The legislature has found that our democratic system of government can be maintained only if the electorate is informed. Wisconsin was one of the first states to establish a comprehensive campaign finance reporting law. The passage of this law in 1974 put Wisconsin at the forefront of open government. Registration and financial reports are required of all candidates for state, county, city, town, village and school district offices and are available for public inspection. One of the most important sources of campaign finance information to the voters for state candidates and committees is available through the Campaign Finance Information System (CFIS). Campaign reports provide information which aids the public in fully understanding the public positions taken by a candidate or political organization.
Provided below are links to the Campaign Finance Information System, registration and reporting information for State Candidates and Committees, registration and reporting information for Local Candidates and Committees, and information pertaining to campaign finance laws and guidance.
Campaign Finance Information System
View registration, receipts and disbursement information for State Candidates and Committees. State Candidates and Committees register and report campaign finance information using this web site.
State Candidates and Committees
Access registration information and the online forms used to register State Candidates and Committees.
Local Candidates and Committees
Access registration and reporting forms and information for Local Candidates and Committees.
Campaign Finance Contribution Limits and Filing Deadlines
Consult these documents for information about how much individuals, committees and parties may contribute to candidates, as well as the deadlines for reporting.
Legal Resources
Access Campaign Finance laws, administrative rules, manuals, opinions and guidelines.
Click here to access Chapter 11, Wisconsin State Statutes. (External Link)
Click here to access GAB Administrative Rules.
Click here to access Campaign Finance Manuals
Click here to access Campaign Finance Opinions