Heartland Institute grows isolated as three more donors flee

A billboard in Chicago, Ill., published by climate denial group The Heartland Institute.

Heartland Institute was cut off by three more corporate donors on Monday, further isolating the ultra-conservative thinktank from the mainstream business world.


Rep. Polis proposes bill to ensure schools don’t treat pizza as a vegetable

School children eat pizza for lunch (Flickr/Judy Baxter)

Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced the SLICE Act on Monday to prevent pizza from being counted as a vegetable in federally funded school lunch menus.


Virginia lawmaker vows to axe gay nominee

[Image via Flickr user VCU CNS, Creative Commons licensed]

Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall (R) announced on Saturday that he would challenge an openly gay judicial nominee because he does not support so-called traditional marriage.


Married same sex couples unable to divorce in Rhode Island, despite recent order

Same sex marriage photo by Nikolai Alekseev

Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee issued an executive order on Monday that requires the state to recognize same sex marriages performed out-of-state.


Wisconsin Dems say DNC stalled financial backing for Walker recall election

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Image via AFP.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has not invested heavily into the recall elections against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R).


Catholic high school bans lesbian couple from prom

High school couple Hope Decker and Tiffany Wright. Screenshot via Lex 18 TV.

A teenage same sex couple was denied entrance to their Kentucky high school’s prom Saturday night because of the school’s Catholic principles.


HIV/AIDS patients at higher risk of cardiac death: study

WASHINGTON — People suffering from HIV/AIDS are at much higher risk than the general population…

Earliest wall art is found in France

WASHINGTON — A massive block of limestone in France contains what scientists believe are the…

Bosnian capital sees first spring snow in 50 years

Fox News contributor: ‘Hundreds of thousands’ of scientists deny climate change

Tech News

Steve Wozniak warns Zuckerberg on dangers of going public

SYDNEY — Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has warned Mark Zuckerberg about the dangers of going…

Ousted Yahoo! CEO revealed he has thyroid cancer

Ousted Yahoo! chief executive Scott Thompson told board members before his resignation that he has…


Ex-Murdoch aide among six charged over hacking

British prosecutors accused former Rupert Murdoch aide Rebekah Brooks and five others of obstructing justice Tuesday in the first…

Canadian actress denies stalking Alec Baldwin

NEW YORK — A little-known Canadian actress on Monday denied stalking “30 Rock” star Alec…


Greece races against time to form government

Greece tries again on Tuesday to form a government, hoping a technocrat solution to disputes over a tough EU-IMF bailout deal will avoid…

Hollande sworn in as French president

Socialist leader Francois Hollande was sworn in as president ofFrance on Tuesday at a solemn ceremony overshadowed by the catastrophic debt crisis threatening…

Economic growth sows unhappiness in China: study

WASHINGTON — China’s economic growth of the last 20 years has generally been met with declining happiness, especially among the…

McCain calls for suspension of Myanmar sanctions

Key Republican Senator John McCain called Monday on the United States to suspend most sanctions on Myanmar, saying the administration…

U.S. News

U.S. launches air pollution data in Shanghai

The United States consulate in Shanghai has begun issuing its own pollution statistics, giving a much more pessimistic assessment…

California faces cuts to fill huge budget hole

LOS ANGELES — California governor Jerry Brown proposed spending cuts Monday, including shutting down state…

Obama seeks political gain from same sex marriage move

NEW YORK — US President Barack Obama on Monday sought to leverage his decision to…

Man needs $20,000 to get dog back from ex

NEW YORK — A recently split-up US man is so desperate to get his dog…

White House urges bank reforms after JPMorgan loss

WASHINGTON — The White House stepped up pressure for tighter bank regulation Monday after JPMorgan…