May 9, 2012

Scrubbed at AP: W. Va. Senator Manchin Refuses to Say Whether He Voted for Obama in Tuesday’s Primary

MediaMemoryHoleThis morning, in a report (“Romney, Obama win; Manchin to face Raese”) with a 1:00 a.m. time stamp, Associated Press reporter Lawrence Messina informed readers that U.S. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia “refused to say whether he voted for Obama on Tuesday” in West Virginia’s primary. That’s news.

In his 6:01 a.m. dispatch currently at the AP’s national site (“Against Obama, even a jailbird gets some votes”) revising and updating his earlier work, Messina only tells readers that “Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin and Sen. Joe Manchin … have declined to say whether they will support Obama in November.” Messina would rather his readers not know that a sitting U.S. Senator in President Barack Obama’s own party wouldn’t say whether he made a choice between Obama and Texas prison inmate Keith Judd, whose name appeared along with Obama’s on the state’s Democratic Party presidential ballot. This is how news is scrubbed at the Associated Press, aka the Administration’s Press. Comparisons of the two stories follow the jump.



April’s Awful Jobs Report

Filed under: Economy,Marvels,Money Tip of the Day,MSM Biz/Other Bias — Tom @ 7:59 am

It was worse than the seasonalized numbers indicate.


Note: This column went up at PJ Media and was teased here at BizzyBlog on Monday.


It’s hard to decide which aspect of the horrid April employment report the government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics released on Friday is the most troubling: the understated unemployment rate, the awful raw number of jobs added, their suspect seasonal conversion, or the sickening attempt at positive spin by the Obama administration’s labor secretary.

As to the genuineness of the official seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, the jig is basically up. It’s clear that many Americans, even among the relatively disengaged, have long since figured out that the official figure, which dipped to 8.1% in April, doesn’t include an extraordinary and unprecedented number of those who have given up looking for work. At 63.6%, the labor force participation rate is back to where it was in the early 1980s. Qualitatively, and despite a few years during which baby boomers have begun to collect Social Security, today’s rate is worse, because the frequency of stay-at-home parenting was far higher three decades ago. Zero Hedge has calculated that a participation rate equal to its post-1980 average would have generated an unemployment rate of 11.4%. Even establishment media reports from the likes of the Associated Press, aka the Administration’s Press, acknowledged that April’s rate drop occurred “only because more Americans gave up looking for work.”

It’s hard to understate how deeply disappointing April raw numbers of jobs added were, and how lucky the administration was (at least I hope it’s luck) that the seasonal conversions to 115,000 and 130,000 jobs added overall and in the private sector, respectively, came in as high as they did.

In early February, I wrote: ”[T]he acid test for Team Obama’s claim that the economy is finally legitimately recovering will come during the next five months (February through June).”

They’re flunking:


Despite a clearly larger pool of people who want to work or could be looking for work, through three of the first five months of the acid test period, this year’s economy has added fewer raw jobs than the 2004-2006 average for those same months. It has also added fewer than last year. The trend this year is even worse: February was okay, March trailed where it needed to be, and April stunk to high heaven. Sadly, it all makes sense. Last year’s peak in gas prices came in early May, about a month later than what (we hope) was this year’s early-April high point. In 2011, job creation in May and June fell off badly compared to what was needed. May and June 2012 seem to be on track for a repeat — or worse, as gas prices will almost certainly be higher than what motorists paid last year.

Most Americans don’t appreciate how truly bad the situation is because April’s seasonal adjustments worked in the administration’s favor. Somehow, even though the economy really added 283,000 and 233,000 fewer jobs in April 2012 than it did in April 2011, and 2010, respectively, April’s seasonally adjusted result was only 136,000 lower than 2011 and 124,000 lower than 2010. I’m not saying that the calculations were cooked (seasonal adjustments in March made things look a bit worse than the really were that month), but it wouldn’t have been unreasonable to expect that the 896,000 jobs actually added in April would have generated a zero or even negative result after seasonal conversion. I’ve been saying for years that relying solely on seasonally adjusted numbers during a time of abnormal economic volatility is foolish, and that the press’s almost universal failure to even look at the raw numbers in such times is derelict.

Unfortunately, those who believe that the BLS is no longer walled off from political influence gained three forms of support for their argument this month.

