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NRA Double Standard: Black Woman Sentenced to 20 Years for "Standing Her Ground" in Florida Do Nuclear Reactors that Jump $900 Million in 3 Months Now Get Taxpayer Gurarantees? The Ongoing Racket of Glenn Beck's Dog-Whistles Whether It's Sugar Cookies or Religious Freedom, The Ridiculous Right Shouts Its View From Whatever Vantage Point It Is Able Greek Voters May Put a Dagger Into the Austerity Juggernaut![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- In Second Occupy Wall Street Protest Trial, Police Claims Again Rejected
- Mobilizing Military Moms Against NATO
- Do Nuclear Reactors that Jump $900 Million in 3 Months Now Get Taxpayer Gurarantees? -- Harvey Wasserman for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Ongoing Racket of Glenn Beck's Dog-Whistles -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Glory Days: A pundit's rosy view of the Pax Americana
- Money Unlimited: How Chief Justice John Roberts orchestrated the Citizens United decision
- Occupy the Farm Dug In, Dug Up
- Kucinich, Conyers Look to Block White House Effort to Expand Drone Strikes
- Wisconsin's Recall: The Second Most Important Election of 2012
- U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Involved in Killings of Innocent Civilians During Drug Interdiction Operation in Honduras
- "This one’s gonna leave a mark..."
- Associated Press Calls Out Romney's Lies in 'Prairie Fire' Speech
- Obama Faces Political Risks by Staying Soft on Wall Street
- "End This Depression Now": Paul Krugman Urges Public Spending, Not Deficit Hysteria, to Save Economy
- Why An Adverse Supreme Court ‘Obamacare’ Ruling Puts Republicans In A Tough Spot
- How FBI Entrapment Is Inventing 'Terrorists' - and Letting Bad Guys Off the Hook
- Iran Attack Decision Nears, Israeli Elite Locks Down
- House GOP Defense Bill Calls For Billions More In Defense Spending Than Obama Plan
- The Tragic Decline of Mary Kennedy, Found Dead in Apparent Suicide
- Senators Introduce 'Ex-Patriot Act' in Response to Facebook Founder's Tax Avoidance
- Forget Jeremiah Wright: Democrats’ Real Worry Is GOP Money
- Romney Ropes Off Media to Avoid Making Unscripted Gaffes
- Not In My Backyard! As Local Government Attacks on Women's Health Increase, Citizens Are Fighting Back
- Virginia GOPer Who Opposed Gay Judge: ‘Sodomy Is Not A Civil Right’
- "Mitt Romney condemns plan to attack President Obama by linking him to controversial pastor Jeremiah Wright, but made own tie in February"
- Facebook’s Eduardo Saverin Likely Barred From Re-Entering US
- Koch Brothers, Republicans Join Forces To Close Technology Gap On Obama, Democrats
- Strategist Behind Proposed Reverend Wright Attack Ad Has Long History Of Race-Baiting
- Boehner, Pelosi Grapple Over Renewed Debt Limit Brinksmanship
- Former Mormon Explains Why Mitt Romney Should Never Be President
- Army Ups Ante in Haitian Power Struggle
- Donna Summer Dead at 63
- Frank Rich on the National Circus: Bully Romney and the Gay Vote
- Maryland Passes Income Tax Hike on Six-Figure Earners
- Landowners on Enbridge Pipeline Route Say Risks "Imposed" Upon Them
- Surveillance Drone Filmed Over Suburban Chicago Soccer Field
- Bang-Up Job, Scott: Wisconsin Job Losses Highest in Nation for Last 12 Months, Federal Report Says
- Christianity’s Anti-Gay Stance Backfires: American churches' opposition to gay rights is out of touch with young people -- and it's costing them believers
- NYPD Loses Face and First Occupy Wall Street Trial
- Judge Blocks Enforcement of National Defense Authorization Act
- In Crazy Interview, Homophobe Who Accused Obama Of Being Gay Admits Attraction To Men
- The Mighty Liberal: Marriage is So Gay
- Haiti's Former Soldiers Demand Reinstatement of Army
- Romney's Cowardly Speech on the Deficit
- A Judge’s Plea for Pot
- Preying on the Poor
- Scalia Turns Advocate Against Obama as Queries Criticized
- Senate Republicans Stumble On Student Loans
- Your Paranoid, Fear-Inducing Headline for the Day: "Chicago Braces for Violence at NATO Summit"
- Trayvon Martin Case Shadowed by Police Missteps
- When Polluted Water Is Safe to Drink: Inside the Dimock Fracking Fight
- GOP Remains Quiet on Gay Marriage
- Mitt Romney Raising Money at Home of 'Morning-After Pill' Executive
- Occupy Women: Will Feminism's Fourth Wave Be a Swell or a Ripple?
- Iron Jawed Angels: America’s Distorted History
- Massachusetts Marks Eighth Anniversary of Gay Marriages
- Obama Wants Tough Rules After JPMorgan Loss: Report
- Obama, Boehner Clash At White House Over Debt-Ceiling Hike
- On the News With Thom Hartmann: Karl Rove to Launch a $25 Million Ad Campaign Blitz in Ten States, and More
- Census: Minority Babies are Now Majority in United States
- G.O.P. ‘Super PAC’ Weighs Hard-Line Attack on Obama
- Scott Walker Pulls Ahead in New Recall Poll
- Greeks Withdraw $894 Million US in Cash Out of Bank Accounts
- Reverend Wright is Back!
- Obama’s New Free Speech Threat
- Something Stinks: John Edwards and a Thirty Year Jail Term?
- It's Time to Take the "Gay" Out of Marriage
- Volcker To Dimon: Just Give Up Your Banking License And We’re Cool
- Jeb Bush, Rick Scott, and education: a 50 point test score drop in ONE year.
- "Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s estranged wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, who had fought drug and alcohol problems, was found dead in her home Wednesday."
- Greek Voters May Put a Dagger Into the Austerity Juggernaut -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Romney Has Public and Private Morality Upside Down
- Uncovering the Other ALECs
- Siegelman Judge Faces Divorce Complaint That Hints At Extramarital Affairs, Drug Use
- NATO Summit Roundup: Hyping the Possibility of Violence, Emanuel’s Latest Summit Spin
- David Letterman: This Week's Episode of Comedians Committing Journalism
- Student protesters disrupt UC regents meeting
- Bilingualism Scott Walker Style
- NATO Summit Roundup: Hyping the Possibility of Violence, Emanuel’s Latest Summit Spin
- Dropping Planes, Not Bombs: US Attack on Iran with F-22 Stealth Fighters would be Laughable
- A DC Superior Court judge has overturned the conviction of a man who wrongly served 28 years in prison for the killing of a taxi driver.
- Whether Its Sugar Cookies or Religious Freedom, The Ridiculous Right Shouts Its View From Whatever Vantage Point It Is Able - Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Activist Calls Judge "Racist White Pig," Gets 10 Days In Rikers
- One of Scott Walker's Closest Allies Says the GOP Wanted to "Go Further" on Union-Busting
- When Polluted Water Is Safe to Drink: Inside the Dimock Fracking Fight
- Moscow police clear occupied park
- Is World Outpacing US on Health Care?
- The Climate Fixers: Is there a technological solution to global warming?
- No Country for Rich Men
- Inhofe Staffer Asks Oil Lobbyist ‘Partners’ For ‘Better Coordination And Communication’
- Peter Peterson Spent Nearly Half A Billion In Washington Targeting Social Security, Medicare
- What Did JPMorgan Execs Know and When Did They Know It?
- Greece put a senior judge in charge of an emergency government on Wednesday to lead it to new elections on June 17 and bankers sought to calm public fears after the president said political chaos risked causing panic and a run on deposits.
- The FAA has decided to allow larger drones to fly in U.S. airspace
- Bigotry blocks a gay Virginian from the bench
- Thousands of British police join anti-austerity protest
- Frank Bruni: The Right’s Righteous Frauds
- US Extraordinary Rendition Suit Reaches Human Rights Court
- Obama Confronts GOP’s Anti-Gay Agenda, Threatens Veto Of ‘License To Bully’ Bill
- Greece sets date for crisis elections
- Germany's Pirate Party rides wave of popularity
- Jamie's Cryin: Dimon, J.P. Morgan Chase Lose $2 Billion
- Greece Prepares June 17 Elections Under Caretaker Government
- Unrest Is Growing in the Run-Up to Egypt's Presidential Election
- We protest the G-8 and NATO, but not Bilderberg. Why?
- Bernie Sanders floats plan to make HIV drugs less costly
- Ratko Mladic war crimes trial begins
- "A prominent Mitt Romney donor has shifted his support to President Barack Obama in the wake of Obama’s decision to speak out in favor of same-sex marriage. Bill White, an openly gay financial consultant from New York who had donated the maximum $2,500 to Romney, wrote a letter to the former Massachusetts governor explaining his decision to back Obama."
- Noted Mexican Novelist Carlos Fuentes is Dead at 83
- In Upset, Deb Fischer Wins Nebraska GOP Senate Nomination
- Women are lining up to congratulate likely GOP nominee Mitt Romney on defeating all of the other Republican candidates in the primary. They're just sorry that they all have to suffer to make it happen.
- Five Reasons Drone Assassinations Are Illegal -- Bill Quigley for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Why are so many Hollywood roles played by white actors? Aasif Mandvi stops by CNN to discuss his Salon story
- First NATO protest targets Obama
- Bush’s Faith-Based Initiative in the Age of Obama -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- New York Cabbies Drive for Dignity
- State Department Poised to Raise Chances of War with Iran
- Huge: Campaign Finance Disclosure Decision Means Rove, Others Could Suddenly Have To Disclose Donors
- The 43rd president is a willing accomplice in the Romney effort to pretend 2008 never happened
- Bubba Carpenter, Mississippi GOP Lawmaker, Lauds Potential Return Of 'Coat Hanger' Abortions
- House GOP Votes to Kill Census' American Community Survey
- Nurses push tax on trades to help sick
- On the Eve of the NATO Summit, Is Phone Jamming Coming to Chicago?
