Category Archives: federal election commission

“Obama Stands Aside as Election-Law Enforcement Weakened”

Bloomberg: “Barack Obama pledged as a presidential candidate to strengthen the Federal Election Commission and nominate members ‘committed to enforcing our nation’s election laws.’ Since taking office, he hasn’t pushed for achievement of either goal.”

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Breaking News: RNC Loses Appeal Over Consent Decree Barring Polling Place “Ballot Security” Measures

You can read the unanimous opinion of the three-judge-court of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at this link. Speaking very roughly, back in 1982 the Republican National Committee settled a case (through a court-enforced consent decree) brought by the Democratic National Committee claiming that Republican “ballot security” programs meant to combat supposed voter fraud constituted intimidation of minority voters in violation of the Constitution and the Voting Rights Act. Among other things, the consent decree requires the RNC to get permission from the court before implementing certain poll watching activities.

This decree has been in place for a long time, and recently the RNC argued that the consent decree should be modified or dissolved.  The district court agreed to put an 8 year time limit on the rest of the decree (subject to the DNC arguing for additional extensions after 2017), but otherwise kept the key provisions in place.  In today’s decision, a three-judge panel of the Third Circuit unanimously affirmed the District Court’s decision not to weaken or dissolve the decree. The only point upon which the appellate court seemed to disagree with the district court was over whether it was appropriate to dissolve this in 8 years–the appellate court suggested that it might be improper to do so, because the mere passage of time is not enough to prove the decree should be dissolved.

Bottom line: huge win for the DNC here.  I do not know if the RNC will try for a rehearing en banc in the third circuit, but a motion for an injunction pending appeal to the Supreme Court Justice in charge of the Third Circuit, Justice Alito, does not seem to far-fetched to me.

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“Disagreements Over Disclaimer Rules Continue in New FEC Enforcement Cases”

BNA reports on “the latest in a series of split votes, reflecting strong disagreements among FEC Republicans and Democrats about enforcing requirements in campaign finance law to inform the public about who authorized a political message and who is paying for it.”

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Commissioner Weintraub Statement on FEC’s Failure to Improve Disclosure Rules


The next election promises to be the most expensive in history. Hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent by outside groups. More and more of these dollars come from organizations that do not disclose information about their donors. As in the last cycle, most of this money likely will be concentrated on races in a few key states and districts. In some of these races, outside spending may dominate the debate. And money from outside groups likely will go disproportionately to fund negative advertisements.
Such a proliferation of anonymous, negative speech cannot be good for our democracy. Nor is it consistent with the view of eight Justices of the Supreme Court, who ruled that “effective disclosure” is what “enables the electorate to make informed decisions and give proper weight to different speakers and messages.” Moreover, as Justice Scalia recently noted in another case: “Requiring people to stand up in public for their political acts fosters civic courage, without which democracy is doomed. . . . [A] society which . . . campaigns anonymously . . . hidden from public scrutiny and protected from the accountability of criticism . . . does not resemble the Home of the Brave.” I remain hopeful that the Commission will one day take this insight to heart.

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Congratulations to both Commissioners, though these are not exactly happy times at the FEC.

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FEC Commissioners Bauerly and Walther Issue Statement on Today’s Meeting and CU Rulemaking


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Christmas Present from FEC

Tomorrow’s draft agenda has now been amended to include two notices of proposed rulemakings.  One would consider (though it does not commit to) strengthening disclosure requirements for contributions made to support independent expenditures.  The other would consider repealing some corporate and labor union limitations contained in FEC regulations which now appear unconstitutional under Citizens United.

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“FEC Dysfunction Not Just Politics, It’s Personal”

Politico: “Behind closed doors they snipe at each other. In public they question each other’s motives. And in front of Congress, they hang each other out to dry. That’s life on the Federal Election Commission, a panel that is supposed to answer the most important questions in campaign finance law, but whose commissioners can’t always manage civility, never mind reach agreements on the biggest fundraising and spending questions it’s tasked to answer.”

