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31 October 2011


by: Peter of Lone Tree

"We're a large once-peaceful nation which has discovered that the only way to keep our economy intact and to prevent a much higher unemployment rate is to artificially create wars that justify massive spending domestically. We offer wars from 6-days to 10-years in length. Benefits include eventual corporate ownership, massive reconstruction funding, advanced weapons systems and financial haven status. Prefer partner with drug crops, petroleum, or large ag outputs. If interested, send photos, listing of assets, and number of Muslims in country."
Urban Survival
30 October 2011

Maybe now some will see the light...too late!

by: Father Tyme

From Keith:

MOORE: Well, then, that’s very smart thinking on their part. I think, too — if I could broaden the Democratic Party problem here to a national scale.

OLBERMANN: Yes, please.

MOORE: You’ve got these nine Republicans running, all right? And, of course, we all laugh, and there’s the joke about — you can make about each one of them. And we know that our fellow Americans, at the end of the day — they’re not going to go in the voting booth and vote for crazy. Even though they might be upset at Obama, they’re not going to go crazy.

So, it begs the question then. If this is the party of the rich — the Republicans — if this is the party of wealth and Wall Street, the party that brought about the crash of ’08, why don’t the wealthy — why aren’t the wealthy — making sure they have a Republican that’s running that’s gonna win?

It doesn’t look like they’re concerned at all about making sure they’ve their man on the Republican ticket unless — unless they believe they’ve got their man on the Democratic Party ticket?


MOORE: And if that’s the case — okay, well — then we are in for a longer haul than just igloos in the winter here in Manhattan.



Game, Set and Match!

What if…

Clinton signs Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act with no hesitation.

There’s election fixing in 2000.

The Supine Court installs Bush/Cheney and Gore abdicates.

New York City September 2001.

Patriot Act already drawn up.

America lied into war with the help of the Corporate media.

Bush re-elected thanks to “ballot manipulation” in Ohio.

The wealth grab is under way while attention is elsewhere.

The Constitution is shredded.

Obama is (s)elected and immediately reneges on nearly all campaign promises that involve the people over business.

Citizens United.

Presidential decree that he can order the assassination of any American he deems a terrorist.

Rule of Law non existent.

Need to bail out more banks.

Election of 2012 preordained.

End of a Democratic Republic.

Beginning of the "Kingdoms of America" run by the wealthy.

One world government.

...and what if the Stupid American Public still believes in Santa Claus!

Bravo! P.T. Barnum would be proud!

27 October 2011

Treehuggers Beware!

by: Peter of Lone Tree

"Ye shall utterly destroy all the places where in the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree. And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their idols with fire; and ye shall hew down the carved images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place." - Deuteronomy 12: 2-3
23 October 2011

Doesn't Mean That Much to Me

by: Lisa Ranger

--Stolen valor, anyone?
SOCNET would have a field day busting
Muommar Qaddafi

I been talkin' to playwriters
I been workin' on words, phrases
--Running Back to Saskatoon, Guess Who

The good life was so elusive
Handouts, they got me down
I had to regain my confidence
So I got into camouflage
--I Love a Man in a Uniform,
Gang of Four

But we've got to verify it legally, to see
If she is morally, ethic'lly
Spiritually, physically
Positively, absolutely
Undeniably and reliably Dead
--Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead,
Wizard of Oz (1939)

Every time another story is spun on the Arab Spring, I am disgusted anew that the U.S. has wasted so much time and money for nothing to benefit ourselves. Ten years wasted, and much pain wrought upon our own heads, not to mention others.

The leveling of our society is almost complete. First, they did in our schools with mainstreaming. Next came the corruption and dumbing down of entertainment and media. Now, the U.S. sits in thrall to events worlds away in time and space, their energy which should be placed into local issues dissipated in a flurry of much too many helter-skelter streaming media feeds.

It saddens me knowing my country is a dupe and has paid dearly for one side of the nutters to kill the other, having their snapshots taken near the iced, bullet-riddled body like some cheery Japanese tourists:

"In Misrata, residents crowded into long lines to get a chance to view the body of Gadhafi, which was laid out on a mattress on the floor of an emptied-out vegetable and onions freezer at a local shopping center.

. . .

"Men, women and children filed in to take their picture with the body. The site's guards had even organized separate visiting hours for families and single men." (Gadhafi Put on Display in Shopping Center Freezer.)

