So J.P Morgan Chase got screwed on our money and will now look for a new bailout…

…Perhaps we should listen to Robert Reich:

Let’s hope Morgan’s losses don’t turn into another crisis of confidence and they don’t spread to the rest of the financial sector.

But let’s also stop hoping Wall Street will mend itself. What just happened at J.P. Morgan — along with its leader’s cavalier dismissal followed by lame reassurance — reveals how fragile and opaque the banking system continues to be, why Glass-Steagall must be resurrected, and why the Dallas Fed’s recent recommendation that Wall Street’s giant banks be broken up should be heeded.

This is the end of a great column which you can read HERE.

As to resurrecting Glass-Steagall, some don’t think it is possible, but we have to get back to regulations separating investment banks from the banks Americans save their money in. We had it like that for close to eighty years without the economic catastrophes we have now.

Rest Easy – Looks like the Mayans didn’t predict the world ending this December after all…

According to archaeologist William Saturno of Boston University,  the earliest known Mayan calendar has been found in an ancient house in Guatemala. It offers no hint that the world’s end is imminent. In fact it predicts forward movement for 7,000 years.

Element from newly discovered calendar

“For the first time we get to see what may be actual records kept by a scribe, whose job was to be official record keeper of a Maya community.

“The ancient Maya predicted the world would continue, that 7,000 years from now, things would be exactly like this.

“We keep looking for endings. The Maya were looking for a guarantee that nothing would change. It’s an entirely different mindset.”

Well, I know I’m relieved. Aren’t you?

Things I’ve picked up around the web…

Like this list that Romney could use to justify his unfortunate position on gay marriage and civil unions:


… or this – an overview of the Republicans’ desires in the coming election:

… or this – which I dedicate to my doggie boys, Byron and Nestle:

There… glad to get these out of my “hold on to” file.

Religion vs. The Constitution – why are we even debating this?

Do you remember Jefferson’s ideal that “all men are created equal” and have “certain unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?” Right… it’s in the Declaration of Independence… the document upon which our democracy has been constructed.

More than half the population, however, faces discrimination every day in every aspect of their lives and do not enjoy equal rights.

Republicans do not embrace equal rights for all Americans…  their drive to subject women to inequality and discrimination is only matched by their punitive actions to restrict gays from marrying or even having a civil union with the partner they love..

President Obama, in his historic announcement on Wednesday that he supports gay marriage, defines himself as a true advocate for equal rights for all Americans.

The opposition to gay marriage is based solely in religious dogma, and by legislating against same-sex marriage, Republicans are sanctioning religious discrimination laws that are, at the least, unconstitutional. Republicans claim that not following the Christian prohibition on homosexuality threatens traditional marriage, destroys children, and will lead to America’s demise, but they have no evidence to support any of their claims.

Conservative republicans’ media outlets, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, advocate this inequality and discrimination and  emboldens homophobic Americans to renounce the rights of all citizens for gays. Giving the gay community the right to marry is not only about ending social discrimination, it also means the end of financial penalties for being gay…for instance, the ability to have “married status” on federal income tax returns.

Is our freedom for all Americans? For some Americans? Fort rich Americans? For Religious Americans? – I hope it is for EVERYONE and no backsies.

Why Social Security is doing fine… and how it can do better (Republicans take notes)

That’s the situation. The next time the Republicans accuse Social Security of adding to the deficit, play this for them (and tell them to put back the money Bush stole from it.)

Romney, btw, wants to cut a hunk out of Social Security – but he doesn’t need it.

OK…the story about Romney Prep School harrassment of an apparantly gay student…

… which is all over the news this morning, brought this article in Andrew Sullivan’s blog:

Romney: A Gay-Basher In High School

Mitt Romney returned from a three-week spring break in 1965 to resume his studies as a high school senior at the prestigious Cranbrook School. Back on the handsome Screen shot 2012-05-10 at 12.01.28 PMcampus, studded with Tudor brick buildings and manicured fields, he spotted something he thought did not belong at a school where the boys wore ties and carried briefcases. John Lauber, a soft-spoken new student one year behind Romney, was perpetually teased for his nonconformity and presumed homosexuality. Now he was walking around the all-boys school with bleached-blond hair that draped over one eye, and Romney wasn’t having it.