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FEC Deadlocks 3-3 on American Crossroads AO Request

This is as we expected.  Pathetic but predictable.

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“Prosecutors try to keep former FEC chairmen from testifying in Edwards case”

News-Observer:“Federal prosecutors in the John Edwards case are trying to prevent two former Federal Elections Commission chairmen from testifying as expert witnesses in the criminal case against the former presidential candidate. In a document filed in federal court Monday, prosecutors contend that Scott Thomas and Robert Lenhard, former FEC chairmen who have raised questions about the prosecution’s definition of campaign contributions, should not be classified as expert witnesses. Prosecutors contend that what the two men would offer are legal conclusions that would usurp the authority of the judge, the trial court’s ‘own legal expert.’”

I am called fairly often by attorneys looking to retain me as an expert and I generally tell them the same thing: the judge is the expert on the law.  Election law specialists generally can be more useful as co-counsel than as designated experts.

That said, it seems the FEC Commissioners might be doing something different than testifying as to how to correctly understand the law: they could be testifying as to the understanding at the FEC of the laws and regulations on personal funds and contributions at the time of the Edwards payments.  This could go toward Edwards’ possible mental state at his trial.  I think we’d need to know more about the nature of the testimony and its relation to the charges to know if the government is right here.

Thanks to Jason Abel for the pointer.

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“FEC Gives 1,000-Plus Pages to House Panel Disclosing Internal Enforcement Procedures”

BNA: “Under pressure from a congressional subcommittee, the Federal Election Commission has provided the House panel with documents describing its internal enforcement procedures, but the documents have not yet been made public.”

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“Legal Center Calls for FEC Overhaul, Submits Congressional Testimony on Dysfunctional Agency”

See this press release.  See also this NYT editorial.

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CREW FOIA Request to FEC Republican Commissioners Leads to Claims of Improper Ex Parte Communications

See this press release about this report.

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House Oversight Hearing on FEC to Be Rescheduled Because of South Korean President’s Address

So reports BNA.

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The End of Campaign Finance Law

Many thanks to Rick Hasen for this opportunity to guest blog about my forthcoming article, The End of Campaign Finance Law, 98 Va. L. Rev. (2012). At Rick’s invitation, I’m writing a short series of posts this week that track my article. The title of the article is deliberately provocative and signals its identification of Citizens United v. FEC as a pivotal moment in campaign finance law, stripping away much of campaign finance law and regulation as we long knew it.

In today’s post, I set out what I think is the far-reaching doctrinal impact of Citizens United, which goes well beyond the impact on corporate electioneering that garnered so much public attention. Tomorrow, I’ll explain a bit about the practical implications for the practice and regulation of campaign finance. Finally, I’ll close by discussing what Citizens United tells us about the Court’s views generally about political corruption and by arguing that the decision actually points new ways forward for anti-corruption regulation beyond campaign finance law, in areas like bribery and lobbying.

Citizens United, as we all know, sparked an unusually robust public debate about the constitutional rights of corporations and their role in politics. The decision spurred to organize protest rallies across the country as a “breaking point” that could “warp our democracy forever if we let it do so.” However, almost all the public excitement about Citizens United focused on the question whether corporations could be restricted from drawing on treasury funds to pay for political campaigning in the form of independent expenditures. The irony is that the profound doctrinal impact of Citizens United, the most important campaign finance case since Buckley v. Valeo and the most publicly debated case in years, was largely missed in this public debate. Continue reading

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“Judge Dismisses CREW Suit Against FEC Challenging Agency Enforcement Practices”

BNA reports.

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Bob Biersack, the Federal Election Commission Spokesman, is Retiring

Politico scoop. Biersack is ever helpful, especially with data, and has had to negotiate some very treacherous waters being the unitary spokesman for an increasingly dysfunctional and divided Commission.  He will be missed!

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“FEC Fines Former Rep. Grayson, Campaign Over Invitation Asking for Corporate Money”

BNA (subscription required) has the details.