First, the bureau’s “Birth/Death” adjustment, which incorporated 206,000 jobs into April’s raw number, seems abnormally high and without strong basis. The adjustment in April 2011 was 172,000. We’re really supposed to believe that thousands more Americans are starting up enterprises than were doing so a year ago, and that they generated 20% more jobs than such people did a year ago (net of bankruptcies and other business terminations)? Subtracting Birth/Death from April in both years means that the raw number of job additions the bureau found through its normal survey methods dropped by over 30%.

Second, the employment report’s verbiage seemed like an attempt to water down the bad news in a vain attempt to minimize the damage. Unlike the vast majority of previous months when the news was better, the authors failed to mention the particularly weak number of seasonally adjusted 130,000 private-sector jobs added (130,000). It made sure to remind us that there were “gains averaging 252,000 per month for December to February” (like we care now?). It also decided to trumpet the seasonally adjusted 62,000 jobs added in “professional and business services,” even though the raw gains in that broad category were less than in each of the previous two Aprils, and despite the fact that this April’s number included 21,000 positions added at temporary help services. (Temps, a segment which is barely 2% of the private workforce, have made up over 740,000, or almost 28%, of the 2.66 million jobs added to private-sector payrolls since the recession officially ended in June 2009.)

Finally, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis’s related press release was an arrogant exercise in see-no-evil partisanship, as seen in these excerpts (my comments are in italics):

“I would characterize our growth as durable and steady. For 26 straight months, we have added private sector jobs. The national unemployment rate has fallen a full point in the last eight months. Layoffs are continuing to come down and are now back to 2006 levels. (Mass layoffs may be down, but unemployment claims, the better indicator of overall layoffs, were lower during every week in 2006 than during any week so far this year.)

“In April, our largest gains — 62,000 new jobs — were in good-paying business and professional services careers, meaning more architects, engineers, computer programmers and consultants are finding jobs. (Uh, over one-third of them were temps, and most temps aren’t particularly well paid.)

… “We’re on the right path, and we know our recovery would be even stronger if Congress hadn’t blocked almost every single proposed investment in the American Jobs Act. (Because AJA will work just as well as the stimulus did — oh, wait a minute…)

… “Going forward, we have a choice to make. We can either make investments in things like education, transportation and new sources of energy … Or we give more tax breaks to wealthy Americans who don’t need them and didn’t ask for them. (Team Obama’s current solution is hundreds of billions of dollars in tax increases scheduled to kick in on January 1, 2013.)

This is delusional. All the lipstick in the world can’t disguise how ugly this pig is — and in case you’re wondering, I really am referring to the jobs report.

The only reasonable response to April’s employment report and the Labor Secretary’s reaction is “OMG.” As in, “Obama Must Go.”


Wednesday Off-Topic (Moderated) Open Thread (050912)

Filed under: Lucid Links — Tom @ 7:15 am

Rules are here. Possible comment fodder may follow later. Other topics are also fair game.



Positvity: Pro-life campaign reaches out to BET viewers

Filed under: Life-Based News,Positivity — Tom @ 7:10 am

From Austin, Texas:

May 8, 2012 / 10:52 am

The “Call for Help” ad campaign on Black Entertainment Television is letting women in crisis pregnancy situations that there is help available and they are not alone.

Heroic Media CEO Brian Follett said the campaign was “a direct result of the support of individuals and families who believe that women deserve to learn about hopeful alternatives to abortion.”

Thanks to them, he said “people across the United States will see life-affirming messages daily on BET.”

Research by the the non-profit, pro-life ad agency has shown that commercials on the network “ are an effective means of reaching women with compassionate messages and connecting them with life-affirming pregnancy resources,” marketing director Marissa Gabrysch said in a May 7 announcement.

In the advertisement, targeted toward women facing abandonment or other consequences of an unplanned pregnancy, a woman tells viewers: “A baby is a life you created – a baby that will love you, and need you, in return.”

“So this pregnancy wasn’t planned. It’s going to be OK – really,” she says. “There are people that will help you, and services available … You don’t have to do this alone.” …

Go here for the rest of the story.

May 8, 2012

Indiana Primary: Mourdock Disarms Lugar

Filed under: Activism,Ohio Politics,Taxes & Government — Tom @ 10:47 pm

Via USA Today, with not-so-fine whines, and a “dream on” sequence:

Sen. Richard Lugar defeated in Indiana’s GOP primary

Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana was defeated in the state’s Republican primary Tuesday, ending the 36-year career of a GOP elder statesman and handing the Tea Party movement its biggest upset victory so far in the 2012 elections.

