Janice Shaw Crouse
Surprise, surprise! He's for same-sex "marriage."
Daniel J. Flynn
Tinseltown's calls to boycott the Tarheel State may end up
benefiting NC taxpayers.
Roger Scruton
from the May 2012 issue
David Cameron was way ahead of Barack Obama in "coming out."
Jay D. Homnick
A lesson about marriage from the Bible -- and from
Jeremy Lott
from the May 2012 issue
A genuine American memoir in need of an e-publisher. Anyone
Thomas M. Moncure, Jr.
A vivid -- and timely -- portrait of John Randolph of
Charles Murray
(Editor's Note: Charles Murray's new book, Coming
Apart, which documents the growing chasm between upper- and
lower-class whites, has lately been the talk of Washington,
D.C. Murray has a long history of telling hard truths. In
this essay from our October 1984 issue, he proposes a speech for
President Reagan to give concerning the welfare state's so-called