
Learn from Elizabeth Warren
Steven Plaut
Let's all do what Elizabeth Warren did, claims this African-American Hispanic Native American. More

Hate Group Associations Disqualify Obama
William A. Levinson
Barack Obama, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), and Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) have all fallen short of this basic standard of common decency when it comes to distancing themselves from racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-Catholic organizations and individuals. More

Bowing to Islamic Supremacy
Janet Levy
Resplendent in her royal blue hijab for an official appearance in Bangladesh on Sunday, Hillary Clinton proclaimed that she was deeply hurt by charges brought forth at a public forum that the United States was biased against Muslims. More

Why the Health Nazis Are on the March
Selwyn Duke
They say "Jolly is the fat man," but perhaps not when he's being chased (and, I'm sure, caught) like a Frankenstein monster by the Body Cult crazies. More

National Security - 'Change You Can Believe In'
Kerry Patton
When it comes to national security, change is exactly what President Obama has been creating ever since he took office. None of these changes are for the better. More

Two Prime Ministers, Two Americas
Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison
Winston Churchill, Benjamin Netanyahu, and America. More

A Nation of Sorry Apologists
Stephen Mauzy
"I'm sorry" is one of the sorrier terms in the English language. More

Previous Articles

American Thinker Blog

Barack Obama Tweets Mom
May 10, 2012
Being tweeted by Barack Obama certainly sounds like something that would excite Mom on her special day a whole lot more than buttermilk pancakes at IHOP. More

Dealing with racial slurs the NHL way
May 10, 2012
A few sore losers don't mean all Bostonians are card-carrying members of the Ku Klux Klan. However, the presence of racial slurs in Boston, a stronghold of liberalism, does prove that bigotry doesn't come with a "Made in Dixie" label. More

The Real News Today: Obama Was Always for Faux Marriage
May 10, 2012
Obama expressed support for gay marriage as far back as 1996. More

Heartland Institute 'Unabomber billboard' brings out Global Warming Alarmists' One-Trick Pony
May 10, 2012
One more example of how alarmists rely on shell games keep the public from fully comprehending the enormous faults in the idea of man-caused global warming. More

Obama declares support for gay marriage, but suddenly embraces federalism
May 9, 2012
Painted into a corner by Joe Biden, Obama nexpresses personal preference, offers no action, and says let the states decide. More

Frenzied Wash. Post speculation about trouble for Israel at Syrian border: Wishful thinking?
May 9, 2012
Seems like it's always bad news for Israel in the Washington Post More

It's Barrett vs. Walker in WI recall election
May 9, 2012
A race that will stay close through election day. More

Finally, the Syrian revolt reaches the capital
May 9, 2012
Small demonstrations and fighting in the streets. More

Carville: 'Wake up, Democrats. You could lose.'
May 9, 2012
Dems need to "reconnect" to the voter, he says. More

New Russian passenger jet on demonstration flight disappears
May 9, 2012
46 on board. More

Michael Scheuer Peddling Nonsense
May 9, 2012
Listeners to Chicago's WLS Tuesday morning might have been shocked by comments from 22 year CIA veteran Michael Scheuer More

40% of West Virginia Dems would rather have a jail bird than Obama as president
May 9, 2012
Perhaps the prison inmate and the president could switch places? (Just kidding). More

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