Manufacture your own meaning…


Source: defyalloddz

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Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

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Snoopy on Mother’s Day

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Source: madamescherzo via retrogasm

Internet Friendships…

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Source: Adapted from

Guest Post: Eric to Mom

Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for:
  • Putting others before yourself
  • Killing bugs in my room for me
  • Always being so optimistic and finding something positive to say
  • Making me yummy breakfast
  • Teaching me that winning isn’t everything
  • Being so forgiving
  • Defending me until the end (mostly from Dad)
  • Caring and teaching me the importance of caring for others
    You personify that "good things come in small packages!"
I found this video and I thought you would really enjoy it. (And btw, this blog post is in lieu of a card and flowers – I thought it would be more personal than Hallmark and FTD). Smile
Love you,


Related Posts.

  1. Wednesday for Women: Who are you calling a Mama’s Boy?
  2. Tic, Tic, Tic…6 months to Empty Nest
  3. He’d grown up just like me. My boy was just like me…
  4. The Believer of Convenience.
  5. Week in Review: Down but not out…
  6. Ratio of Criticisms to Compliments is woefully imbalanced…

Guest Post: Rachel to Mom

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  1. Break away for 1 hour, for one of life’s delights…
  2. Dad to Daughter: You Can Do Anything You Put Your Mind To! (Not!)
  3. Friends, memories and the enormity of Mother Nature…

(Very) little things, but maddening…

  • Opening ketchup top. Finding dried sludgy all over the top from prior user.  (Yuckkkkkkk!)
  • Putting on wrong color socks. (What exactly is the rush?)
  • Morning weigh-in: 2 lbs up (Weak man)
  • Waiting.  For anything.  For anyone. (7 minute limit before hyperventilation sets in)
  • 1 hour of work.  PC crashes. No back-up. (How many times has this happened?  When…when will you learn?)
  • Deep scuff on toe cap of dress shoes trying to extricate myself from cab. (Can cabbies push front seat any further back?)
  • Road trip.  Forgetting toiletry case at home. (Or  belt.  Or tie.  Or shirt.)
  • Splash salad dressing on new tie.  And then proceed to smudge spot larger with napkin.  (2x maddening.  Blood pressure surges.) [Read more...]

“THIS” is it!

A blogger friend shared this with me.  “Not for him,” he said.  ”Bit different.  Bit dark and creepy.  But stick with it,” he said.  “Hang in there until the end,” he suggested.


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Saturday Morning Work-Out Inspiration: One Minute For “Unstoppable”

Max Voykin, my cousin, shared this inspiring video produced by the Canadian Paralympic Committee as a tribute to Rick Hansen.  “At the age of 15, Rick Hansen was involved in an accident that paralyzed him from the waist down. Coming to terms with his new life, he found inspiration from teachers, coaches and family, and set new goals from new dreams. Rick went on to become one of Canada’s most decorated Paralympic athletes.   In March 1985, Rick set off from Vancouver to wheel 40,000 kilometers through 34 countries on the Man In Motion World Tour to prove the potential of people with disabilities. His 26-month journey inspired an entire nation to believe anything is possible and moved thousands to make a difference.  This tour raised 26 million dollars for Spinal Cord Injuries.”  More info can be found at

Thank you Max for sharing…this video gets your heart pumping.


Related Posts:

  1. Saturday Morning Work Out Inspiration: What is Strong?
  2. Saturday Morning Work-out Inspiration: The Color Run
  3. Saturday Morning Workout Inspiration: Yes, I did
  4. Should I work out today?
  5. It Takes Only 1 Minute to Find Inspiration for Your Saturday Morning Work-Out
  6. Saturday Morning Wake-Up Work Out Call With AC-DC
  7. Hump Day Exercise
  8. 27 Rules of Conquering the Gym
  9. There’s still time today to burn
  10. Sitting is Killing You
  11. Yes, I need to lace them up

Just another Friday?