Spoiler alert: Rep. Grayson’s name was on a fundraising invite for a state candidate, asking for contributions from an “individual, corporation, PAC, or trust.” Grayson contends that a staffer approved his participation without his consent. No sign of a Danielczyk defense.

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Parnell on Colbert on Parnell

Sean Parnell (Center for Competitive Politics) and Sheila Krumholz (Center for Responsive Politics) were on the Colbert Report last night, with continuing entertaining coverage of some very real issues. Sean’s got interesting further thoughts on the exchange, here.

Update: More on the Colbert Bump, here.

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FEC deadlocks on alleged corporate reimbursement of contributions

$4800 transfers from account to account to account, but 3-3 at the FEC.

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FEC Commissioners Bauerly, Walther and Weintraub Looking to Hire Additional StaffAttorney

Announcement here.

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The Bigger Story at Today’s FEC: No New Soft Money Loophole; Jim Bopp, Like Stephen Colbert, Brings Some Unanimity to the FEC

While Stephen Colbert got all the attention at the FEC today (link to commission audio), the more important substantive decision was the unanimous vote of the FEC to prevent the reopening of a soft money loophole in campaign finance law.  It’s not every day (in fact, it’s usually not any day) that the FEC’s actions get praise from Fred Wertheimer.

What happened and why?

Here’s the back story: Jim Bopp announced the formation of a Republican “super PAC”–a political committee which does not make any contributions directly to federal candidates, and which, thanks to recent court and FEC rulings may take unlimited contributions (from individuals, corporations, and labor unions) to be spent on independent ads supporting or opposing federal candidates. What made Bopp’s proposal unique is that he would use Republican officeholders to raise unlimited sums for the Super PAC.  It would not only create a “shadow” Republican party—it would get elected officials back in the business of raising unlimited sums from corporate, union, and wealthy contributors, effectively reversing the “soft money ban” put in place by McCain-Feingold.  Not only did the Supreme Court uphold that ban in McConnell v. FEC (in a portion of the opinion not touched by Citizens United), even Justice Kennedy voted to uphold key parts of the ban on elected officials soliciting unlimited funds to benefit their political parties.

Democratic lawyers, including Marc Elias, in a savvy move, then filed an Advisory Opinion request, asking the FEC to rule on whether such unlimited fundraising is legal, or whether such solicitations need to be within the $5,000 limit for PACs which are not “super-PACs.”  So Elias got the FEC to rule on whether Bopp’s plan is legal.

Today the FEC voted on that advisory opinion request, saying that elected officials may not raise unlimited funds for super-PACs. I have not seen any news reports yet, but Sean Parnell tweets that the Commission, on a 6-0 vote, approved a revised version of Draft A to AO request 2011-12. It’s a good thing too, because it really would have eviscerated the soft money limits.

Why was the FEC vote 6-0, when we’ve been seeing lots of 3-3 FEC deadlocks recently, with the Republican Commissioners refusing, in my view, to fairly enforce the law?

I think Jim Bopp’s proposal was a bridge too far, even for the three FEC Commissioners.  Not only would there have been a public outcry, but I imagine the issue would have ended up in the courts, and created great uncertainty as the 2012 election season gets into full swing.  It reminds me of when Judge Kavanaugh rejected a lawsuit by Bopp seeking to end the soft money limits.  Judge Kavanaugh, no friend of campaign finance regulation, said that the time may come when the Supreme Court would overturn McConnell and hold the soft money limits clearly imposed by Congress as unconstitutional.  But until then he was bound by Congress and the Court.

So the three Republican commissioners deserve great praise today for their vote in this case, but I have low expectations going forward, given the Commissioners’ recent votes in coordination and disclosure cases, as well as their position on the post-Citizens United rulemaking.

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Was I Right After All About Democrats’ Support for Colbert Draft A?/Majority Super PAC Ruling

Following up on this and this, someone at the hearing just emailed me to say that the Democratic Commissioners supported Colbert Draft A as it was, and that the Republican Commissioners were the ones who needed the changes that came in the draft last night.

