Christie as his vice president. If anyone can identify a donut, it’s Chris Christie.” –Jay Leno

“A new book claims President Obama smoked a lot of marijuana while in college. And in a related story to boost his street cred, Mitt Romney admitted he was once hooked on phonics.” –Jay Leno

“Somebody has been leaking classified information. John McCain is outraged. He wants to get to the bottom of who is leaking the classified information and also he wants to find out who keeps messing with his thermostat.” –David Letterman

“Mitt Romney is going on a six-state bus tour. Mitt is very excited because he’s never been on a bus.” –David Letterman

“Mitt Romney visited a restaurant in Iowa, and had trouble thinking of the word for donut. Newt Gingrich merely responded, ‘That never would have happened if I were the nominee.’” –Jimmy Fallon

“Last month Mitt Romney raised $76 million. He found it in an old sport-coat pocket.” –David Letterman

“The last time I did a late-night show in Chicago, my guest was an up-and-coming senator called Barack Obama. And now just six short years later, he’s gone on to become a socialist Muslim from Kenya.” –Conan O’Brien

“Gov. Rick Scott in Florida is purging the voter roles. It’s so over the line that the county election supervisors are refusing to comply. And Gov. Scott said, ‘Hey, we just want to remove people in Florida who are either felons, deceased, or here illegally.’ Which in Florida leaves only 12 people.” –Bill Maher

Courtesy of DIRECT eZine, the newsletter of the San Diego County Democratic Party

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Republican Contraception Mandates

The radical right is still at it. I was listening to NPR in the car today and some right-winger was complaining about Obama’s contraception mandate and his so-called “war on religion”. So I need to remind right-wingers that Republicans were for mandates before they were against them. In other words, they’re phony, hypocrites.

A well-known fact they love to hide from their supporters is that 28 states currently have contraception mandates for employers that have prescription drug plans. But probably not in red states like Iowa, Arizona and Arkansas, right? Wrong! But these bills were passed when those god-less Democrats were governors, right? Wrong!

LA Times:

In 2000, when Iowa became one of the first states to enact a contraceptive mandate, the Republican Legislature overwhelmingly backed the bill, which has no exemption for religious employers of any kind.

In Arizona, state Rep. Linda Binder, a pro-choice Republican, formed a bipartisan coalition to push her bill, which exempted churches but not other church-affiliated institutions, through the Republican-controlled Legislature. Then-Gov. Jane Hull, a Republican and a Catholic, signed the measure into law.

In New York, a similar law also won GOP support in the Legislature. It was signed in 2001 by Gov. George E. Pataki, another Republican.

Four years later, the Arkansas law easily cleared that state’s Legislature, with help from Republican lawmakers, including two GOP cosponsors. Huckabee signed it in April 2005.

He defended the law in a statement. “Religious employers are not required to comply with this policy,” he said. “My position is, and always has been, that religious entities shouldn’t be forced to pay for contraception.”

But like the original federal regulation proposed by Obama, the Arkansas law did not exempt church-affiliated hospitals and universities. It exempts only “religious employers” that are nonprofit organizations whose primary mission is “the inculcation of religious values,” and primarily employ people who share the same religion, a standard few Catholic hospitals meet.

So Republicans, you can pander to the base, and they’ll believe your bullshit, but facts are facts. Obama’s contraception mandate does not constitute a war on religion. If if did, Republicans started the war years ago.

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Ann Romney Climbs Up on Her High Horse

In an interview with WJR Detroit’s Frank Beckmann recently, Ann Romney was asked if she and a President Romney:

“…would take as many vacations as President Barack Obama…”

“I doubt that,” she said. “Our vacations and our happiness comes from being with our children and our grandchildren.”

So smug. I guess the Obama family can’t experience that superior type Romney family happiness in another country. How silly anyway, Barak and Michelle wasting time exposing their daughters to other cultures, and people different than themselves.

The fact is, if Romney were President, it wouldn’t matter if he and his family vacationed overseas or at one of their homes; the costs for staff, and secret service requirements such as food, lodging and airfare would still be paid by taxpayers.

In the mean time, the only thing worse than an ass is a pompous ass; so get off your high horse Ann.

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Occupy Is Not Our Ally – Part V

Part 5 of my ongoing series showing Dems why the Occupy movement and its members are not our ally. If you read earlier posts in the series (and I hope you will), you’ll see in Occupy members’ own words that they despise Democrats and have no intention of voting with us. I’m urging Dems to stop wasting time on these haters and focus your efforts on ensuring our base votes.

In this post I’m focusing on complaints by those in the Occupy movement about the President; basically, that the President has to give them a reason to vote, he’s no different than Romney, he’s a corporate puppet, etc. Its as if, in their imaginary utopia, they think a President can actually please all Democrats.

