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This is Acquired Insanity

This video is going viral so I thought I’d post it with a bit of commentary.

The reason why this video disturbs me so much while it just provokes head scratching and mockery from others is because this woman sounds only a bit less sane than some people I know.  You don’t know insane until you’ve been stuck in a car with someone who’s gone on like this for hours but whose use of good grammar and more coherent sentence structure only serves to amplify the insanity.  It’s the content that is the same.  Basically, gays are dirty, filthy, unnatural, homicidal perverts who do nasty things to one another all day long and if we let them to this disgusting stuff, before you know it, straight white married men will be buggering each other too because it feels better than sex with a woman and they won’t be able to help themselves.  Also, no one who is unmarried should even think about having sex under any circumstances because it’s disgusting and fornication and shows a lack of self-control.

I know where it comes from.  It’s the Glenn Beck- Bill O’Reilly- “Christian” broadcasting Axis of Evil.  The UNESCO idea is significant and a sign of the New World Order, the Trilateral Commission and one world government.  Oh, and cursing and swearing just shows that society is at its most decadent (these women have apparently never watched Deadwood). Why these people should be so concerned with what gay people are doing is a mystery to me.  I don’t sit around worrying about whether piece A is going into the “proper” slot B for hours and days and weeks at a time and I don’t even know the terms for all of the different manifestations of gay sex but I’ll bet the woman above does.  Images of gay people doin’ it are not on an endless video loop in my head and I’m guessing that the vast majority of people don’t think about it either.  What I find curious is that apparently oral and anal sex between heterosexual married couples doesn’t seem to trip their trigger at all.

But notice who is giving this jeremiad on gay sex.  It’s an elderly white woman who probably has her TV bat channel tuned to Fox and whatever false prophet of the week is predicting another sign of the end times.

It’s acquired stupidity syndrome.  Someone has gotten into their minds with a finely calibrated tool and messed with the circuitry.  The association between sex and disgusting things has been reinforced over and over again.  It’s worse when they think about gay sex but any sexual encounter that does not happen under the cleanliness of a wedding ring is disgusting.  And studies have shown that disgust is a powerful emotion that is often manipulated in the unaware.

Speaking last week from a conference on disgust in Germany, Valerie Curtis, a self-described “disgustologist” from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, described her favorite emotion as “incredibly important.”

She continued: “It’s in our everyday life. It determines our hygiene behaviors. It determines how close we get to people. It determines who we’re going to kiss, who we’re going to mate with, who we’re going to sit next to. It determines the people that we shun, and that is something that we do a lot of.”

It begins early, she said: “Kids in the playground accuse other kids of having cooties. And it works, and people feel shame when disgust is turned on them.”

Some studies have suggested that political conservatives are more prone to disgust than liberals are. And it is clear that what people find disgusting they often find immoral, too.


“People who are sensitive to one type of disgust are not necessarily sensitive to another,” he said. For example, he said, earlier claims that political conservatives (self-identified) were more sensitive than liberals to disgust were overly general. Research that he and his colleagues did suggested that conservatives were more disgusted by sexual topics, but were similar to liberals in the domains of disease avoidance and moral judgment.

By the way, in case you are wondering how powerful a psychological tool disgust is politically, go back and think about how the public was turned off to the Occupy Movement.  Not everyone is susceptible but for some reason, it appears that women who came of age before the sexual revolution are especially vulnerable.  Not all women of that age but it’s more than statistically significant.  And these are the women who the Republicans are unleashing at the polls who vote against abortion and gay marriage and simultaneously, all of the social programs that they actually benefit from.

So, the woman in the video above is not alone.  Nooooo, not by a long shot.  But now, maybe the women who are like her will understand how batshit crazy the world thinks they are.  It’s curable but the people who are affected need to understand that they are being messed with.  And it looks and sounds really bad.

For your consideration: “The Democracy Amendment”

It seems to me that we’re not going to get lasting progress on issues that matter until we insist on fundamental voting reforms.

As long as primaries can be overturned at the whim of elected delegates & delegate votes overturned at the whim of the Delegation Chairs then current primary elections (and don’t even think of putting caucuses in the same category as an election) are meaningless.

It wasn’t that long ago that the popular vote was overturned NOT just by the Supreme Court deciding the outcome of the Florida election but, by the Electoral College which made that decision so critical.  Without the Electoral College, those few votes in Florida wouldn’t have mattered at all. No one disputes that Al Gore won the popular vote for United States President in 2000.

And we also know that with electronic voting machines leaving no paper trail we can’t really rely on the vote counts anyway….

Therefore I’m proposing for your consideration: a Constitutional Amendment, “The Democracy Amendment”comprised of the following sections:

  1. Abolish Electoral College and replace with Popular vote
  2. National Presidential Primary … a single day for candidates of all potential candidates in whichever parties to run for President all on one day
  3. Hand count ballots by human beings in front of any interested voters: No electronic or mechanical or digital counting of ballots
  4. District of Columbia represented with full voting rights in US Senate & House. (and whatever else that would make them more fully human) …

Are there other voting issues that need to be addressed to give us an actual democracy?