The revised draft passed.  Sean Parnell further reports a 6-0 vote on the Majority PAC superpac issue.  The soft money loophole sought by Bopp defeated.

More to come.

UPDATE: A source tells me the following about the Colbert draft: Draft A always had the support of 5 commissioners, but there were continuing negotiations over some minor language changes in the final document, including those proposed as part of the amendments that were voted on at the table. Draft A was never a “Democratic” or “Republican” draft.


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A Different View of the Colbert Compromise

A reader writes in to say that I making an unsubstantiated assumption in viewing the original Draft A as the position of the Democratic commissioners.  A fair point:  Both Drafts A and B came from the staff, and so we don’t know exactly who supported and wrote what behind the scenes.  My assumption was based upon the idea that Draft A was less willing to give a broad press exemption than draft B, and therefore more likely to come from the Democratic Commissioners.

Meanwhile, I’m following Ken Vogel’s live tweets of the meeting.

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Breaking News: Stephen Colbert Brings Temporary Bipartisan Harmony to the FEC

An eagle-eyed reader notes a new item posted in connection with tomorrow’s meeting of the FEC: amendments to Draft A of the Colbert advisory opinion, proposed by five of the six commissioners (all besides Republican Commissioner McGahn).  This signals that things will go very smoothly (and I would guess rather quickly) at tomorrow’s FEC meeting.

The draft comes closer to the position of the Democratic Commissioners rather than the Republican Commissioners’ initial position, and it seems to lessen the possibility that the Colbert opinion could have (inadvertently) opened up a wide expansion of the “press exemption” to further undermine campaign finance laws.

Why would the Republican commissioners have agreed to this?  The likely reason, as my tipster suggests and I agree, is the negative publicity that would come to the Republican commissioners had the FEC deadlocked and not issued an AO resolving all of Colbert’s issues.

But don’t worry.  Once the Colbert circus leaves the FEC tomorrow, the agency will go back to its usual partisan deadlocks and Republican Commissioner obstructionism, and be as good as dead.

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FEC Developments

Now posted on tomorrow‘s agenda, a new draft AO in Colbert and on the Party Super PAC issue.  We’ll see what, if anything, gets a majority vote.

Meanwhile, Commissioners Bauerly and Weintraub have posted some strong statements of reasons opposing the Republican Commissioners in Unknown Respondents, Yoder, and the Christine O’Donnell/Tea Party case (this statement joined by Commissioner Walther).  The last one ends as follows:

“Reason to believe” is a threshold determination fthat by itself does not establish that the law has been violated. In fact, “reason to believe” determinations indicate only that foe Commission has found sufficient legal justification to open an investigation to determine whether there is probable cause to believe that a violation of foe Act has occurred. Here, the campaign press secretary represented to a radio station employee that he spoke daily with the third  party paying for a supposedly independent communication on that radio station. If that is not enough information to begin an investigation into coordination, it is unclear what would be enough.

Dead, dead, dead.

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“House Votes Not to Confer More Power on Feckless FEC”

This item appears on the CLC Blog.

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“Stephen Colbert: Cash For Handshakes Outside FEC Went To Me, Not Colbert Super PAC”

TPM reports.  More from CCP.

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The FEC is as Good as Dead, Cont’d

National Journal: “A Crossroads spokesman and campaign-finance watchdogs alike agree that the FEC request is easily sidestepped. It applies only to contributions that were specifically earmarked for independent expenditures. Donations to Crossroads, group spokesman Jonathan Collegio told National Journal, were never earmarked that way.”

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See this press release.

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“FEC Green-Lights fund-raising Group for Corn Growers”

Jeff Patch has written this article for the Iowa Republican.

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Read the FEC Republican Commissioners’ Statement on the CU Rulemaking


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“U.S. Federal Election Commission Deadlocks on Greater ’12 Donor Disclosure”

Bloomberg reports.  Quoth Craig Holman: “I’ve never seen an FEC this bad before..They’re just giving the green light to everyone saying, ‘We’re not going to enforce the laws; you can do whatever you want.’”

As I’ve said, the FEC is as good as dead.

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