The benefits of the solar PV panels
Solar PV panels consist of solar PV cells and provide a great means to conserve and utilize the energy from the sunlight. The recent years have shown a 51% increase in the production of solar energy for use in various fields. If the amount of time and money which is being spent in researching better ways to utilize this renewable resource is any indication, the future is looking quite bright as far as the use of solar PV cells and solar PV panels is concerned. These solar PV cells and solar PV panels have found great use in various facets of our daily lives. From heating and cooling systems, light sources, water pumps for irrigation purposes and distribution of drinking water, the running of home and industrial appliances, to many other commercial and non-commercial uses-the solar PV cells and solar PV panels can be seen in various facets of both our private and public lives. The main benefit of using the solar PV cells and solar PV panels is that you get an independent energy source which can be utilized at your own required pace. It offers a flexibility of using the solar energy depending on individual budgets.
Reasons for switch to solar energy power source
While we have been solely relying on the electricity department for the supply of electricity in the past, the increase in population resulting in increased power consumption has led us to look towards alternative sources of power which not only helps us to run our day to day lives smoothly enough are also cost effective and easy to use. The harnessing of the solar energy provides us with all these required benefits and this source of energy as we all know is inexhaustible. For years we have taken the supply of electricity as granted. This has led to its rampant misuse and waste. This mindless wastage of this precious power source coupled with the continuous increasing needs of the populace the world over has mad the switch to alternative sources of power such as the solar energy quite imminent. Over the years the popularity of the solar power has gone on increasing in leaps and bounds and researches are still going on in order to make this more affordable and efficient in every manner. It is important to utilize the solar energy power option and make it universal in coming years in order to build a second line of defense in case of big mishaps or total blackouts.
Some of the benefits of the solar PV cells and solar PV panels
The solar PV cells and solar PV panels are cost effective in the long run. You need to dish out only the initial purchase and the installation charges and after that there is going to be no electricity bills ever because everybody knows the sunlight is completely free. Even when you opt for smaller solar panels you may significantly decrease the electricity bills and pay much less than what you are doing currently and in case of excess production of power in the solar batteries you may sell it to power companies and earn bucks. Solar electricity is totally green power which is renewable. No fossil fuel gets burned for the generation of electricity therefore there is no CO2 or release of pollutants in the environment. In short the solar PV cells and solar PV panels help you to generate safe electricity with zero maintenance and minimum costs.
Some disadvantages
Large open area is required for the installation of panels with the power generation decreasing on cloudy days. The initial purchase price of the solar PV cells and solar PV panels is quite steep.
Open Source Politics
Mobile marketing for politics
Posted on September 30, 2011 by
The most significant advantage of mobile marketing or text messaging is its immediacy. Today most people carry their cell phones with them at all times. So when a text message is sent, it is guaranteed that it has reached its target audience, no matter where they are. Mobile marketing is a great way to connect to your target audience when you have a time bound message that needs to get going right away.
A campaign message sent via email can probably get lost among the many messages in your inbox and thus miss out on the intended purpose. On the other hand, text messages sent to cell phones have a high probability of hitting the target.
Elections are all about getting the attention of the voters. Conventional campaign tactics are the key when it comes to engaging older voters. However, with young voters, the traditional campaign tactic may not work. Young people are mostly seen walking down the street with their cell phones and statistics suggest that people in the age group of 18-29 use text messaging more often than voice to communicate. So mobile marketing can be used to gain the maximum response from these potential young voters.
In political campaigns, anything that encourages voter engagement is a great advantage and there is no better way to engage young adults than through text messaging or mobile advertising.
Innovation is the name of the game
Mobile marketing is the simplest and the most efficient way to promote your candidate or political party. However, novelty is the key to any political campaign. Your political campaign will be unique if you offer your potential voters something valuable.
• Send bulk SMS giving general information about the candidate who is contesting the election.
• Conduct some contests and ask people to send their replies using a short code. Give mobile coupons to winners of the contest.
• Come up with a unique way of providing information about your candidate.
Features of text messaging for political campaigns
Mobile marketing has several benefits over other ways of getting the attention of the voters. The cost of sending a text message is significantly less than the cost of phoning a voter or doing a door-to-door campaign. Also, the response rates to text messages are much higher than the response rate to e-mail messages. Some of the striking features of text message marketing or mobile advertising are:
• Conduct surveys about your voters
• Remind people about the cut-off dates for voter registration
• Ask voters to send their ballots to vote absentee
• Notify supporters when the candidate is speaking in their areas
• Send invites to voters to join your text messaging service to receive voting reminders
• Remind constituents to come out and vote on Election Day
• Encourage down-ballet candidates.
President Obama’s great success with mobile marketing
The first instance of bulk SMS being used in the US for political campaigns was during the 2004 US Democratic and Republican National Conventions. In the 2008 US Presidential Elections, Barack Obama relied heavily upon SMS marketing to successfully campaign his presidential election. Obama sent bulk SMS to people announcing his VP Candidate before going to the mainstream press. He also sent bulk SMS to his supporters asking them to remind their friends to vote. Mobile marketing technology gave Obama a huge advantage over his competitors and helped him win the Election. By the 2012 election, text messages will help political campaigns collect donations from the cell-phone users and the donations will be charged to the users’ phone bill.
Mobile advertising creates such an impact on the political campaign that omitting it from a political media strategy can be the difference between losing and winning the election.
Article Source:
August 24, 2003
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Aenean diam leo, pulvinar et, faucibus faucibus, eleifend sit amet, mauris. Praesent turpis quam, aliquet in, fermentum non, bibendum non, sem. Phasellus ornare cursus magna. Nulla facilisi. Quisque fermentum eros non purus. Nam odio. Proin porta aliquet justo. Pellentesque diam. Curabitur commodo nunc a leo. Aenean vel eros at erat nonummy tristique. Aenean auctor elementum turpis. Proin sollicitudin, odio at porttitor suscipit, diam justo commodo nunc, posuere aliquet quam enim id sem.
Posted by Laura Poyneer at 08:29 PM