10:32 p.m.
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Hello Utah liberals! Once again it’s coming in on the end of the week and that means it’s time for another round of Drinking Liberally! And once again, we’ve got plenty to talk about: North Carolina’s anti-gay marriage vote, and President Obama’s personal opinion in favor of gay marriage. Or locally, we can talk about [...]...
Drinking Liberally of Salt Lake City - Thu 5:08 p.m. - 7 clicks
The gentleman on the left is my third-great-grandfather John R Winder. Born in England in 1821, he became the manager of a shoe store in Liverpool. After joining the LDS Church in Liverpool, he arrived in Utah on October 10, 1853, exactly 99 years before his great-great granddaughter (and my mother) was born. While in Utah, he engaged in several business ventures, i...
Bob Aagard - Thu 10:07 a.m. - 11 clicks
Despite the corporate media attempts at ignoring Ron Paul, he has won enough delegates to attend the GOP National Convention. Paul recently won 43 delegates in Nevada and Maine, giving him a ticket to the convention in Tampa Florida. Romney is so desperate to block the popularity of Ron Paul, that fake Ron Paul provocateurs were caught Nevada and Maine handing out fake Paul ballots, that w...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mon 12:23 p.m. - 10 clicks
Enough has been said about Presidential candidate Mitt Romney 's religion. Yes, as a Latter Day Saint ( Mormon ), Romney adheres to beliefs that are ludicrous. Almost anything conceived by an attention-seeking adolescent ( Joseph Smith ), whose personal standards led him to scam and manipulate friends and family, is ludicrous. Criticism of a Presidential candidate for such beliefs has limit...
DailyKos (Utah) - Sun 1:48 p.m. - 8 clicks
With the War On Women abreast, both sides of the aisle have accused the other of cynically bringing women's health issues to the forefront of political debate in an election year. But over the last few months, it seems clear that Republicans are choosing this moment to drastically overhaul existing reproductive and female health laws....
One Utah - Sun 10:28 a.m. - 8 clicks
This week on the left show, we are live at the Utah State Democratic Party’s 2012 Convention! Jeff Bell, JC Carter and Forrest Shaw are joined by Misty Fowler, James Davis, Billie Gay Larson, Sheryl Ginsberg, Richard Jaramillo, Ernie Gamonal, Bob Henline, Bob Aagard, Arlyn Bradshaw, Debra Ilunga, Brian Faulkner, Wayne Holland, Several people who ran away at the sight of us, and everybody’s favorit...
JM Bell - Apr 26
From Peg McEntee’s article on April 18th: Denice Graham is back at work in the Utah Department of Transportation after being summarily sacked by administrators who accused her of leaking confidential information about a bid for a $1.1 billion contract to rebuild a stretch of Interstate 15… When the truth came out about a botched [...]...
Blue in Red Zion - Apr 24
The daughter of Haitian immigrants is the Republican nominee for Utah's 4th congressional district. Mia Love, a mayor of an "exurb" south of Salt Lake City, has won the Republican nomination for the 4th district congressional district. More below the Half Pipe. ...
DailyKos (Utah) - Apr 22
This is hilarious. Veteran Senator Orin Hatch isn't radical enough for today's Republican Party. following its 2010 ousting of Utah Sen. Robert Bennett. the Tea Party is taken aim at Orin Hatch. Hatch is a Reagan Republican if there ever was one, and he's a close friend of of the Reagans. Hatch is facing the most serious challenge of his 36 year Senate career from a Tea Party backed challenger D...
DailyKos (Utah) - Apr 13
It’s coming up on that time of the week where the greatest liberal minds in Salt Lake gather at the Piper Down, and with drink in hand, talk about the current state of affairs. This week our discussions might include Ann and/or Mitt Romney. Or if you’re a Democrat, you might talk about the Salt [...]...
