

Big ideas in the news from across the Web

  • Brain Teasers

    How Neuroscience Is Shrinking Our Concept of Consciousness

    The vast empire over which human reason once ruled has been made a fiefdom by current neurological research. The brain is as vulnerable to outside influence as any other organ.  

  • positive psychology

    Why We Tend to Look on the Bright Side

    A clever experiment designed by Harvard researchers suggests that we mostly imagine, and recall, positive visions of the future. Though negative forecasts occasionally help us correct our course. 

  • belief

    Why Religious Thinking Inspires Self-Control

    New research suggests that everyone--even atheists--exhibit better self-control when they are thinking about spiritual or religious matters. But why does everyone seem to obey God?

  • Creative Processes

    A Meeting of Mind: Neuroscience, Art & the Creative Process

    By hosting an interdisciplinary public conversation over the relationship between neuroscience and artistic endeavors, Nobel laureate Eric Kandel seeks a fuller understanding of human behavior. 

  • Nature vs. Nurture

    Why People Bully (Like Mitt Romney Did)

    Accusations have come forward that Mitt Romney was a high-school bully, behavior consistent with his pranksterish past. But what makes some kids pick on others in the first place? 

  • Rethinking the Workplace

    For Better Health, Build Your Work around Your Play

    Switching between the different hours of your work and social life can cause you to put on weight, says new research. What if working hours were more accommodating to our social lives?

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