Lugar was ousted by State Treasurer Richard Mourdock, whose campaign against the veteran lawmaker was backed by conservative groups including the Tea Party Express, the anti-tax Club for Growth, the National Rifle Association, the Tea Party-aligned Freedom Works, and former Republican Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

According to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks election spending, outside groups invested $4.5 million in the race.

… Mourdock’s victory will redouble Democrats’ effort to pick up Indiana this November in their ongoing battle to maintain their Senate majority, currently held at 53-47. Democrats believe Mourdock’s conservative record and Tea Party ties will make him an alienating force in a general election.

In the Hoosier State, Mourdock’s victory will turn enthusiastic conservatives and those with Tea Party values out in droves. Democrats’ climb just became more uphill.

Memo to the Ohio Republican Party aka the Ohio Stupid Party: Maybe you ought to consider having competitive primaries for key state and national positions sometime instead of constantly clearing the field for incumbents and other favored cronies.


UPDATE: Lugar lost by 60-40%. That may the strongest primary repudiation of an incumbent senator I have ever seen.


Cleveland Plain Dealer’s Circulation Drops Below a Quarter-Million, But It Could Be Worse

The Cleveland Plain Dealer is the only daily newspaper in Greater Cleveland (2010 population: 2.08 million). According to the latest “Top 25″ release from the newspaper industry’s Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), its average daily circulation for the six months ended March 31, including about 14,300 digital-only subscribers, dropped to 246,571. The “PD” is Ohio’s only newspaper in the ABC’s Top 25.

That’s a 28% drop from six years ago, when the paper’s daily circulation was 343,163. It’s almost certainly the first time in decades that the paper’s daily circulation has gone below a quarter-million.

The news about Sunday circulation at the “PD” isn’t so bad. Five years ago, Sunday circulation was 442,482. The March 31, 2012 Sunday figure has two components: “Regular” circulation is 340,570, supplemented by 60,564 copies of a “branded” edition known as the “PD Wrap-up,” a Sunday-only publication containing what a PD circulation employee described as “select content” targeting specific zip codes. The combined total of just over 401,000 is only 9% lower than the 442,482 figure from five years ago. Top-tier papers in many other towns have seen drops of 30% or more during that time.

Like almost every major newspaper nationwide, the Plain Dealer is having a hard time figuring out how to catch eyeballs in the digital age, let alone how to turn a profit on them. But the bleeding elsewhere is in many cases has been much more severe. At the once thought indispensable Washington Post, daily and Sunday circulation were down by almost 8% and and over 15%, respectively, in the past twelve months — and I believe it’s accurate to say that the PD doesn’t have the kind of problem the WaPo has with excessive compensation, namely one of “paying six-figure salaries to scores of people whose output averages no more than a few hundred words per day.”


Smart-Aleck Thought of the Day: On Wisconsin’s Low Unemployment Rate and Poor Jobs Performance

Filed under: Economy,Taxes & Government — Tom @ 11:44 am

Many states, particularly those where Republican governors succeeded Democrats after the 2010 elections, have seen significant drops in their unemployment rates and significant job growth since the end of that year.

Two such examples are in the Midwest:

  • Ohio — The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell from 9.2% to 7.5% during the fifteen months ended March 2012, while picking up 80,500 seasonally adjusted jobs (workforce growth: 1.59%).
  • Michigan — The unemployment rate dove from 11.2% to 8.5%, with 91,600 new jobs (workforce growth: 2.35%).

Nationwide, the unemployment rate has dropped from 9.4% to 8.1% during the same period.

Meanwhile, while Wisconsin’s unemployment rate has dropped from 7.8% to 6.8% (proportionally, that’s about the same as the nationwide drop), it has lost 10,200 seasonally adjusted jobs.


That’s easy: People who want to be employed and are actively seeking it are having better success in finding it. Those who aren’t looking for gainful employment are instead “working” on recalling Scott Walker.

With the prospects for success apparently dimming, I might add.


IBD Calls Out Establishment Press For Promoting ‘Myth’ of European ‘Austerity’

In one of a virtually endless stream of such examples, a Monday Associated Press report by Elaine Ganley and Greg Keller on challenges facing newly elected French Prime Minister, Socialist Francois Hollande, described him as “the leftist who has pledged to buck Europe’s austerity trend.”