Drinking Liberally of Salt Lake City - Apr 12
Utah Foundation recently released The 2012 Utah Priorities Survey, which provides a summary of the findings of a statewide Dan Jones & Associates survey assessing which issues are most important this election year and how voters feel about Utah’s economy, society and politics. For the first time, Utah Foundation also requested that the gubernatorial candidates complete part of this sur...
Utah Amicus - Apr 6
Salt Lake City – MSNBC commentator Lawrence O’Donnell joined The Southern Baptist Convention’s Richard Land, The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, The Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, and the Santorum Campaign’s former honorary Florida Chairman O’Neal Dozier in repeating bigoted claims about Governor Mitt Romney’s LDS faith. The Utah State Democratic Party reaffirms, ...
Utah Amicus - Apr 6
DeeSmithforAG.com FACEBOOK Standard-Examiner: Weber County attorney to run for Utah attorney general position Fox13: Weber County Attorney to-run for utah's AG Standard Examiner: Dee: Attorney general campaign won't hurt current job KSL: Weber County Attorney Dee Smith to run for AG Standard-Examiner: Attorney: Year-old injunction led to drop in gang activity KS...
Utah Amicus - Apr 4
I decided that Utah Democrats, if they hypothetically controlled the State Senate, which possibly won't happen in my entire lifetime, would decide to draw as many swing seats as possible rather than safe seats. In a GOP wave, Dems could fall to 1 or 2 seats, but it's not like they'd have much power anyway; their goal would be to keep 1/3 to help a less conservative governor like Herbert ch...
DailyKos (Utah) - Apr 3
This is the largest Holi celebration in the Americas. In Spanish Fork, Utah, no less. I hear that at least sixty-five thousand people attended. It's a great time, you listen to live music, you throw colors, you laugh, you dance, you go out for Indian food afterwards. I'm still laughing about what a great time I had. ...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 31
A slightly edited version of this post appeared at OneUtah . Paul Mero is the head of the Utah based right wing think tank Sutherland Institute. In defense of Utah's abstinence only, no condoms please we're Mormon law, Paul wrote a surprisingly reasonable op-ed piece. I was struck by the way his very piece used so many conservative frames in a relatively few words. Paul Mero's ...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 29
Guv signs bill requiring 72-hour wait for abortions The governor signed other bills during the day, then did this one late afternoon/early evening. Iirc, the other state that has this waiting period is in court with it. Utah Gov. Gary Herbert signed legislation Tuesday requiring women to wait 72 hours before receiving an abortion, giving the state the longest waiting perio...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 20
The Great Basin Culture Area includes the high desert regions between the Sierra Nevada and the Rocky Mountains. It is bounded on the north by the Columbia Plateau and on the south by the Colorado Plateau. It includes southern Oregon and Idaho, a small portion of southwestern Montana, western Wyoming, eastern California, all of Nevada and Utah, a portion of northern Arizona, and most of western ...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 20 - 2 clicks
Maryland’s medical licensing authority is still spending taxpayer’s money trying to revoke Dr. Riley’s Maryland medical license which was suspended with original charges of violation of “The Maryland Medical Practice Act" and working for an unauthorized physician who owned the company she worked for, for less than 2 weeks. These charges are all public record. Doctor Riley is being made to wear...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 19
For the past week, everybody in Utah has been talking about the sex-ed bill, which would have banned discussion of sexual education except abstinence in schools (even though parents can now opt their children out of sex ed if they want. Not that it makes much difference because it's already against the law for teachers to promote the use of contraceptives during Sex Ed. I certainly never saw the...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 17
Not all Utah governors can be smooth corporate conservative diplomats who speak Mandarin like Jon Huntsman Jr. His replacement Gary Herbert was just another Republican moron. Until he vetoed a bill that would have banned sex education in school. More after the Halfpipe. ...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 17
THANK YOU, Governor Herbert, for doing the right thing and vetoing HB363. I have already sent an email of thanks as well. This bill would allow for sex education but only if it taught abstinence only, no contraception information, and absolutely no mention of homosexuality. A real head-in-the-sand piece of legislation pushed by Utah's Eagle Forum. At last someone in Utah is willing to s...
RedStateBlues - Mar 17
More than 400 candidates signed up to run for office in Utah | ksl.com ...
Utah Amicus - Mar 15
Hello, hello, hello, Tomorrow night come celebrate with a pint or two at Piper Down 1492 S. State St. in the back bar from 6:30 to 9:30 We will a very special guest dropping by for an informal meet and greet; Candidate for Utah Governor, Major General Peter Cooke. Wow what week, i don’t know [...]...
Drinking Liberally of Salt Lake City - Mar 15
This week on the show, Jake, Forrest and I welcome Rep. Brian Doughty to the Defenestrate Media Studio. We begin on a sad note, saying goodbye to good friend, big brother and mega-mentor Todd Taylor. Shifting into gear, we break down the Utah GOP Legislature’s just concluded boneheaded general session and talk about some great [...]...
JM Bell - Mar 13
Weber County attorney to run for Utah attorney general position ...
Utah Amicus - Mar 11
Four and a half years ago, on a hot summer night, there was earthquake activity in the middle of the night in east-central Utah. Some time the next morning, we learned a mine had collapsed, trapping 6 men inside. Rescue efforts were mustered. Victim's families were sequestered in a local elementary school, away from media. Bob Murray proceeded to babble in front of ...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 10
So here is my official, unofficial list of the ten worst bills to come out of the legislative session. More discussion coming soon! 10) HB187 – Agricultural Interference Bill by Rep John Mathis (R-Vernal) – This is the bill that caused, once again, national head scratching over the bizarre antics of the Republicans in the Utah State [...]...
Blue in Red Zion - Mar 9
Dear Friends, The out pouring of support for our late friend, Todd Taylor, has been incredible. Phone calls from every corner of Utah, across the entire country, and even from Europe have made it to our office, to say nothing of the memorials on Twitter and Facebook. Todd had an astonishing impact on all of us, and has left an irreplaceable void. He will be missed. A viewing will be he...
Utah Amicus - Mar 9
Greetings, Drinking Liberals. It’s that time of the week again. And so much can happen in a week, especially when the Utah Legislature is in session. Let’s start with HB363, the Health Education Amendments, that allow school districts to choose whether or not they’ll teach sex education. If they choose to teach it, they must [...]...
Drinking Liberally of Salt Lake City - Mar 8
Last year, I attended the Festival of Colors at the Sri Sri Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, Utah. The folks at the temple report that theirs is the largest Festival of Colors in the Americas. Last year, some fifty thousand people attended the Festival. Holi, as its known, is a Hindu spring festival. There are specific religious meanings to the festival that I won't try to del...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 8
Per my recent diary requesting help and support for Dr. Nicola Riley , I have received an e-mail from Doctor Riley to express her thanks to all: Thanks for all your support everyone! You know who you are! Murder Charges Dropped Against Abortion Docs ELKTON, Md. (CBSDC/AP) — Maryland prosecutors have dismissed murder charges against two out-of-state doctors in the death of a fetus during a...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 7
From the Utah Democratic Party- Today is a sad day indeed. Utah’s greatest Democrat passed away comfortably in his sleep last night. Todd Taylor, 46, an icon of Utah and national politics, served as the Executive Director for the Utah State Democratic Party for over 20 years. His tenure made him the longest serving Party [...]...
JM Bell - Mar 6
#29 – The LEFT Show – Vengeance of the Vagina!: Jake and Forrest bring Bob Easton from Hold… http://t.co/7EDcxO53 # #29 @theleftshow – #utgop wins at losing; Rocky and Huntsman 3-way; and More Vagina! http://t.co/pccEYp4E #utdem #utpol #utleg # RT @Bill_Frost: #29 – The LEFT Show – Vengeance of the Vagina!: Jake and Forrest bring [...]...