“He can’t look like that. That’s wrong. Just look at him!” an incensed Romney told Matthew Friedemann, his close friend in the Stevens Hall dorm, according to Friedemann’s recollection. Mitt, the teenaged son of Michigan Gov. George Romney, kept complaining about Lauber’s look, Friedemann recalled.

A few days later, Friedemann entered Stevens Hall off the school’s collegiate quad to find Romney marching out of his own room ahead of a prep school posse shouting about their plan to cut Lauber’s hair. Friedemann followed them to a nearby room where they came upon Lauber, tackled him and pinned him to the ground. As Lauber, his eyes filling with tears, screamed for help, Romney repeatedly clipped his hair with a pair of scissors.

That’s an assault on someone whose only crime was being gay. Then this:

In an English class, Gary Hummel, who was a closeted gay student at the time, recalled that his efforts to speak out in class were punctuated with Romney shouting, “Atta girl!” In the culture of that time and place, that was not entirely out of the norm. Hummel recalled some teachers using similar language.

Romney says he has no memory of this incident, although five others have not just memories but vivid, guilt-ridden recollections. As for the victim, he did not forget. How could he? Years and years later, one of the bullies Romney rounded up bumped into his victim at an airport and felt the need to apologize:

“I’m sorry that I didn’t do more to help in the situation,” he said.

Lauber paused, then responded, “It was horrible.” He went on to explain how frightened he was during the incident, and acknowledged to Seed, “It’s something I have thought about a lot since then.”

Lauber died in 2004, according to his three sisters.

Yesterday was a day for all those who didn’t live to see it. Including Romney’s young victim.

See… I don’t know if people 48 years after an incident are the same, but I am fascinated by Romney supporting the “historical” 3,000 years of history of one-man-one-woman marriage.

Perhaps he has forgotten that his own family were ardent polygamists only a century ago – and went to Mexican colonies to escape US federal oppression of their version of marriage.

Anyway, as a politician who recently rid his campaign of an openly gay associate to please his Party, Romney seems not to have quite changed his feelings. Or is this just more “hijinks and pranks?”

As long as there are people who believe the unreal, we will have a hard time progressing into the future…

Here is an article from The Texas Observer that caught my attention. I’ll give you part of it here, but it is much, much longer and I encourage you to read it. If you scratch your head with wonder, then you are just like me:

In the beginning, God created dinosaurs and humans, and they walked together in Texas.

At least, according to many people in Glen Rose.

The small town about 40 miles southwest of Fort Worth is home to some of the best-preserved dinosaur tracks in the world; it’s also a heavily Christian community where many locals interpret the book of Genesis literally.

Their belief is bolstered by a phenomenon in the riverbed. Alongside the dinosaur tracks are what resident R.C. McFall and others call “man tracks”—tangible proof of biblical creation accounts and a refutation of the theory of evolution.

McFall walks along the Paluxy River, careful not to place his cowboy boot in a dinosaur track. Muddy water fills the fossilized footprints embedded in this rocky ledge.

“There’s a track right there,” he says in a deep Texas drawl, pointing. “That hole is where my dad dug one out.”

If the river weren’t up, McFall explains, we’d see man tracks just a few feet away, in the same strata of rock as the dinosaur tracks.

The 113-million-year-old dinosaur tracks, first discovered in 1909, are an important part of Glen Rose’s livelihood, bringing thousands of visitors a year to attractions like Dinosaur Valley State Park and Dinosaur World. The town’s tourist industry, accounting for $23 million in annual revenue, was built largely on the jaw-dropping fact that fossils this old are still present today. Visitors can park their trailers at the Jurassic RV Park (the tracks actually date to the Cretaceous period) or stay at the Glen Rose Inn & Suites, where the sign features a cartoon dinosaur.

“The dinosaurs are what drive us,” says Billy Huckaby, executive director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Glen Rose. “You can’t develop a town of 2,000 into this kind of tourism revenue unless you’ve got something really special to promote.”

