welcome to our site.
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then, when you're comfortable,

please submit your entry.

hold your mouse over text highlighted like this:
you’ll see there’s more than meets the eye.

» 28310 words in our lexicon, and 2 awaiting approval

start «randomerizor» button above . . . oh, you’re back. ready to submit? if not . . .

what’s in the menu?

  • a link to the submit page, with more details about submitting a word.
  • you can search by word or by author.
  • new shows you recent entries.
  • top words «sent to friends» and linked to the most.
  • visit the forum to read members’ comments.
  • about how the pd came into being.
  • check t’sup for what’s up in the world outside the pseudodictionary.
  • on the bottom half of the menu bar, you can browse what’s in our dictionary by starting letter, number, or special character: etc.

our welcome is sincere. no gimmicks, no gotchas — this is as close as you’re going to get to a free lunch on the internet. please take your time and enjoy our site. we hope you enjoy your visit. and we hope you come back.

privacy policy & terms of use: seek wisdom elsewhere.