This election season is going to be filled with ads of the candidates taking shots at one another. It feels like everyday there is a new ad blasting a candidate for something new.
The Obama campaign released its latest spot called “Swiss Bank.” It hits Mitt Romney over the head about his questionable leadership in sending private sector jobs overseas, outsourcing state jobs to India, and keeping a Swiss bank account. Ouch!
Ads are coming out so fast now, it’s hard to believe that we still have six solid months to go until the election. This is unreal!
At what point this year will you reach your limit on hearing election ads on radio/TV?
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Obama Upstages Bush’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ Moment (PARODY PHOTO)
Posted on 03. May, 2012 by Stevie.
This is oh-so-appropriate this week!
As you may know, some conservatives are outraged because they feel President Obama has turned the anniversary of the death of Osama bin Laden into a political parade.
Well, this photo should serve as a small reminder that the last president (unsuccessfully) tried to market his war “achievements.” Remember the “Mission Accomplished” moment with George W. Bush?
Yeah …. about that …
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Browsing online today, I came across this photo.
Some would look at it and say that President Obama is asking for fairness in allocation of resources for everyone in the economy. Others, however, probably think he is unfairly asking the well-heeled to give away their riches.
You be the judge. In the meantime, it’s a funny little picture! lol..
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Newt Gingrich Officially Drops Out of the Presidential Race (VIDEO)
Posted on 03. May, 2012 by Stevie.
The big day finally came on Wednesday after so much unnecessary build-up.
Newt Gingrich officially left the race to be the Republican nominee for president of the United States. It was an extremely long overdue suspension of his campaign that left much of the free world wondering why he was still in it.
Gingrich walks away with over $4 million in campaign debt which is going to take some serious brown-nosing to pay off. Because Newt’s campaign is “suspended” and not “ended” his run, he can still legally collect donations toward the debt.
Observers also expect that he will hit up Republican cash cow Mitt Romney for some other campaign debt relief.
What do you think took Newt Gingrich so long to drop out of the Republican race for president?
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This week, the U.S. marks the first anniversary since the capture and killing of world terrorist Osama bin Laden.
President Obama sat down with Brian Williams of NBC’s Rock Center for an exclusive interview in the White House Situation Room to discuss the behind-the-scenes of the raid.
It was an extremely risk decision to launch the raid to get bin Laden. Watch the president, vice president, and other senior officials walk through what happened.
Scroll down for parts 2-5 of the in-depth interview.
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Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy