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The Wall Street Journal: Standing Up For Poor, Defenseless Billionaires

When Rupert Murdoch bought the Wall Street Journal there was anxious speculation about what would become of the respected financial clarion. Many critics (myself included) predicted that the paper would devolve into a partisan tool for the advancement of Murdoch’s uber-conservative agenda. Now we have confirmation of the worst of our reckoning. A few weeks [...]

Mitt Romney And The Sacred Institution Of Marriage

In the few days since President Obama expressed his personal support for same-sex marriage, the knee-jerk Right-Wing Noise Machine has blasted the historic stance as a flip-flop, a fundraising stunt, and an affront to God. But Mitt Romeny’s response was particularly noteworthy in that he managed to reverse his previous position (when he promised to [...]

Breitbart’s Unhinged Hypocrisy: Vetting Obama OK, Vetting Romney Disgraceful

The Breitbart site is well known for dishonesty and rabid servility to the uber-rightist agenda. But this morning they may have outdone themselves in an Olympian feat of hypocrisy. The Washington Post published an article today by Jason Horowitz, detailing accounts of bullying and possible gay-bashing by Mitt Romney while attending the elite Cranbrook prep [...]

Fox Nation Hyperventilation: Obama Flip Flops, Declares War On Marriage

Good grief…another war. Fox News is the most war happy confederation of dunces since the Huns. For Fox it is absolutely impossible to have a position on any subject without it being an official declaration of hostilities. Whether it’s Christmas, Easter, Halloween, light bulbs, the Constitution, hybrid cars, salt, or Happy Meals, Fox has cut [...]

Fox Nation vs. Reality: West Virginia Is For Lovers Of Felons

Yesterday was another election day in this seemingly never-ending primary season. And, true to its nature, Fox Nation has managed to mangle reporting of what took place. Here is the headline they went with this morning: “Democrats Pick Jailed Felon Over Obama.” There are only two reasons that Fox would run with this story: 1) [...]

Rush Limbaugh Affiliates Losing Millions As Advertisers Flee

When Rush Limbaugh called law student Sandra Fluke a slut he may not have grasped how expensive his despicable misogyny would be. Yesterday Politico reported that the CEO of Cumulus Media revealed that… …the advertiser boycott against Rush Limbaugh cost his company millions of dollars in revenue for the first two quarters of the year. [...]

Sean Hannity’s Great Misogynist Panel

Last week Sean Hannity welcomed to his Fox News program Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a frequent guest with whom he has a close association. Here is how Hannity introduced him: “He’s the founder, president of the group BOND Action, Brotherhood Organization for a New Destiny, of which I’m a board member, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. [...]

Allen West Joins Hate Group Advisory Board

Allen West has already distinguished himself as a commie-phobic, Nazi-baiting extremist who engaged in mock executions against innocent Iraqis before leaving the Army and running for congress. He has not even completed his first term yet he has offended millions of Americans as well as his colleagues. He called Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz “the most [...]

New York Post Columnist Tells Fox News That Obama Might Kill Biden

Michael Goodwin is a notoriously uber-conservative writer for Rupert Murdoch’s wingnut tabloid, the New York Post. This morning he ventured over to Murdoch’s Fox News studios to be interviewed about the presidential election. When the subject turned to vice-presidents, Goodwin couldn’t resist making a Mafia association with President Obama caste as the Godfather. His prediction [...]

LOL! Desperate Right-Wing Media Mocks Obama Rally

Let’s face it, conservatives are becoming more desperate and delusional every day. They hate their nominee for president and, in order to avoid the unthinkable prospect of President Obama’s reelection, they are literally hallucinating as they report on campaign events. The Fox Nation posted an article they sourced from Twitter (that’s right, the anonymous news [...]

News Corpse Endorses Tea Party Candidate For Indiana Senate

State treasurer Richard Mourdock is challenging veteran Dick Lugar for his senate seat in Indiana. Mourdock is a Tea Party favorite and has been endorsed by Sarah Palin. For those reasons, and the explanation below, News Corpse is jumping on the Mourdock bandwagon. Lugar is a popular figure in Indiana across the political spectrum and [...]

Fox Nation Panic: Run For The Hills, The World Is Ending

Sell! Sell! Sell! It’s all over. The stock market is collapsing. Wall Street is bankrupt. The economy is toast. Head for your bunker with your gold bullion, guns, and bibles. The End Times are here. Fox Nation is feverishly reporting that “Stocks Tank, Nasdaq’s Worst Week Of 2012.” If this isn’t evidence of Armageddon, I [...]

Born And Bred In Brooklyn, U.S.A., They Call Me Adam Yauch But I’m M.C.A.

The Beastie Boys may be remembered best for fighting for their right to party. But they were a groundbreaking trio of rockin rappers who cared about music and the world they lived in. Even if it was a World Gone Mad. Adam Yauch passed away today at the age of 47 after a three year [...]

Heartland Institute: Osama Bin Laden Was Pro-Life. Are You?

In the annals of advertising, there are some notorious chapters wherein misguided persons or organizations justified displaying disgusting and hateful images and messages on billboards. However, it will be a long time (I hope) before anyone comes close to sinking as low as the Heartland Institute has done with its new series of advertisements promoting [...]

Fox Nation vs. Reality: Quoting Castro Quoting Obama

After a week of Fox News fabulists going bonkers over President Obama’s use of the word “Forward” and declaring that he was a socialist because of it (never mind that Fox also used it their promos), we now have Fox Nation publishing a piece that aligns Obama with Fidel Castro: Not surprisingly, there is very [...]

Fox News Hypocritically Attacks Obama’s Fundraisers While Ignoring Romney’s

On Monday fox News published a report that purported to unveil “a veritable army” of fundraisers working on behalf of President Obama’s reelection. The focus of the article was a practice known as bundling where supporters solicit their family, friends, and colleagues, to make a contribution to a candidate’s campaign. Bundlers can accumulate large amounts [...]

Mitt Romney’s Campaign Slogan: We’re Not Stupid

This week there has been a swirling mini-controversy surrounding the use of the word “Forward” in a new web video posted on Barack Obama’s campaign site. The Right-Wing Noise Machine sprung into action to assert that there was some sort of connection between that word and its use by socialist groups over a hundred years [...]

The Swiftboating Of Obama Begins

In 2004 the campaign for president was tarnished by a band buttheads who thought that it would be appropriate to smear the military record of a decorated veteran who risked his life in Vietnam (John Kerry), in order to support a frat boy who evaded combat by leaning on the connections of his famous family [...]

Bill O’Reilly And Jesse Watters Lie About Van Jones

Last week Bill O’Reilly interviewed his Fox News colleague Jesse Watters about a video Watters had produced wherein he ambushed Van Jones at a green energy convention. The video itself was a frivolous exercise that succeeded mainly in demonstrating how easy it was for Jones to make Watters look foolish. More interesting was a part [...]

Romney Derangement Syndrome Introduced By Fox News

Today fox News added Mitt Romney to the list of “Derangement” syndromes that have entered the vernacular. That in itself is not particularly noteworthy. The syndrome meme has been gaining popularity and has been attached to virtually every major political figure at one time or another. What’s of note here is that this decidedly partisan [...]