Tourist literature describes the tracks as millions of years old, but not everyone buys the science.

“I believe in the Bible,” McFall says. “I don’t believe the world’s over 6,000 or 7,000 years old. Course, everybody’s got their own interpretation.”

Go HERE for the rest of the article.

Even a Conservative sees the reality of lobbyists…

“Lobbying is a form of legalized bribery.”

- Christopher Buckley

Here is a former speechwriter in the Reagan White House (and a fine American satirist) who made this statement on Morning Joe this morning. Interesting that he also favors President Obama over Mitt Romney… although he is upset that the Bowles-Simpson report was walked away from by the Administration. In reality, libertarian Buckley was dropped as a conservative National Review writer for endorsing Obama in 2008.

However, in commenting on his political involvement:

“My last name happens to be Buckley. That’s my only connection with politics.”

When Mitt ran for Massachusetts Governor – and when he served – he said some interesting things:

…like he was a Moderate Republican with Progressive views…

…what about preserving a woman’s right to choose and the right of women to have a safe abortion and to support Roe V. Wade

…or not trying to be like Reagan…..

…or as an active participant in Federal support for health care with Ted Kennedy.

Of course that Romney NEVER EXISTED (according to Romney)

And the truth will set you free!

President supports today’s leading Civil Rights issue…

In an interview on ABC Television today, President Obama has announced his personal support for same sex marriage and civil unions, something that Mitt Romney has forcefully come out against. This has been done with great political risk: Republicans will try to use this as a wedge with religious African Americans and with uneducated white voters.

This, however, stands against 30 states that have banned same sex marriage (and most of whom have banned civil unions), most recently yesterdays vote in North Carolina.

How Obama uses this position which will undoubtedly bring the worst aspects of the Republicans out of the…hmmm…closet. Romney, who lost an important staff member last week BECAUSE HE WAS GAY, has already knuckled into a minority interest in his Party.

There is so much religion involved in this issue that it makes my head swim.

Quote of the Day from the Press Conference you probably missed…

“I give my full support to Mitchell Romney. He has the makings of a great dictator. He is incredibly wealthy, but pays no taxes. And it’s not much of a leap to go from firing people to firing squads, and from putting pets on the top of a car to putting political dissidents on top of them.”

- Sacha Baron Cohen, in character as The Dictator,

Needed a joke in the morning. Here’s the video:

Once again, I am embarrassed to live in West Virginia.

I have said many times in this blog that, with the exception of Shepherdstown and most of the Eastern Panhandle, I dislike being identified with West Virginia. Whether it is a supposedly Democratic senator who acts and votes like a Republican (Manchin) or the hillbilly stereotype other states see us as, being in West Virginia is no place for a liberal. We are victims of tons of jokes told in other states, like:

Q. Why do ducks fly over West Virginia upside down?
A. There’s nothing worth crapping on!

Well, we topped ourselves again, In yesterday’s Democratic primary, a man in prison in Texas got 4 out of 10 votes for the Presidential nomination.

Keith Judd, is serving time at the Beaumont Federal Correctional Institution in Texas for making threats at the University of New Mexico in 1999. Obama received 59 percent of the vote to Judd’s 41 percent. He got on the ballot  by paying a $2,500 fee (don’t know who paid it for him…but I am not surprised that some West Virginian did) and filing a form known as a notarized certification of announcement with the Secretary of State’s office.

Interviewing a WV resident, the AP published a statement:

“I voted against Obama,” said Ronnie Brown, a 43-year-old electrician from Cross Lanes who called himself a conservative Democrat. “I don’t like him. He didn’t carry the state before and I’m not going to let him carry it again.”

When asked which presidential candidate he voted for, Brown said, “That guy out of Texas.”

Now it’s a question whether Judd will have a representative at the Democratic National Convention (15% of the vote or more usually gets you a rep.)

So, West Virginia has embarrassed me once again. Where will it end?

