Ramblings from My Mind

The sometimes useless thoughts of an old Hippie

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Bush - Constitution 'Just A Goddamned Piece Of Paper'

0 Kudos - Add Comment Sunday, April 29, 2007 Aaron Russo's documentary, America: Freedom To Fascism (AFTF)..

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she wasone of the best the world will miss her

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John Sherffius, Colorado, Boulder Daily Camera
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there is no honor among the people that brought us this war. they told these men how to act it is time for some leaders to fall on their Swords.

Marine Captain to be Charged in Haditha Killings

By Jeralyn

A lawyer for a U.S. Marine Corps captain says his client, Lucas McConnell, will be charged Thursday in connection with the Haditha killings of 24 civilians in Iraqi.

The charge most likely will be dereliction of duty.

Another marine may also be charged:

...a second officer, with a Marine intelligence unit that initially investigated and photographed the killings, might also be charged.

We reported on December 5 that five marines would likely be charged.

Background on the Haditha killings is here and here.

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ush Finally Admits We're Not Winning in Iraq

By Jeralyn

In an interview with the Washington Post, President Bush admits for the first time we are not winning the war in Iraq.

So, is he ready to retreat? Of course not. He wants to add more troops to the failed extravaganza.

In another turnaround, Bush said he has ordered Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates to develop a plan to increase the troop strength of the Army and Marine Corps, heeding warnings from the Pentagon and Capitol Hill that multiple deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan are stretching the armed forces toward the breaking point. "

He seems to be willing to consider every option but the right one: Bring the troops home.

No Indictments for Civilian Contractors Who Abused Iraq Detainees

By Jeralyn

The New York Times published an article Monday on the broken military policing system in Iraq. Despite more than 20 reported cases of abuse, not one contractor has been indicted.

Today the Times has a damning editorial on the the broken system, Only the Jailers Are Safe.

Donald Vance, a 29-year-old Navy veteran from Chicago, was a whistle-blower who prompted the raid by tipping off the F.B.I. to suspicious activity at the company where he worked, including possible weapons trafficking. He was arrested and held for 97 days — shackled and blindfolded, prevented from sleeping by blaring music and round-the-clock lights. In other words, he was subjected to the same mistreatment that thousands of non-Americans have been subjected to since the 2003 invasion.

Even after the military learned who Mr. Vance was, they continued to hold him in these abusive conditions for weeks more. He was not allowed to defend himself at the Potemkin hearing held to justify his detention. And that was special treatment. As an American citizen, he was at least allowed to attend his hearing. An Iraqi, or an Afghani, or any other foreigner, would have been barred from the room.

Who's at fault? Not just a few bad apples. The Times says:

Administration officials said that prosecutors were hobbled by a lack of evidence and witnesses, or that the military’s cases were simply shoddy. This sounds like another excuse from an administration that has papered over prisoner abuse and denied there is any connection between Mr. Bush’s decision to flout the Geneva Conventions and the repeated cases of abuse and torture. We hope the new Congress will be more aggressive on this issue than the last one, which was more bent on preserving the Republican majority than preserving American values and rights. The lawless nature of Mr. Bush’s war on terror has already cost the nation dearly in terms of global prestige, while increasing the risks facing every American serving in the military.

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