It’s May 11, 2012

My Brother’s birthday is today.  My “baby” brother.

Just another day?

Just another Friday?

Just another birthday?

No.  Not exactly.

Six months ago, today being a reality was a coin toss.

And here we are.

Man with a big heart battling.

A good man celebrating his birthday with his beautiful wife and two strapping young boys.

Life is short.  Life is good.

Happy Birthday Bro.  This song is for you…




Image Credit

The Practiced Life

Reblogged from The Upside:

  • Click to visit the original post

When asked by filmmaker Paul Balmer in 2006 how much he practices guitar these days, classical guitar virtuoso Julian Bream—seventy-two years old at the time—answered:

“I’m retired now so the practice is down to just four hours.”

Four hours.

Every day.

Seventy-two years old.


I better get practicing….

Image Credit

Short story. Packs a wallop and a message for many of us. Christian hits it on the screws again...

Pictorial Week in Review…



Source: Adapted from Themetapicture

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A Tribute: Where the Wild Things Are…

Sendak, in his quote below, summarizes my operating philosophy.

I’m certainly not the most intelligent leader. (Thundering applause in the stadium from my team – - in complete agreement.)

And, not the best strategic operator.  Or even possess average analytical skills compared to the crackerjacks I’m surrounded by. (Roof coming off stadium  – Team giddy in agreement.)

However.  However, as to fierce honesty” – FIERCE HONESTY, there’s no doubting the boss on his proclamation of competence in this area. (You can now hear a pin drop.  With murmurs and grumbling oozing out of the rafters.)

Don’t let your team down.

Don’t let your team members get unfairly punished.

Don’t let your team “be dealt with a boring, simpering, crushing-of-the-spirit kind of way.”

In other words, L-E-A-D.

[Read more...]

So, take a moment to ask yourself…

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Inspired by

I watch. I can’t break my stare. And, calm settles in…



Image Source: Thank you black-and-white-gifs via headlikeanorange

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Word of the Day: F-O-C-U-S…



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Image Source: youwillbesad



Hump Day: 4:02 am and inspired…

Kicking off Hump (Hug?) Day with Dave Matthews Band and “Everyday.” (Lori, music video is dedicated to you).  And now to feature some of the most inspiring blog posts of the week by some of my favorite bloggers:

If I had a son who was playing high school football – he’d be lucky to play for Coach Bill Moore – the Westfield, MA High School Football Coach. I was inspired by Coach Moore’s recent post Jugs: “It was 1989 when I faced a monster nicknamed Jugs. He was a colossus of a man, six feet six inches tall and 300 pounds of powerful mass and ill content. I watched the film in the week before the game. I knew what was coming. I had faced powerful men before, but nothing like this…”

Leonard Buchholz at DealerPro Training Solutions with his post Want to have a big day today? Get a checkup.Anyways, I think I have probably heard ‘do a checkup from the neck up’ at least a million times in my career. It is as pure an attitude adjustment technique today as it was when first uttered. I picture a Roman general saying to his troops just before battle “Hey, get in the war man. Do a checkup from the neck up before we rush over that moat” or something like that. That’s how old it is.” Check out his prescriptions. Leonard lands yet more ah-has with this post.

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Stress Test…

My Brother sent this post to me over the weekend from Living The Balanced Life.  I panned down the body visual and mentally took the stress test.

  1. Irritability & Anger.  Anxiety: Check
  2. Grinding Teeth & Tension in Jaw: Check Check.
  3. Increase Heart Rate. Diabetes:  Not that I know of. No Check. (Only after Espresso)
  4. Upset Stomach.  Abdominal Pain: No Check (Note: Evidence of occurrence after Taco Bell)
  5. Weight Gain: Check.  Check.
  6. Decreased Sex Drive: No comment.  WTMI.
  7. Muscle Tension:  Check.  (From any form of exercise)
  8. Alcoholism, Tobacco, etc: Clean

50% score.  I clearly passed this test!  Off to work to test the stress muscles…

[Read more...]