Thom Hartmann reports on Wisconsin Primary to unseat Gov. Walker…

Posted yesterday:

You need to know this. Wisconsin voters hit the polls today for the first battle in a historic recall election in the state. Democrats will choose between one of four Democratic candidates – plus a Republican spoiler candidate running as a Democrat – to take on Governor Scott Walker in the June 5th recall elections. Walker himself is facing a primary challenge as well. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is the favorite among Democrats and is actually polling ahead of Scott Walker in recent polls. But, Walker has raised $21 million so far – more than any other candidate for Wisconsin Governor in history – and has spent just as much on TV advertising in Wisconsin as all the Republican presidential candidates combined. However – all that money isn’t translating into gains at the polls. Each month since January – Walker has seen his support go down. Keep an eye on Wisconsin – if people power overcomes money power in this recall election – then it could be a perfect model for progressives nationwide, heading into the general election.

- Thom Hartmann

Lots of us are watching this process closely. If he is voted out of office, Walker will only be the second governor in 50 years that this has happened to.

I encourage all Wisconsonites (my son included) to keep the pressure up there. Knowing they are fighting a lot of out of state money from the Koch brothers and others.

I haven’t seen who won the primary yesterday… hopefully NOT the Republican spoiler (although I’d be surprised if it went that way.)

Thanks to Brion Emde for his overnight contribution to this blog…

My thanks to Brion Emde for last night’s donation to Under The LobsterScope. Thanks, Brion. I think you are our first member from Redmond Washington.

Watch your e-mail, your Bill’s Barnhart Ornaments  font is on the way!

- Bill

If you’d like to help us out at Under The LobsterScope (and we hope you will), go HERE.

Joe Bratcher made a donation to the blog today and I’m thrilled!

My thanks to Joe Bratcher for today’s great donation to Under The LobsterScope. Thanks, Joe, I’m so glad to have you as a regular.

Watch your e-mail, your Bill’s Barnhart Ornaments  font is on the way!

- Bill

If you’d like to help us out at Under The LobsterScope (and we hope you will), go HERE.

Oh, hell…another video before I drop off for the evening…

Romney Vs. Reality…

Is it that he speaks without having listened? Or does he think the true reality of things is so unimportant?

Walt Disney’s Taxi Driver…

There’s nothing I need more than a laugh after listening to politicians all day (and installing living room curtains). I came across this treasure while bloghopping: Walt Disney’s Taxi Driver. (You saw it, didn’t you?)

Have a great evening.

Romney says he deserves a lot of credit for saving the Auto Industry…

What? It was Romney’s idea to invest a lot in the Auto Companies? Isn’t he the one who said “Let Detroit go bankrupt”?

Now, speaking in Chrysler heavy Ohio, Romney is taking credit for Obama’s actions… they were his idea.

Yeah. Sure.

How does he sit down at all when his pants are always on fire?

Here’s a chance to support Under The LobsterScope…

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- Bill T.

Robert Reich Illustrates the 7 Economic Lies…

If it’s not clear to you yet, Reich‘s explanations can be very revealing:

Pass this on to anyone who doesn’t see what conservative Republicans are doing to the economy. If we all stand up against it… especially in the upcoming Congressional Elections… we can bring back a growing and successful America.

Maurice Sendak dies at 83…

Anyone who has had children in the last few decades knows who Maurice Sendak was. The amazing children’s author and illustrator published the kind of kids books that did so much more than just tell stories… they stimulated the imagination and bonded parents to kids as they read together.

From “Where the Wild Things Are” to “In the Night Kitchen“(controversial in 1973 for illustrations of a naked hero-child), which was my favorite…and I think Buddy’s, too, Sendak was rewarded often… the Caldecott Medal and the National Book Award were just two of his honors.

He was an advisor to The Children’s television Workshop and worked on a number of television adaptations of his books.

As Al Roker said on the Today show this morning:

“A bit of our childhood has passed.”

Unfortunate news from Cornell University:

I only noticed this because my daughter is a Cornell graduate and I’ve always thought it to be a reasonable and progressive school.

Then this came out in The Cornell Daily Sun:

Allegedly taunting them with references to Trayvon Martin, a group of people on the roof of the Sigma Pi fraternity house reportedly threw bottles and other objects at black students who were walking by the house early Sunday morning, according to several accounts.