What a deceptive joke. Europe’s attempt at “austerity” can’t be a “trend,” because it hasn’t even started. The “Fiscal Treaty” involved (at Google Docs; at RTE News [large PDF]) hasn’t even taken effect. Article 14, as explained by RTE’s Europe Editor Tony Connelly, “will enter into force on January 1 2013 so long as 12 member states have completed ratification.” A Monday editorial at Investor’s Business Daily took the press to task for its pretense, and in the process noted facts about the monstrous growth of government in EU countries the U.S. establishment press won’t report (bolds are mine throughout this post):



Tuesday Off-Topic (Moderated) Open Thread (050812)

Filed under: Lucid Links — Tom @ 8:40 am

Rules are here. Possible comment fodder may follow later. Other topics are also fair game.



Positivity: Rise in US seminary numbers brings ‘big smile’ to Pope’s face

Filed under: Positivity — Tom @ 8:30 am

From Vatican City:

May 6, 2012 / 04:06 pm

Bishop James D. Conley of Denver said the news of rising seminarian numbers across the United States has delighted Pope Benedict XVI.

“He was very happy to receive that information,” Bishop Conley told CNA on May 4 after meeting the Pope at the Vatican.

“He said he had heard that vocations were going up in the United States and he said this is very positive news and, in fact, he had a big smile on his face when he heard the news.”

Bishop Conley was one of ten bishops from Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Wyoming who had an audience with Pope Benedict as part of their five-day “ad limina” pilgrimage to Rome which concludes tomorrow.

He explained to the Pope that there is now a year-on-year increase in the numbers of young men opting for the priesthood across many US dioceses.

“I told him that in the Archdiocese of Denver both of our seminaries, St John Vianney Theological Seminary and Redeptoris Mater Neo-catechumenal seminary, are full,” the bishop added.

“In fact we have more applicants than we have space so for the first time in many years we have to create a waiting list which is a good problem to have.”

The most recent statistics show a similar story across the United States. Last year the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University estimated that the 2011 seminary intake was up 4 percent on the previous year and had reached its highest figure in 20 years. Meanwhile, Rome’s North American College is full to its 250 capacity for the first time in decades. …

Go here for the rest of the story.

May 7, 2012

Is the Part-Time Workforce Re-emerging? (UPDATE: PJ Media Column on ‘April’s Awful Jobs Report’ Is Up)

Filed under: Economy,Taxes & Government — Tom @ 11:35 am

I’ve drafted a column for PJ Media which is in the queue, and whose publication date is unknown.

* * * * * * * * *

UPDATE (cue the Sally Field send-up): They must have liked it. They must have really liked it. It’s up now. Thanks to the folks at PJ Media for reviewing it and putting it up so quickly.

It will go up here at BizzyBlog on Wednesday (link won’t work until then) after the blackout expires.

* * * * * * * * *

One thing I didn’t get to, partially due to lack of space but also because the disturbing data only showed up this month (and may not become a trend), is the reversal of growth in full-time employment according to the employment report’s Household Survey.

Seasonally adjusted, the number of full-time workers dropped by 812,000, while the number of part-timers increased by 508,000.

Each figure essentially reverses changes in the opposite direction in March, and puts us back to where we were in February. In the past 12 months, full-time employment is up by 2.13 million, while the number of part-timers is up by 191,000.

It may be that March was the outlier, that April moved things back to roughly where they really are, and that there’s no big shift going on. Or it may be that a pre-2013 meltdown is under way.

Stay tuned.


The Real Cable News Ratings Story

Filed under: MSM Biz/Other Bias,MSM Biz/Other Ignorance — Tom @ 11:16 am

It’s not that CNN’s U.S. ratings are in free-fall, though they are.

It’s that Fox News outdraws CNN, MSNBC, and HLN combined on a 24-7 basis:


Yet the rest of the establishment press continually pretends that Fox is outside the mainstream and whines against its “fair and balanced” tagline.

Here’s a news flash for them: Fox, which FWIW is far from perfect, is the mainstream. You guys are the fringe.

CNN in particular is proving Rush’s long-held belief that the leftist press won’t change or even engage in self-evaluation until they’re dragged kicking and screaming from the microphones and creditors repossess the equipment and computers.
