
The Kicker

OffTheBus takes a ‘breather’

New technologies and partnerships in the works

OffTheBus, The Huffington Post’s citizen journalism program for campaign coverage, hasn’t posted new content in almost a month. But the... More


The Observatory

Biotech bogeymen

The San Francisco Chronicle’s muddled swipe at GE crops

If you’re worried about pesticides, then the San Francisco Chronicle has a sweeping indictment of genetically engineered (GE) crops to... More


Online News Startups

Missouri Scout

Subscription-based niche political news from a stockbroker turned political junkie

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI — Dave Drebes didn't take the most conventional path into journalism. Originally a stockbroker, the St. Louis... More


The Kicker

9 newsroom buyouts at the Hartford Courant (updated)

This is the latest in a series of departures since Tribune’s 2008 bankruptcy filing

First, a disclosure: I have a soft spot for the Hartford Courant. It’s my hometown daily. I interned there twice... More


Language Corner

No fun

Noun? Verb? Yes. Adjective? Well …

The journalism professor was not having much “fun” explaining things to her feature-writing students: “I know so fun is wrong... More


Swing States Project

A (blurry) snapshot of influence peddling

Finding out who paid $10,000 to party with Congress members remains a reporting challenge

COLORADO—A CBS News undercover video of a Republican fundraiser earlier this year gave viewers a tantalizing glimpse of a $10,000-a-head... More

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Magazine: Editorial

Aggregated assault

Whose work is it, anyway? A plea for standards.

“There’s nothing new under the sun.” Thus spake my high-school teacher, then nearing retirement, and if I remembered nothing... More

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Magazine: Letters to the Editor

Notes from our Online Readers

Readers weigh in on Ron Howell’s “The New York Times Goes to the Dogs”

In a March piece, Ron Howell wrote about the increase in stories about dogs in The New York Times since... More


The Audit

Audit Notes: Murdoch’s Influence, Reuters’s Chesapeake drumbeat

A sweeping indictment of the corruption of British politics by News Corp.

The News Corp. scandal is so massive and so sprawling that it's just about impossible to bring all the pieces... More


Behind the News

Stories I’d like to see

Homeland loses focus, ditching the filibuster, unions that own big business

In his weekly “Stories I’d Like to See” column, journalist and entrepreneur Steven Brill spotlights topics that, in his opinion,... More


Swing States Project

Obama ‘evolves,’ Romney ‘flip-flops’

As the candidates’ positions change, reporters construct differing narratives

NEW HAMPSHIRE—Are Barack Obama and Mitt Romney so different after all? Despite the media’s portrayal of Romney as a uniquely... More


Swing States Project

Reporting on the hand that feeds

In North Carolina, TV news reporters find stories in their stations’ political ad buy data

NORTH CAROLINA—On April 27, the Federal Communications Commission made what CJR called “a good step toward transparency in the realm... More

Ben Huh says journalistic objectivity is a trap

The LOLcat king weighs in on weightier topics

Media blows hot air about dinosaur flatulence

“[W]e don’t know whether they farted at all”

Mexican crime reporters risk becoming the story

Reporters continue to be in the cross hairs for their work, NPR reports

The birth of Punch!

Capital New York on the new, iPad-only publication

Beware of Greeks bearing GIFs

An interview with Arianna Huffington

Who Owns What

The Business of Digital Journalism

A report from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

Study Guides

Questions and exercises for journalism students.