The American Spectator


The Obama Watch

Obama Comes Full Circle

Janice Shaw Crouse

Surprise, surprise! He's for same-sex "marriage."

The Nation's Pulse

Hollywood vs. North Carolina

Daniel J. Flynn

Tinseltown's calls to boycott the Tarheel State may end up benefiting NC taxpayers.

The Pursuit of Knowledge

Made in Heaven

Roger Scruton | from the May 2012 issue

David Cameron was way ahead of Barack Obama in "coming out."

A Further Perspective

Miss Matches

Jay D. Homnick

A lesson about marriage from the Bible -- and from Hollywood.

Last Call

Oregon Tale

Jeremy Lott | from the May 2012 issue

A genuine American memoir in need of an e-publisher. Anyone interested?

Buy the Book

Stranger Than Fiction

Thomas M. Moncure, Jr.

A vivid -- and timely -- portrait of John Randolph of Roanoke.


The Fairness Delusion: Oct. 1984

Charles Murray

(Editor's Note: Charles Murray's new book, Coming Apart, which documents the growing chasm between upper- and lower-class whites, has lately been the talk of Washington, D.C. Murray has a long history of telling hard truths. In this essay from our October 1984 issue, he proposes a speech for President Reagan to give concerning the welfare state's so-called "fairness.")

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Another Perspective

Will Democrats Move the Charlotte Convention?

Jeffrey Lord

A White House/gay boycott and the abolition of marriage: Will Jill Biden go out with me?

The Current Crisis

Conrad Black's Example

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.

Freedom was never more deserved.

Special Report

Education's Elixir

Christopher Orlet

City's charter schools epic failure and the future of government education.

A Further Perspective

Europe's Crisis: A Roadmap From the Past

Peter B. Doran & P. Bracy Bersnak

Hayek and Röpke saw it all coming -- and it could still happen here.

At Large

Turkey on the Brink of Big Time

George H. Wittman

Prime Minister Erdogan is relishing his new found power.

The Nation's Pulse

Facebook: Where a Minnow Can Look Like a Whale

Frank Schell

What makes its IPO worth -- is it worth -- $100 billion?


A Tale of Two Julias

Manon McKinnon

One of them didn't let government cook for her.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Streetcar Line

Veep, Veep: The How and the Why

Quin Hillyer

Finding the right mix of politics and principle -- and doing rigorous prep work the McCain campaign wasn't up to.

Letter From Paris

Requiem for a Failed President

Joseph A. Harriss

No matter what his politics or programs, the French simply didn't like Nicolas Sarkozy.

Political Hay

Mitt Romney, Conservative Cultural Icon

Peter Ferrara

Precisely because he's not Mr. Cool, the self-regarding incumbent and caudillo wannabe.

Another Perspective

The Gay Old Party

Daniel Allott

Have Republicans given up fighting gay rights?

Live From New York

Opening Soon In New York: Higher Crime Rates?

Bill Zeiser

Scott Stringer's vision for a dystopian mayoralty.



The Spectacle Blog

MSNBC Goes Ape on Tim Carney

Quin Hillyer | 6:37PM

Chaos in Quebec

Aaron Goldstein | 3:56PM

A Bishop Supportive of Paul Ryan

Quin Hillyer | 1:59PM

Bad, Bad Ben Bradlee

Quin Hillyer | 12:19PM

Washington Post Quotes the Dead to Defame Romney

Robert Stacy McCain | 11:52AM

C.S.Lewis' Wisdom

Quin Hillyer | 10:41AM

Hair-Cutting Desperation

Ross Kaminsky | 9:28AM

Special Feature

Better that we become a nation of choosers rather than beggars. Our symposium on choice from the May, 2012 issue:

A Time for Choosing

James Piereson

The Road from Serfdom

Stephen Moore and Peter Ferrara


Most Popular Articles

The Millennial Perspective

David N. Bass | 4.26.12

The Gay Old Party

Daniel Allott | 5.9.12

Europe's Crisis: A Roadmap From the Past

Peter B. Doran | 5.10.12

Veep, Veep: The How and the Why

Quin Hillyer | 5.9.12

Conrad Black's Example

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. | 5.10.12