Tuesday, May 1


My better half reminds me that today is the anniversary of the day a president didn't even think about using the military to score political points. PS. Anyone praying that Condi Rice gets to be Vice President on the GOP ticket (REALLY, ASSHOLES? Black woman candidate is gonna save you?) better vett her financials first. The amount of money these criminals made in 2003 and ran out the door with in 2008 will look really really bad.

Friday, April 27

Ep 125 The Professional Left Podcast

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Find the Easter Egg in this video!

Known at Wikipedia as the "Wolf Blitzer is a douchebag" Easter Egg. Podcast posting soon.

Wednesday, April 25

Let them bake a cake!

so many choices by flangum
so many choices, a photo by flangum on Flickr.
Ann Romney as Marie Antoinette at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.

Click here for full size.

Saturday, April 21


I hardly ever post "funny youtubes," but this one... yes.

Friday, April 20

Ep 124 The Professional Left Podcast

proleft app ad 400px The Professional Left App is available at the App Store.

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again Marlene at ZMac Consulting and  Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

Friday, April 13

Ep 123 The Professional Left Podcast

proleft app ad 400px The Professional Left App is available at the App Store.

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again Marlene at ZMac Consulting and  Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

Did somebody say Communist *Party* in the Congress?

sleepover at the senate
Watch out when Carl Levin and Barbara Mikulski get jiggy.

Monday, April 9

Photoshopper's Sketchbook: The Biden Meme

Picked up from College Humor, but turns out Daily Beast had it a month ago.

Short Coffee Rant

Color me completely unsurprised that those stupid k-cup coffee makers are bad for the environment.

The coffee they make also tastes like shit.


 ps. Mug from here. The network doesn't make these so I made my own.