- Greeks withdraw $894 million in a day: Is this beginning of a run on banks?
- Anheuser-Busch, Drunk On Greed
- Perhaps It's Jamie Dimon Who Needs a Psychiatrist
- Yes, America, We Have Executed an Innocent Man
- Fox Finds The Villain Of JPMorgan Chase's $2 Billion Loss: Regulation
- FBI May Charge George Zimmerman with Hate Crime
- JPMorgan Chase Has Lost $20 Billion On Its Bad Trade, Taking Into Account Share Price
- Bachmann’s Fundraising Whopper
- DOJ Opens Inquiry Into JPMorgan Trading Loss: Report
- Derp Derp Derp George W. Bush: ‘I’m For Mitt Romney’ Derp Derp Derp Derp
- Caterpillar Machinists Strike Is Two Weeks Old and Holding Steady
- Key Murdoch Executive Rebekah Brooks Charged in Phone-Hacking Scandal
- House Version of Violence Against Women Act is Racist, Elitist, Homophobic and Anti-Victim
- Sen. Murray: Boehner Inviting Another ‘Tea Party Credit Downgrade’
- Child Migrant Farmers in the United States: A Quest for a Better Life
- Global Warming Increasing by 400,000 Atomic Bombs Every Day
- Questions Raised over Corporate Money and DNC
- Are Cops Drugging Occupy Wall Street Protesters in Minnesota?
- Judge Affirms Damages to Illegal Immigrants After Assaults
- Too Big to Jail: How Wall Street Took Over Washington
- Romney Campaign Massively Downgrades The Number Of Jobs It Claims He Created From 100,000 To ‘Thousands’
- Dems: Boehner Renewed Debt Limit Fight Because He’s In Thrall To Far Right
- Mitt Romney's Chuckle-Heard-Round-the-World
- Why Do Conservatives Hate Freedom?
- Krugman: Eurodämmerung
- The Right’s Righteous Frauds
- Elizabeth Warren: JPMorgan Debacle Shows 'Banks Cannot Regulate Themselves'
- Gay GOP Donor Pulls Support From Mitt Romney Over Gay Marriage, Asks For Money Back
- The Top 8 Ways To Be 'Traditionally Married' According To The Bible
- Boehner Threatens to Take the Debt Limit Hostage Again
- Wisconsin Dems Furious with DNC for Refusing to Invest Big Money in Walker Recall
- The Civilian Toll in Afghanistan
- Paul Krugman | The Case for Overreacting
- JPMorgan Bosses Said to Dismiss Red Flags on Big Bets
- Romney Campaign Forced to Downplay Job Creation Claims
- Obama Announces Plans to Repeal Defense of Marriage Act
- GOP Rep. Lankford Explains Why It Should Be Legal To Fire Someone For Being Gay
- Gay Marriage: The Republican Love Affair With the Past
- Rachel Maddow | Rush Limbaugh, Busted
- As Obama OKs Weapons to Bahrain, Neurosurgeon Tortured by Regime Faces Trial For Treating Protesters
- JPM Chase Chairman, Jamie Dimon, the Whale Man, and Glass-Steagall
- It’s Time to Break Up the Big Banks
- An American Disgrace: Convicted War Criminals Bush and Cheney Remain Free
- Town and Country: On North Carolina’s Amendment One, the fault line was not racial—it was urban-rural
- Wrong Man was Executed in Texas, Probe Says
- Report: 'Over-Consumption' Threatening Earth
- TSA Agents Conduct ‘Full Monty’ Pat-Down On Henry Kissinger
- The New Right-Wing Meme – Obama Is Gay
- Right-Wing Lauds Facebook Co-Founder’s Decision To Renounce US Citizenship: He’s ‘An American Hero’
- Rattlesnake Bites Customer in Wal-Mart
- Wall Street Accountability Resurfaces as Major Issue
- Lawmakers Block Gay Man from VA Judge Seat
- Caveat Emptor in Extremis
- GOP Kills Colorado Civil Unions Bill In Special Session
- Harper's Former Lobbying Group Looks to US for Thoughts and Ideas
- Occupy Isn't About Electing Democrats--It's About Exposing a Broken System
- Who Really Caused The Deficit?
- Did Scott Walker Lie Under Oath to Congress?
- New Romney Video Touts Steel Mill That Benefited From Government Largesse
- NBC Anchor a Keynote Speaker at Conservative Fundraiser
- Elizabeth Warren Says JP Morgan Trading Debacle Shows ‘We Need To Go Back To Boring Banking’
- Five Facts That Put America To Shame - Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Actual FOX News Headline: "Dinosaurs May Have Farted Themselves to Extinction." Enough Said - Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Federal Appeals Court Permits Suits Against Private Military Contractors for Torture and War Crimes at Abu Ghraib to Proceed
- More are Renouncing US Citizenship as IRS Cracks Down
- CUNY Students Protest Tuition Increases
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Is Ron Paul Out-Maneuvering Mitt?
- Obama’s Use of Complete Sentences Stirs Controversy