TPM Editors’ Blog Opinions, Context & Ideas from TPM Editors

A Silk Purse From A Sow’s Ear

The director of the controversial Bully tells TPM: “What I see is an opportunity for Mitt Romney to lead and really be an advocate for decreasing bullying.”

David Kurtz
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Cynical …

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), on Obama: “Call me cynical, but I didn’t think his views on marriage could get any gayer.”

David Kurtz

Great Moments in City Council Crazy

If you haven’t seen this video of a woman speaking out against a LGBT rights ordinance in Lincoln, Nebraska, well it’s a unique experience. Video after the jump …

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Josh Marshall
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Fail Whale

Watch our special CNBC-only edition of The Day In 100 Seconds as the biz talk net tackled the JP Morgan debacle.

David Kurtz

Readers Share Their Stories

TPM Reader BW shares her own citizenship story …

After reading Josh’s post ”Citizenship Matters” I wanted to share my perspective as a dual citizen of the United States and Switzerland, and on the question of citizenship generally, which in my family is rather complicated.

Both my parents, my two U.S.-born brothers, and I are all Swiss citizens, but I am the only one who was actually born on Swiss soil.

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Josh Marshall

Tricky For Obama

In its statement to TPM a short time ago, the Obama campaign knocked Mitt Romney’s opposition to financial reform but stopped short of tying him to the JP Morgan mess, or even mentioning it specifically. That’s because the JP Morgan losses are a very sticky issue for the Obama administration. Financial regulatory reform was intended to prevent the kinds of trading JP Morgan was engaging in, but the rules as written by Obama administration regulators may not actually prohibit it, as JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon was quick to point out yesterday. Brian Beutler explains.

David Kurtz
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The Schlump-In-Chief

When you’re the President, you get to have Sofia Vergara come by the office on a Saturday. But, dude … is that a track suit?

David Kurtz

Citizenship Matters

I got in a bit of an argument on Twitter earlier this week about my belief in the importance of unitary citizenship – or to put it another way, thinking dual citizenship is really not okay.

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Josh Marshall

No ‘Counterculture’ Hair At Liberty U.

Mitt Romney makes the required pilgrimage Saturday to the late Rev. Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University, where “Hair and clothing styles related to a counterculture (as determined by the Student Affairs Deans’ Review Committee) are not acceptable.”

David Kurtz

Question of the Day

I think virtually anything can be written off from a politician’s high school days, as long as there’s some reckoning with it. What surprised me most about yesterday’s revelations was that the Romney campaign did not choose to address this on its own terms.

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Josh Marshall

The Dog That Didn’t Bark

I started to do a post yesterday on how muted the right wing response has been to President Obama’s same sex marriage shift. Back in the day, the House conference would have held a candlelight vigil for traditional marriage on the Capitol steps, protests would have been organized, right wing groups would have leaped at the fundraising opportunity, and the entire wingnut Wurlitzer would have been cranked up to maximum volume. It’s a sign of how far we come that not even Fox News could rouse itself to make a big deal about it, as Jon Stewart brilliantly points out. Watch.

David Kurtz

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