JM Bell - Mar 4
Heather Nelson Cooke introduces her husband, Peter Cooke, at his kick-off news announcement for Governor of Utah. Josie Valdez and Karen Hale also introduce Utah's future governor. Learn more at cookeforgovernor.com . ...
Utah Amicus - Mar 2
Utah is doing its best to erase the advances of the 20th Century. Well, if the Utah House of Representatives gets its way. Bill restricting sex ed passes the House House Bill 363, sponsored by Bill Wright (R-Holden) would require teachers to only teach abstinence as a form of preventing pregnancy. Schools could also opt out of teaching sex education altogether. Make sure you have n...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 1
Jake and Forrest bring Bob Easton from Hold 322 to join me in the discussion of the wacky news of the week! Jon Huntsman and Rocky Anderson are both arguing for a political three way, while Rick Santorum is busy pissing off the Dutch. The Utah GOP Legislature votes in favor of teen pregnancy and STIs while [...]...
JM Bell - Mar 1 - 2 clicks
I live in Utah, first by choice, and now by court order. So please do not tell me to move. Utah is a beautiful place to live, full of recreational opportunities and incredibly beautiful and singular scenery. Salt Lake City has grown up since I first moved here 25 years ago, and now has all the big-city advantages without all of the disadvantages. The Utah legislature h...
DailyKos (Utah) - Mar 1
Learn more at cookeforgovernor.com ...
Utah Amicus - Mar 1
Mormonism has been much on people’s minds and tongues this year. It is quite understandable, with Mitt Romney staggering his way towards the Republican nomination, that Americans should be curious about this minority religion. We here at Dailykos are no exception, with a small but growing stream of diaries and comments about the Mormon faith. Still, I cannot help but hear in th...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 28
In light of all the heavy news, I just love a win for the little guy fighting the monied 1%. Awesomely, this case was QUICK JUSTICE for a change. The claim was filed in November, 2011 and the claimant will receive $20,000 ASAP from the loathesome condo complex. Justice Department Settles Disability Discrimination Case Involving Disabled Veteran in Utah Under the consent decree...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 28
That's MEDICARE, not Medicaid. My freaking luck to end up in a State that is insane. Bill Proposes State Takes Over Federal Healthcare Programs SALT LAKE CITY -- If you're elderly you may become dependent on the Utah legislature for healthcare. A bill at the legislature would transfer federal healthcare programs to the state, and that means if you're on Medicare, the legislature wou...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 27
This is pretty much follow up on Doctor Nicola Riley in Utah who has been charged with murder in Maryland for practicing abortion in that state from my previous article Doctor Nicola Riley of Utah – Victim of the American Politics of Vagina and Christian Sharia , which is a mouthful. I do have a tendency to perhaps over verbalize in my self-taught communication skills. Nicola is the dau...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 27
Utah, which hasn't really made it into the 21st century anyway, seems determined to roll itself further back. Just like the Republican party. In Utah's case, they're even taking a page from the GOP's presidential candidates, determining that the best way to protect our children from nasty things like sex is through ignorance . A bill to allow Utah schools to drop sex education classes — ...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 23
Redistricting in both states are done. Maine drew a relatively fair map where Michaud's district got a hair less Democratic and Pingree's district got a hair more Democratic. In Utah, they tried again to get rid of Rep. Jim Matheson (D). They scrambled his district and added their new UT-04. Matheson in the end opted to run in UT-04, which is one point less Republican tha...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 19
I am shocked and saddened by the recent statements made by two members of the Republican Caucus of the Utah Senate. By now, you may have seen the Senate Majority Leader, Scot Jenkins, outburst on the outlandish thought of exempting military personnel from having to pay property taxes while serving on active duty (click here for [...]...