Ok Occupy, let’s think about that …

  1. The President did not run as Dennis Kucinich, or Ralph Nader. Obama is a moderate Democrat on most issues. His mantra was “no more politics as usual”. He works well with others, he tries to build a consensus, and yes here comes that dirty word – he prefers to “compromise”. We heard all of that in the campaign. It should be of no surprise to anyone. The fact that Republicans decided early-on they would obstruct at every turn does not change the fact that President Obama is a moderate. He’s certainly not the first choice of those on the far-left, like many in the Occupy movement (and yes, on some issues we can all be far-left).
  2. Every president campaigns on what he’d like to do. Then the reality of the office hits him on the first day and he finds out that very few of his campaign promises will see the light of day in Congress. However, when all else fails, he still has the ultimate weapon: he can veto the crap passed by Republicans in Congress. So even in a divided government of gridlock, we need a Democratic President to block Republican efforts to shift more wealth from the poor and middle-class to the rich, to roll-back gains made by women and minorities, etc., etc.
  3. The Democratic Party is diverse. Sometimes it seems like our greatest strength and greatest weakness. Unlike the right-wing, who seems to have to read the bullet points to know what they believe, Democrats don’t agree on much of anything. And a moderate president can’t lurch to the left to please the Occupy movement without losing the majority of the base. As a matter of political strategy, the President needs to please the majority of Democrats and some moderate/left-leaning independents to get re-elected. That all but guarantees the exclusion of the far-left and the Occupy movement, which I believe is about 9% of the electorate (not 99%). Yes, the youth vote helped him in 2008, But, historically, we haven’t been able to rely on the youth vote to turn-out in any significant numbers so Democrats need to focus on the base, first.

In the past, I would have recommended to everyone on the far-left to think about softening their rigid positions for the sake of keeping control of our government away from the radical right. But Occupy isn’t flexible on anything. In fact, I think they scare most people. Not in a good way, like “power to the people”, but in a bad way, like soccer hooligans in Great Britain or gangs in Mexico.

In March, the Congress passed and the President signed a bill that essentially makes it a federal crime to protest around anyone the Secret Service is protecting. Occupy was up in arms, saying it would infringe on their free speech rights. But think about why Democrats and Republicans, in a rare show of bipartisanship, voted overwhelmingly for the bill; it passed the House 399-3. The last time we saw that kind of bipartisan support for a bill was the authorization for use of military forces against terrorists in 2001 (the vote to invade Afghanistan – Senate: 98-0-2, House: 420-1-10). And why is that? Simply put, because Occupy members have not only made it clear they despise both Democrats and Republicans, some members have made threats of violence. Unless you think this is not a threat:

Only fools and cowards believe that America’s plutocracy and fascist military machine can be changed let alone defeated, without blood. Anytime in history and around the world today, and terror and tyranny are replaced with justice and liberty, blood flows.

No, that’s not a crazy statement from a red-neck Teabagger with a sign that says, “We’re not armed, this time.” That’s a comment from an Occupy member. So, now the President and his family, the Vice President and his family, and many others in government have to be protected from the Tea Party, all the racists out there, and Occupy protestors. And Occupy insists the President must do things their way or they’ll vote third-party? Let me just speak for the President when I say, “piss off”.

Democrats, lets focus on our supporters, our base, and the moderate independents we need to win the Presidency and elect more Democrats across the country.

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A Vagina Dialogue

After Michigan state Rep. Lisa Brown (D) delivered this address

she was banned from speaking.  She dared utter The-Word-We-Must-Not-Say.  This hysterical, unregulated woman clearly did not understand why she must never speak that word, because she responded by saying:

What has not been reported until now is that upon speaking the name of her ‘Virginia Tech’, she opened a rift into another dimension.  Legislative aide Joseph King said,

“After Lisa mentioned her… va… va… Voldemort… out loud, all the lights exploded in a shower of sparks.  There was a lot of screaming.  A ring of fire leapt up from the floor where Lisa was standing.  A creature burst forth from her melting skin like a giant pink crocodile tearing through paper.  A reddish hue emanated from the gaping monstrosity.  It bellowed in a deep, horrifying, yet somehow kittenish voice.  It addressed [House Speaker] Jase [Bolger, (R)].”

The following is the transcript of the encounter that followed:

Bolger: Wha? Who…?  Dear God!  What are you?!

Ova Lord: Behooold!  I am the Ova Lord!

Bolger: Wha… what do you want?

Ova Lord: To speak!  And to be heeeard!

Bolger:  Well, ahhh… [gaveling] You do not have the floor.  Silence!  Order!

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A Brief History of Neil “Interruptus” Munro

From the Angry Black Lady Chronicles* :

Interrupting Reagan

Interrupting Lincoln

Interrupting Abe Again

Interrupting FDR

Interrupting Mother Theresa

Interrupting MLK

Interrupting Rosa Parks

Interrupting Jesus

Interrupting Creation

Interrupting Joan of Arc

* “via the Twitter feed of @38_28_38

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Faith & Freedom Conference: Rubio Projects, Beck Gets the Finger

Conservatives attended the “2012 Faith & Freedom Conference and Strategy Briefing” this weekend, which is put on by Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition. The FFC describes itself as a “grassroots” organization dedicated to:

“Educating, equipping and mobilizing people of faith and like-minded individuals to be effective citizens.”