Sigma Pi House

Sigma Pi President Zach Smith ’13 said in an email Sunday afternoon that the fraternity has “figured out who the perpetrator was, and will turn his name over to police.” The individual identified was not a brother of the fraternity, he said.

Cornell Chief of Police Kathy Zoner confirmed that people were “reportedly making racial references” and throwing bottles from the roof of Sigma Pi. She added that she could not disclose more information because the investigation, which is being led by Ithaca Police, is ongoing.

Beverly Fonkwo ’14 said she was walking home with a friend when, unprovoked, the group on the fraternity roof began throwing objects that landed near a group walking behind them.

When the people walking behind Fonkwo asked them to stop, the people on top of the fraternity continued to throw objects — including a Jack Daniels that landed near the group behind and an unopened beer can that landed near Fonkwo and her friend — she said.

When they asked them to stop again, the group responded, “‘Come up here, Trayvon,’ and started making all these other racial comments,” Fonkwo said. A black teenager from Florida, Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in February — a death that was widely perceived as unprovoked and galvanized African American activists across the country.

There’s more in the article, but mostly about Sigma Pi making excuses.

That such a disappointing thing would happen in 2012… that it would use the calling out of Trayvon Martin’s name in a derisive manner… shows me how little we have gained in the last 50 years or so, and how little we have endowed our younger generation with.

Looks like the CIA foiled a potential Al Qaeda plane bomber in Yemen…

From the LA Times:

WASHINGTON — The CIA thwarted an ambitious plot by Al Qaeda‘s affiliate in Yemen to destroy a U.S.-bound airliner using a bomb with a sophisticated new design around the one-year anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden, U.S. officials said.

The plot involved an upgrade of the underwear bomb that failed to detonate aboard a jetliner over Detroit on Dec., 25, 2009. This new bomb was also designed to be used in a passenger’s underwear, but this time Al Qaeda developed a more refined detonation system, U.S. officials said.

The FBI is examining the latest bomb to see whether it could have passed through airport security and brought down an airplane, officials said. They said the device did not contain metal, meaning it probably could have passed through an airport metal detector. But it was not clear whether new body scanners used in many airports would have detected it.

The would-be suicide bomber, based in Yemen, had not yet picked a target or bought his plane tickets when the CIA stepped in and seized the bomb, officials said. It is not immediately clear what happened to the alleged bomber.

The operation unfolded even as the White House and Department of Homeland Security assured the American public that they knew of no Al Qaeda plots against the U.S. around the anniversary of Bin Laden’s death. The AP learned about the thwarted plot last week but agreed to White House and CIA requests not to publish it immediately because the sensitive intelligence operation was still under way. Once those concerns were allayed, the AP decided to disclose the plot Monday despite requests from the Obama administration to wait for an official announcement Tuesday.

U.S. officials, who were briefed on the operation, insisted on anonymity to discuss the case.

It is thought that senior Al Qaeda leader in Yemen, Fahd al-Quso, was behind the potential bombing… he had been involved in the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen’s Aden harbor. However, al-Quso was hit by a missile as he stepped out of his vehicle along with another operative in the southern Shabwa province of Yemen.


A statement on the increased problem with guns…

Educator John Merrow in the HuffPo commented on the causes of increased gun deaths in schools as they relate to the availability of weapons to children:

The NRA‘s mantra, “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people,” is nonsense. People with access to guns kill people. The autobiography of charismatic educator Geoffrey Canada describes in vivid detail how things have changed. In fact, his brilliant title says it all: Fist Stick Knife Gun.

When I was a kid, we wrestled and maybe threw some punches when we were out of control mad. Today, we shoot someone.

The NRA does NOT represent a majority of gun owners, yet they have intimidated politicians to stand in television focus supporting this right-wing radical group (look at Romney and other Republicans.)

It’s not certain if we will ever do something about the situation unless citizens speak up with their complaints and their votes.

Wonders of Errant Graphic Design…

Did you see this unfortunate piece of Photoshop work that Boing Boing reproduced from the Pittsburg Tribune?

You have to be soooo careful with reflections!



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