Yo. Mama.

By: TBogg Sunday May 13, 2012 10:02 am

Happy Mothers day to all you mothers.

… even you, Ann Romney.

Always Something There To Remind Me

By: TBogg Friday May 11, 2012 1:08 pm

"A little off the sides, maybe touch up the neck"

It probably doesn’t mean anything that, when Romney lamprey Kerry Healey was called upon to defend Young Master Mitt “The Demon Barber Of Cranbrook*” Romney from accusations that he formed a wilding gang of preppies to go Full Metal Tonsorial on a presumably gay classmate, Healey elected to point out that Mitt has always been kind to Texas Gov. Rick “Governor Goodhair” Perry who has long been rumored to be gay:

An adviser to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign defended the candidate’s “kind impulses” on Friday, pointing to his treatment of Texas Gov. Rick Perry during recent GOP debates as proof.

Kerry Healey, Romney’s former lieutenant governor in Massachusetts and now an adviser to the Romney campaign, defended the presumptive GOP nominee against charges that he bullied other students during his high school years.


In defending Romney as “deeply compassionate” and “unfailingly kind,” she pointed to moments during the GOP primary when Romney was “being attacked from every side.”

“His response was always professional, calm, civil,” she pointed out. “In fact, he even intervened on behalf [of] — to try to help — Gov. Perry when he was stumbling [in attempting to remember a talking point during a debate]. His impulses are very kind impulses and there should be no debate about whether or not Gov. Romney is a bully.”

Bonus points should be given to Healey for reminding people that Mitt is also kind to dumb animals.

*Demon Barber of Cranbrook is courtesy of something I saw on the twitter.

Thursday Night Basset Blogging

By: TBogg Thursday May 10, 2012 1:53 pm

Basset picture is up early today because mrsTBogg & I are headed up to LA (or as I call it; Northern California) for a secret meeting that is not the mass secret gay sex wedding being performed by President “I Blame” Obama and his hype man, horribly disfigured has-been TV star George Clooney. With the L&T Casey off to Hawaii this morning to chillax with some of her little college buds, the role of provider and caretaker of the Bed Beasts will be ably filled by my brother FBogg for the mere price of a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Late Night Snack.


This will be the dogs looking anxiously out the window waiting for us to return.

Because they love us.


Bristol Palin Will Explain Opposite Marriage To You

By: TBogg Thursday May 10, 2012 12:02 pm

Backseat Bristol Palin has once again allowed her mom to use her name to dictate some word shrapnel to the person who writes both Bristol’s blog as well as Sarah Facebook Screech Wall. Who is this person? We don’t know, but we assume they are the only person in the last twenty years to actually [...]

Desperate But Not Serious

By: TBogg Thursday May 10, 2012 10:13 am

Alex Pareene has a few things to say about Nobel/Pulitzer/Publisher’s Clearing House Prize nominee Jonah Goldberg: As he’s aged, and begun wearing his fancy “best-selling author” smoking jacket around the house, Goldberg has supplemented his “Battlestar Galactica” references with references to philosophers and scholars — Burke, Hume, etc. — in order to appear serious. The [...]

Academia Is Being Totally Racist Against Glib Self-Regarding Hacks

By: TBogg Wednesday May 9, 2012 12:08 pm

Smug entitled Martyr-Flavor-of-the Month and career wingnut welfare recipient Naomi Schaefer Riley who was recently fired from the CHE Brainstorm blog for being unapologetically glib, takes to the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal (where her husband incidentally happens to be on the editorial board) to demonstrate that, for a person who writes about [...]

The Ladies Man

By: TBogg Tuesday May 8, 2012 7:42 pm

George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina sure knows how to talk to the ladies, as evidenced by his  responses to Sandra Fluke when she pointed out changes in workplace laws for pregnant women: Nice.

Dick Lugar Is A Horse’s Head In The Republican Bed

By: TBogg Tuesday May 8, 2012 7:20 pm

Dick Lugar tonight: I also knew from the races in 2010 that I was a likely target of Club for Growth, FreedomWorks and other Super Pacs dedicated to defeating at least one Republican as a purification exercise to enhance their influence over other Republican legislators. Mitt Romney better watch his ass.

Fake Newspaper Faked Out By Faker News Source

By: TBogg Tuesday May 8, 2012 4:55 pm

Dave Boyer of the Washington Unification End-Times Church Newsletter read this thing on Bill Kristol’s dumb son-in-law’s internet hobby blog about how Barack Obama was personally  transvaginal wanding lady visitors at the White Hizzouse to see if they were pregnant, possibly by Republican semen firehose Bill Johnson. Dave Boyer, who works for a Kimchee Jesus, [...]

Zombie Vince Foster Has Kidnapped Breitbart Murder Witness

By: TBogg Tuesday May 8, 2012 1:32 pm

Important reputable news organization World Net Daily reports that the guy who saw Andrew Breitbart crumple to the sidewalk in a puddle of bile and vodka has gone missing. A private investigator has been unable to find the only eyewitness to the sudden death of media innovator and conservative activist Andrew Breitbart. The apparent disappearance [...]

Toss Me A Bone