They also claim one of their “principals” is to:

“Help the poor, the needy, and those who have been left behind”.


(That is, when they’re not calling them lazy, non-tax paying parasites, and blaming them for every ill in society.)

Of course, the real objective of the FFC is to promote Ralph Reed, and return the lustre to his tarnished “player” status in politics. The FFC “News” page  is almost Gingrichesque in its All-Reed-All-the-Time headlines.

But back to the conference -

The “2012 Faith & Freedom Conference” is a who’s who of political hacks, 2012 contenders, the pseudo-religious, and GOP has-beens. A small sample of invited guests and speakers include:

Mitt Romney, Default GOP Candidate - Evangelicals need someone there to feel superior to other than you and me.

Newt Gingrich -

The political equivalent of a crippled animal that no one can bring himself to put down, who said of President Obama:

“…defeating him is a national, patriotic duty.”

Newt you’ll recall is a member of that “patriotic” group of  conservatives who plotted to sabotage the country in January of 2009.

Grover Norquist -  An annoying little dog that conservatives can’t shake loose from their pant legs, who described his  warped view of bi-partisanship to the FFC crowd this way:

“When somebody tells you in Washington, D.C., ‘What about the good old days of bipartisan compromise?’ What that person has told you is how very old they are, because they remember when everything was bipartisan because the liberal Republicans and the liberal Democrats would get together and fight the conservative Republicans and the conservative Democrats. And everything was bipartisan because the parties didn’t mean anything.”


Marco Rubio - The GOP Golden Boy who gained his status by virtue of being one of the party’s token Hispanics, and who described Democrats this way in his speech:

“They literally pit Americans against each other by design, for purposes of winning an election, and that’s never who we’ve been. And that is never who we’ve aspired to be and that is not who we should become.”

In clinical psychology, this is referred to as “projection“:

“…a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people.”

As you’ve noticed, the majority of Republicans suffer from this malady.

But the star attraction was surely Glenn Beck - teary-eyed and spewing the typical pseudo-Christian warning that if we don’t do this or that, god’s going to bail on the country, etc. etc. Then he veered off into a typical “where the hell did that come from” moment, when he vowed

“to single-handedly orchestrate his own “day the music died” by stamping out the diverse singing circle from “Glee.”

WTF? According to Right Wing Watch, Beck also:

declared repeatedly that “I have seen the finger of God” and assured the audience that miracles are coming … “

Now I wasn’t there, but I think it’s safe to say it wasn’t the miracle finger God was giving Mr. Beck.

I’ve highlighted only a few of the invited guests and speakers; some of the others attending who somehow warranted billing include:

Yup, just one big, happy, dysfunctional family.

So what did they talk about in their breakout sessions?

  • “Mama Grizzlies” (yawn)
  • “Building Bridges” to the African-American and Hispanic communities. (Finally getting around to that after being a party for what… more than 150 years?)
  • “Fighting Obama’s [non-existent] War on Religion”
  • “Defeating Terrorism and Jihad” of course
  • “Fighting Obama’s [non-existent] Assault on Israel”
  • This one’s pretty funny: “How to Register and Turn Out The White, Male Vote”
  • “Winning the Media War” (These folks just crack me up! Maybe they could start with oh, I don’t know… honest reporting?)

The link to a full list of sessions can be found here.

Mitt Romney didn’t actually attend, which avoided all of that whispering behind his back. He spoke to them via satellite from his touring bus (which by the way he doesn’t actually travel on, he flies from place to place and meets up with the bus, so he can try and look like an average Joe without having to lower himself to be one).

Anyway… the default candidate hit all of the required talking points for the holier-than-thou crowd; according to CNN:

“In his prepared remarks, the presumptive Republican nominee detailed what he said are the anchors of American public life: family, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence.”

“There’s no question that economic freedom has been attacked by this administration in many ways,” Romney continued, citing the national debt, health-care reform, tax policy, and the size of government.”

Blah, blah, blah; nothing new or remotely credible there. Romney was also sort-of-endorsed again by Rick Santorum; you know, the guy pseudo-Christians said they wanted but didn’t really want. WCVB Boston reported:

Former GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum gave a signal to social conservatives on Saturday: Mitt Romney’s “message is sound. It’s solid. He hit the points.”

At least Mitt’s filling someone in on his “points”.

Noticeably absent from the published “faith” conference invites: any mainstream religious leaders- the kind who actually embody the spirit of Christianity.

There were also no breakout sessions listed that addressed the mundane little things like poverty, unemployment, people losing their homes, or crushing student debt.

No, this was just another vehicle for political and religious extremists; a gathering for the “special” people to pat each other on the back and reaffirm their delusions of superiority… oh, and to get Ralph Reed some publicity of course. Sorry you missed it aren’t you? Anyway-

You should always depart any reported idiocy smiling,  so I give you some Right Wing Watch via Facebook:

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