Suffering is due entirely to…

Related Posts:

  1. There are two mistakes you can make along the road…
  2. To Arrive at the Unshakeable
  3. Some days
  4. You are not your body. You are not your mind.

More info on: Nisargadatta Maharaj

Quote Source: spycnsweet

What happens next?

A good friend shared this with me.  I hit the play button @ 4:30am this morning.  I didn’t think I’d get beyond 30 seconds.  I was wrong.  I was locked in for the entire ride.  Here’s a bit of fun, a lot of nature and a quite bit of awe here…at the end of a long Monday back to work…Enjoy!

Related Posts:

  1. TED & The Feared Leopard Seal
  2. Sunday Morning: Murmuration. “A word that perfectly describes the rustle of thousands of pairs of wings…and a signal winter is here.”

Does your family come out on top?

From Clay Christensen’s Life Lessons, Bloomberg Businessweek. By Bradford Wieners

"…How Will You Measure Your Life? is sharpest on staying motivated in your career and, above all, on parenting…To understand a company’s strategy, look at what they actually do rather than what they say they do. The same logic applies to one’s life. For example, ambitious people will reliably tell you that family, or being a mother or father, is the most important thing in their lives. Yet when pressed to choose between racing home to deal with a chaotic pre-bedtime scene and staying another hour at the office to solve a problem, they will usually keep working. It’s these small everyday decisions that reveal if you’re following a path to being the best possible spouse and parent. If your family matters to you, when you think about all the choices you’ve made with your time in a week, does your family come out on top?"

[Read more...]

Monday Morning Wake-Up Call…




Source: a-n-i-m-a-l-p-l-a-n-e-t

Related Posts:

  1. Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (4/30/12)
  2. Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (4/23/12)
  3. Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (4/16/12)
  4. Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (4/9/12)
  5. Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (4/2/12)
  6. Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (3/26/12)
  7. Monday Morning Wake-up Call (3/19/12)

Sunday Morning: Beauty in Motion…

Anake Goodall shared this video titled Beauty in Motion.  It is in fact “beauty in motion.”  Hypnotic music and dance.  I would encourage you to visit Anake’s blog.  I get transported “away” with his photos and images.

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Twelve of life’s most important lessons…

I don’t believe that I’ve read a better self-help post in the past year.  Tony Schwartz turned 60 and these are his reflections.  He is the author of Be Excellent at Anything.   This post is from the HBR Network and it’s titled: Turning 60: The Twelve Most Important Lessons I’ve Learned So Far.  I find his insights remarkable…

  • Humility is underrated…deepening self-awareness is essential to freeing ourselves from reactive habitual behaviors…
  • “Notice the good – we carry an evolutionary disposition to dwell on on what’s wrong – take time each day to notice what right and to feel grateful
  • “Never seek your value at the expense of others…devaluing the person will only prompt more of the same in return”
  • “Slow down. Speed is the enemy of nearly everything in life that really matters. It’s addictive and it undermines quality, compassion, depth, creativity, appreciation and real relationship.”
    An on and on and on.  I’ve excerpted most of his post below so I can return to it frequently. (Now, only to execute…)

[Read more...]

Drifting on a Saturday Afternoon with Anna Vandas…

Canadian (BC) musician and artist.  Love her music on slow, lazy and easy Saturday afternoons.  Here’s 2 music videos and one of her paintings.  You can find more on her facebook page or her blog.  Or her album on iTunes – All I Thought I Knew.

[Read more...]

Saturday Morning Work-Out Inspiration: What is Strong?