Blue in Red Zion - Feb 18
Rep. Keith Grover, R-Provo, is running a bill, HB370, that would require students to take a one-semester class on the free enterprise system before graduating from high school. According to the bill, areas of instruction would include private property ownership; competition and regulation; profit and loss; and "the impact of government spending, regulation, taxation, and monetary and trade polic...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 16
I recently read a hatchet job in the Salt Lake Tribune on Doctor Nicola Riley in Utah who is currently in trouble with the law in Maryland regarding the very real and needed female medical procedure aka abortion. I was moved to see so many positive responses in the comment section of that article regarding a very good person and a very good doctor much maligned by the "Moral" Industrial Me...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 14 - 2 clicks
For any who may be reading this series for the first time : this is a thought experiment where I try to see what would happen if the size of the House of Representatives were doubled to 870 members from 435. And yes, I know Republicans have the trifecta in Utah, and there's control in Nevada. This entire series is theoretical to begin with, gimme a break. Both of these states went from 3 to...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 6
Didn't see this coming. But it's here. Crap. Try not to run into one of these football field sized trucks on their trip through your neighborhoods, k? Heads up roads between Illinois and Utah. Merry Christmas! This one already shipped in from California in July, 2011. The nuclear steam generator is about 80 feet long, twelve feet wide and weighs more than 300...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 6
Worker misclassification is not a small or regional problem. It is a national epidemic wherein workers are incorrectly labeled as independent contractors so that companies can avoid paying them overtime or giving them proper benefits. Misclassification was recently exposed in Utah by KSL 5 News , which took a look into how Utah companies were cheating construction workers out of their fair wa...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 6
Since roguemapper recently compiled 08 presidential data I decided to see how Democratic a district I could get out of Utah and the results surprised me. Not only is it an Obama district, but also a safe one at that for any conventional liberal, which would free up Jim Matheson (unwillingly) to run statewide (and probably lose). Don't worry, the whole thing is contiguous and doesn't ...
DailyKos (Utah) - Feb 6
One issue that has always mildly bugged me has been that lawmakers receive retirement benefits similar to long term state employees if they simply put in enough years at the state legislature. Currently, if a lawmaker manages to stick it out for ten years, they receive the same benefits as a full-time state employee may receive after [...]...
Blue in Red Zion - Feb 6
Over the past year, there have been numerous anti-government protests across the nation, and though I have been highly critical of some of the movements, I none the less support the right for them to petition their government. Well, it appears that Senator Margaret Dayton (R – Orem – District 15) doesn’t feel the same way. Her [...]...
Blue in Red Zion - Feb 6
The Utah Legislature will be considering a bill aimed to save marriages. The mandate will require couples to attend a “divorce education class” before filing for divorce. The bill will make the course free of charge and available online. The proponents say this will help teach marriage survival skills that might turn some away for [...] ...
Utah Legislature Watch - Feb 6
Efforts to seize the land in Utah that is protected from development by the Federal Government are continuing by Utah legislators and others. Morgan Philpot is planning to run for Governor in Utah. According to an article in Utah State University’s the Utah Statesman, Philpot is adamant that Utah needs to demand the feds to [...] ...
Utah Legislature Watch - Feb 4
So, I am just going to say it now and get it out of the way, watching Senator Casey Anderson (R-Cedar City, District 28) propose legislation is a bit like watching clowns continually come out of a car labeled “mind numbingly bad.” Just for kicks, you could even add the word “Express.” I have already told you Anderson’s brilliant idea to [...]...
Blue in Red Zion - Feb 3
I don’t want you all to think that I am biased towards Representative Rebecca Chavez-Houck (D – Salt Lake, District 24) simply because she happens to have ranked number 1 last year for best representing my interests…or because she just so happens to be my actual representative on the hill; but the honest truth is, I am [...]...
Blue in Red Zion - Feb 3
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 1, 2012 The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Utah and ordered Federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the area affected by a severe storm during the period of November 30 to December 1, 2011. Federal funding is available to state and eligible local...
Utah Amicus - Feb 1