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The Comcast-NBC merger is a disaster for everyone.

Who Owns the Media?

Just six companies control a huge amount of our country's media, on TV, radio, and even online. Who owns the media you use everyday — and how are they serving you?

The Crisis in Female and Minority Ownership

Media consolidation pushes women and people of color off the dial and out of the picture. Read more about the crisis in female and minority ownership in radio and TV.

Diversity in Media Ownership

We need diverse, independent media owners who have a strong connection to their audience and community. Find out about the range of organizations standing up for media diversity.

Corporate media giants are silencing diverse voices, abandoning quality journalism and eliminating local content.

It’s time to stand up for better media.

February 9, 2011 by Jenn Ettinger
The Comcast-NBC Universal merger was recently finalized, and its impact on our media environment is likely to be grim. Ultimately, this new giant company... [more]
January 24, 2011 by Corie Wright
Question: Two federal agencies review the same merger. Both agencies have jurisdiction to review the merger under U.S. law. The agencies review the merger... [more]
January 18, 2011 by Josh Silver
Today, the Federal Communications Commission is expected to bless the merger of Comcast, the nation’s largest cable and residential Internet... [more]
January 18, 2011 by Megan Tady
The Federal Communications Commission is about to give its blessing to the biggest media merger in a decade. Approving the Comcast-NBC merger is a big... [more]
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