Related Posts:

  1. Saturday Morning Work-out Inspiration: The Color Run
  2. Saturday Morning Workout Inspiration: Yes, I did
  3. Should I work out today?
  4. It Takes Only 1 Minute to Find Inspiration for Your Saturday Morning Work-Out
  5. Saturday Morning Wake-Up Work Out Call With AC-DC
  6. Hump Day Exercise
  7. 27 Rules of Conquering the Gym
  8. There’s still time today to burn
  9. Sitting is Killing You
  10. Yes, I need to lace them up

Things that soothe my soul…

I came across a post this morning on a blog that I follow called Making Things Happen – and then proceeded to poach the graphics and twist the idea a bit for the weekend.  (I wasn’t looking to “get fired up” this morning.)  What was a bit of a head scratcher is that I had to work to get to 10. (There’s a message to me in that pondering as well.)  Here’s my top 10.  Your top three would be???



Related Posts:

  1. You are not your body.  You are not your mind.
  2. Thirty Lessons For Living…Profound
  3. Think Small
  4. New Research on Happiness…Not One Big Thing…Sum of Hundreds of Little Things

Image sourced and idea adapted from Making Things Happen

There are two mistakes you can make along the road…

Related Buddha Posts: Some days

T.G.I.F. A Pictorial Week in Review…

Elephant 1Monday AM:

All rested.  Here we go!








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Pure Sales. All Human.

January, 2000.  It’s an unseasonably steamy day in Miami.  My sales manager comes into my office and asks for a few minutes.  “Keep an open mind,” he says.  “I think there’s something here…I think.”  And he pauses.  I note his discomfort.  Hmmm.  Highly unusual.  (This coming from someone that even today, more than 10 years later, I consider to be one of the brightest, most confident and most effective sales managers that has worked for me.)

He then stumbles into his request: “Would you spend 10 minutes with him and if you don’t agree, we’ll show him the door.”  With that introduction, the bar was set limbo style – ankle biting level.

[Read more...]

The Thought-Patterns of Success…

“Elizabeth Grace Saunders is a time management life coach who empowers clients around the world to go from feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and guilty to accomplishing more with peace and confidence.”  Her post in the HBR Blog Network titled The Thought-Patterns of Success is terrific.  I’ve shared a few nuggets below that resonated with me…

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4:55am and Inspired…

Top of the mornin’ to you with Dobbie Brothers and Takin’ It to the Streets.  Volume up.  And here’s a shout out to a few bloggers inspiring me with their posts this week:


Patrick @ Canadian Hiking Photography. Check out the photos.  One word: WOW.  Goose bumps for this Canadian.  If I had a flag right now, it would go up.  GO CANADA!

Christian Fahey @ The Upside with his post titled Iron on Iron.  “I got a call from an old friend yesterday…”

Todd Lohenry @ Todd’s Perspective with his share: There are good people out there.  “…My husband and I, along with our twin sons, have spent a total of four years cycling the Americas. We’ve pedaled 27,000 miles in all…

Mimi @ Waiting for The Karma Truck with her post: For You.  “…some days are diamonds while others are…

Nicholas Bate with his post: Spend Time With the Best…"The best will remind you that good is no longer good enough, that excellence is a nice place to be as it’s not at all crowded and it’s just a decision away.”

And from Manage Better Now: Need Some Advice. “…Your primary responsibility as a manager is to develop those around you…”  Solid.  Solid. Solid leadership and management blog.  Skip the platitudes elsewhere and dial in here.  You’ll be sure to learn something…

From the Meta Picture…whether you are a cat lover or not…I’m still laughing @ Sneak Level 99 and Cat Toy Force Field.

Have a great Hump Day!


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Hump Day Inspiration: True Heroism is…

Quote Source: explore-blog

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Give me the Splendid, Silent Sun…

GIVE me the splendid silent sun, with all his beams full-dazzling;

Give me juicy autumnal fruit, ripe and red from the orchard;

Give me a field where the unmow’d grass grows;

Give me an arbor, give me the trellis’d grape;

Give me fresh corn and wheat—give me serene-moving animals, teaching content;

Give me nights perfectly quiet, as on high plateaus west of the Mississippi, and I looking up at the stars…

~ Walt Whitman (1819–1892)




Related Posts:

  1. Miracles
  2. Life
  3. At This Point, You May Want to Park

Image Credit: crescentmoon06

10 Things Your H.S. Commencement Speaker Didn’t Tell You…

From Wall Street Journal: Charles Wheelan (Author of “10½ Things No Commencement Speaker Has Ever Said”) shares some of his life lessons after studying happiness and well-being.  He wishes someone had shared real wisdom with him during his high school graduation ceremony.  Here’s a few excerpts:

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Oxytocin: Why some of us are caring, some cruel, some generous, some greedy…

From The Wall Street Journal: The Trust Molecule.  A few choice excerpts from worthy article:

Why are some of us caring and some of us cruel, some generous and some greedy?

Could a single molecule—one chemical substance—lie at the very center of our moral lives?

Research that I have done over the past decade suggests that a chemical messenger called oxytocin accounts for why some people give freely of themselves and others are coldhearted louts, why some people cheat and steal and others you can trust with your life…

More strikingly, we found that you don’t need to shoot a chemical up someone’s nose…or even give them a hug in order to create the surge in oxytocin that leads to more generous behavior. To trigger this "moral molecule," all you have to do is give someone a sign of trust. When one person extends himself to another in a trusting way—by, say, giving money—the person being trusted experiences a surge in oxytocin that makes her less likely to hold back and less likely to cheat. Which is another way of saying that the feeling of being trusted makes a person more…trustworthy. Which, over time, makes other people more inclined to trust, which in turn…

[Read more...]

Keep calm…


For history, see “Keep Calm and Carry On

Monday Morning Wake-Up Call…

Source: fairy-wren


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  1. Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (4/23/12)
  2. Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (4/16/12)
  3. Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (4/9/12)
  4. Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (4/2/12)
  5. Monday Morning Wake-Up Call (3/26/12)
  6. Monday Morning Wake-up Call (3/19/12)

Research Says: My Personality Profile Is Aligned With A Great Dane (Ouch)

My Brother shared an article from the current issue of Men’s Health titled What Your Dog Says About You.  “British researchers at Bath Spa University surveyed 1,000 dog owners and found that people pick dog breeds that match their own personality – - because we subconsciously gravitate towards dogs who share our own temperament.”

And lo and beyond, as I hit the link and scanned the article, there’s a picture of our breed, a Vizsla. Almost a spitting image of Zeke.  Research landed squarely on the perfect “Friendly and Agreeable” personality profile match to Susan (my wife).  So, what’s up?  How about me?  Where’s the personality profile for the “Introverted and Disagreeable?”

If you’re: Friendly and agreeable
The dog for you: Viszla

A Hungarian breed, Viszlas are more sleek than labs, and energetic without being aggressive. “They’re comfortable around both people and other dogs, so they’re perfect if you want to take your dog to an outdoor restaurant or a cafe,” says Vargas. Also consider: Cocker spaniels (or any variety of spaniel), Spanish water dog

They even have a quiz to help you pick which dog is right for you.  (Link to Quiz).  I took the quiz (a cool quiz by the way) – and the quiz recommended that the dog I should own is a Great Dane.  Crazy! (Or maybe this says something about my personality.  More frightening.)

[Read more...]

Sunday Morning: Madison

Love the soothing music and the landscapes…as I ease into Sunday morning.  Here’s Ola Gjeilo with “Madison.”  Good morning…




Painting With Sound (and Colors!)

Check out Megan’s post at her cool site @ Make Something Monday’s where she features Martin Klimas’ photography.  “Klimas splatters colors of paint on a speaker and cranks up the volume.”  The paint splatters from vibrations from the speaker and Klimas takes the shots.”  See more photos and background information at Megan’s site.  Awesome shots…

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Which followers are most fanatical?

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  1. The Big Apple (aka Apple, Inc.)
  2. Oh Wow. Oh Wow. Oh Wow.
  3. Two Rules For Success
  4. Book Review: I Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs In His Own Words
  5. In Memory of Steve Jobs

I don’t want a revolution. I want a million tiny revolutions…

From HBR Blog Network: You Don’t Need This Recovery by Umair Haque.  Urge you to read entire post.  I’ve shared a few excerpts below.