Libya's leader Qaddafi was killed in a most brutal fashion by a power-hungry mob of dissidents, yet Secretary of State Clinton heralds the barbarity as "[bringing] to a close a very unfortunate chapter in Libya's history, but it also marks the start of a new era for the Libyan people ..." How does Clinton know that?

"For the millions of Arabs yearning for freedom, democracy and new leadership, the death of one of the region's most brutal dictators will likely inspire and invigorate the movement for change." They summarily executed their nation's leader and are pumping meat cleavers in the air -- that is unlike any democracy I know. But it's pretty to think so.

Instead of discussing the implications of his murder, we are treated to news that Qadhafi's executioners tore off his toupee, and told he often looked like a comical buffoon (Arab strongman: With Gadhafi death, an era passes.) DUH? The press offers entertainment as commentary, mentioning his vanity until the end -- but what leader does not want to look good, and we have had our own share of "comical buffoons", like Mr. Bush in his flight suit costume on the aircraft carrier.

If our infotainment sector can be said to be more directional than a paramecium, there was some pretty good pre-planning here, collusive with our government's intent. There were articles predating the "uprising" by months of Qadhafi's feebleness, and reliance upon his retinue of young female assistants. One coup interview was with one of his Ukranian nurses, spilling the goods on her erstwhile benefactor.

The press did not so much focus upon the relatively good state of women's right in Libya under Qaddhafi, something we like trumpet as a cause in Iraq and Afghanistan. After all of this time grooming Qadhafi as a world citizen, would it not have been less costly and destructive to have assisted on the negotiating side, rather than the inflammatory bombing side? It seems only when one becomes old and weak -- comical -- that we descend like vultures. Reverence for age (among other things) is something we lack.

Gadhafi's death proves one thing: The biggest brute wins, for the moment. Oh, and money is essential. Yet again, the U.S. forks it over, having spent several Billion dollars aiding this group of brigands to murder the last. Why the U.S. is in the business of facilitating the ouster of sitting rulers is an unanswered question.

Qaddafi was a brutal dictator, no doubt, typical of the stripe the Middle East is wont to create. But the U.S. or any nation cannot change the people in whom this spirit is indwelling. So Libya has gone from one monster, somewhat contained, to a metastacized new group of monsters -- why would that please anyone?

Libyans are wallowing in an orgy of blood. Meanwhile, where are my well-paved roads and all the other niceties and necessities fast-evaporating from my western nation.

--Links @ RangerAgainstWar, where we're competing in the Netroots awards:

*** PLEASE VOTE! ***
RAW is neck and neck in two categories
[PLEASE NOTE: page takes a few seconds to re-direct]:

21 October 2011

Вы отказываетесь? You refuse?

by: Peter of Lone Tree

18 October 2011

...and the words of the prophets...

by: Father Tyme

The silence from the Obamanation about OccupyWallStreet isn’t just your imagination, it’s planned…or it should be.

Without a teleprompter to speechify about whether he supports the Occupation (even though he campaigned that he’d walk in union’s shoes to fight Big Business), the leader of the Obamanation is playing this perfectly. He can’t lose if he does things right. How, you might ask? Well…

If the protest fizzles because of apathy, concerted non media coverage or jack boot tactics, Obama can tell Wall Street he knew it wouldn’t work that’s why he wasn’t worried and now there should be nothing in the way of unlimited greed from America’s Corporatocracy.

If, on the other hand, it succeeds in awakening the politicians on the Democratic side, like a Left Wing Tea Party, and the result is Wall Street losing its control, the Obamanation could, could I say, tell the gullible American Public that this was his idea all along - from his campaign to this action – that he was doing all these things for Wall Street to fire up his base to do the things they do and finally show the politicians who was boss and get the country back on the right (or left) track. Just ignore all those bail outs, the continued shredding of the Constitution, assassination of American Citizens, covert surveillance of Americans with info sold to business and cave jobs to the Republicans. It was all part of the Grand Plan!

All in all, it’s a win-win situation for Obama, IF, he chooses the proper course. And that choice will be the Sound of Silence.

03 October 2011

Is it 7 years yet?

by: Father Tyme

Barry decided early on NOT to prosecute the criminals from the Bush Administration. He also told Wall Street and the Banksters they were free from investigation and prosecution.

Since then, he's been stalling, avoiding answering why.

How about this:
When does the Statute of Limitations run out on the Bush People and People responsible for the mess we're in?


· ·

Good Question:

by: Peter of Lone Tree

From Jim Kunstler's Website re: the Wall Street occupiers:

"$70,000 College Debt
$12,000 Medical Bills
I'm 22
Where's My Bailout?"