“What, then, does it mean for an economy to be "healthy"? Consider, for a moment, a few very different numbers.

  • 9.8% of adults strongly agree that their life is close to their ideal.
  • 19% of adults strongly agree that they are satisfied with their life.
  • 21% of adults strongly agree that their life has a clear sense of purpose.
  • 30% of adults strongly agree that on most days they feel a sense of accomplishment from what they do.

[Read more...]

Saturday Morning Work-Out Inspiration: The Color Run

Two short one-minute clips to prod you out the door, or at minimum bring a smile to your face…which has to be worth a few clicks on the calorie count burn…




Source: Thank you

Other Related Work-out Inspiration Posts:

  1. Saturday Morning Workout Inspiration: Yes, I did
  2. Should I work out today?
  3. It Takes Only 1 Minute to Find Inspiration for Your Saturday Morning Work-Out
  4. Saturday Morning Wake-Up Work Out Call With AC-DC
  5. Hump Day Exercise
  6. 27 Rules of Conquering the Gym
  7. There’s still time today to burn
  8. Sitting is Killing You
  9. Yes, I need to lace them up

Week in Review: Pushing things that come to your hands a little higher up, a little farther on…

Self: Tough week?

DK: Let’s talk about the weekend.

Self: No highlights? No inspirations?

DK: Two word summary: Falling behind.  And, exhausted.

Self: That’s three.

DK: Listen Pal. Don’t get cute.

Self: OK. OK. OK. We’ll keep it upbeat.  I’ll cut you some slack.  Gimmee one BURSTING ray of sunlight.

DK: Direct reports.  2-down managers. Sales side leadership. SMEs. Gritty. Scrappy. Poised. Professional. Proud. Taking body shots. Best in business. One word for this pack: L-E-A-D-E-R-S.

[Read more...]

TGIF: Who’s pulling you through your day to the 5:00pm bell?

It’s Napoleon Dynamite of course!

Source: ramenjesus (via across–the-universe)


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Like the air you breathe…

Related Posts: The Process of Pivoting

Nothing more beautiful than…


“Because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away.”

from Point B, by Sarah Kay





Some days…

There are some days…like today…I get up…I don’t seem have it.  Get up late.  Post late.  Tank seems to lack fuel.  Have a full day.  Need to move from stuck to forward.  Need to battle through this…





So, time to shift the dials…

[Read more...]

He’d grown up just like me. My boy was just like me…

Eric (son) and I concluded our college visits last week.  The May 1 final decision date was banging on the back door.  He has 2 excellent choices.  One close to home.  One a plane ride away.  Son like Father is not long on words…and Son has been close to the vest on the final call.  I roll out of bed in the wee hours of the morning today.  Look at the clock…3:50am.  Flip open my smart phone.  Email from Eric.  A rare occurrence.  I sit down.  I rub the sleep out of my eyes.  I take a deep breath.  And I read.

“So after giving it some thought I have my mind set on W.  Here’s my reasoning:

  1. W is more expensive but W’s school rank is higher than B.
  2. W is more appealing in terms of the small class sizes.
  3. I feel that it would be easier to stand out when applying to med/grad school in a smaller school with a reputation for exceptional academics.
  4. I found the living and food situation at W to be a lot better.  Air conditioned dorms. And I’m GUARANTEED to be on campus.  Which is a short walk to class.
  5. The major drawback to W is the distance from home but I feel the educational experience is superior.  I will just deal with the travel and deal with being further away from home.
  6. I felt a greater sense of community at W, and I warmed very much to the southern hospitality.  So this is my rationale.  I’ve been getting pretty excited at the prospect of going to W the past few days, so I think my mind is made up.

So, it’s done.  Mr. Independent has pulled the trigger without so much as a 10-minute discussion with Mom & Dad.

[Read more...]


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