The floor is open to amendments.  But, I recommend keeping it simple.

Tweety and Barney Frank give Tony Perkins a Swirly Over Marriage Equality

What’s up with Tweety?  He almost seems to have a soul on occasion and then he goes and swills some cocktail weenies with Sally Quinn and declares that the only reason Hillary got elected to the Senate was because people felt sorry for her, unlike Scott Brown who is a braintrust. Jeez, it still pisses me off whenever I remember that but that’s not the subject of this post.

This post is about how Tweety and Barney Frank took on Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, the kind of guy some in my family adore like he is a dreamy uber-Christian demigod, striding the marbled halls of justice with the wind in his fists and the stars round his wrists.  Anyway, someone must have spiked Tweety’s tea because he went after Tony relentlessly going as far as showing instant replays.  It’s a thing of beauty.  Why can’t we see the conservatives get swirlied like this on a regular basis?  I might even reinvest in cable to see that.

But the best part (or worst part, depending on you perspective) is when Tony Perkins goes all psycho on special needs children.  Apparently, they’re not worthy of loving parents and no one wants to adopt them anyway.  Well, well, well, we can now see what Tony really thinks of children born to the wrong parents.  Nice white, asian and south american infants are peachy keen for intact heterosexual families but an older kid or a kid with the wrong skin color or HIV status or disability doesn’t deserve parents at all no matter what kind they are.  Anyway, check it out.

Yeah! Give’im hell, Tweety.  Ask him to explain that whole ugly business with Lot’s daughters and the bear that ate the kids who made fun of Elisha’s hair.  Why stop with Abraham?


Also, there’s this little bit on Fox where the hosts are discussing Obama’s drug use.  I guess it’s a tit for yesterday’s tat on Romney’s stupid and mean haircutting escapade.  If I were the Obama campaign, I wouldn’t have gone there because now, Fox is going to feel justified bringing out all of the drug stuff and even if they tip towards the racist side (and how could they not, they’re Fox), nobody is going to care when the Obama campaign cries “wolf!”. The crocodile tears and faux outrage over racism is going to backfire this year. Fox goes as far as accusing Obama of selling drugs- and then apologizes for getting that wrong.

What’s that saying about a lie making it halfway around the world before the truth gets its shoes on?

Friday, Friday

Before I head on down to the basement to do more painting, and more painting today on the hallways (gosh, I’m beginning to sound like Lambert and his endless painting chores), I’d just like to clear something up about Obama’s sudden revelation about marriage equality.

He came out for marriage equality.  Good.

He also said it should be left to the states.  Bad.

He said it should be left to the states *after* it had been defeated, stomped on, drawn, quartered, burned and left on a pole at the state house in Raleigh, North Carolina.  So, he took no risks by saying he was for it.  In fact, one might interpret his timing as a tacit approval of the actions of the conservative voters of North Carolina.  {{wink, wink, say no more, know what I mean, gov’nah?}} This way, he risks nothing.

So, why bother? It’s because he LGBT community was pissed at him for not preventing discrimination in government contracts, which, in my humble opinion is just as important.  From Greg Sargent’s post on the subject a few days ago:

Some leading gay and progressive donors are so angry over President Obama’s refusal to sign an executive order barring same sex discrimination by federal contractors that they are refusing to give any more money to the pro-Obama super PAC, a top gay fundraiser’s office tells me. In some cases, I’m told, big donations are being withheld.

Jonathan Lewis, the gay philanthropist and leading Democratic fundraiser, is one of many gay advocates who has been working behind the scenes to pressure Obama to change his mind. When Obama decided against the executive order last month, arguing that he would pursue a legislative solution instead, advocates were furious — such a solution will never pass Congress, the executive order has been a priority for advocates for years, and the move smacked of a political cave to conservatives who will not support Obama no matter what he does.

I’m sorry, but there is absolutely no excuse for him not to sign this executive order that has been hanging around for years.  In the four years that he’s been in office, he could have pursued a legislative solution but he hasn’t.  So, why not just sign the order?  Isn’t discrimination a bad thing, especially when it comes to government contracts?  Presumably, we want the best contractors to do the work for our country and some of them might be gay.  How can it ever be right to not hire or fire a person who is doing good work for you simply on the basis of sexual orientation?  I find it inexcusable, like keeping the Bush Conscience Clause on the books until three years after his inauguration.  Three fricking years.  And he only rescinded it in the midst of that stupid battle with the red beanie boys over birth control.  That conscience clause was severely impinging on women’s access to reproductive health measures and he only partially rescinded it.  Why did it take him three years to rescind a hated clause that his predecessor put in to please the religious right?

THREE YEARS.  Unbelievable. Ms. Magazine’s superfeminist shouldn’t have waited past the inaugural balls to rescind that wretched thing.  But Obama?  Where was the rush?  The immediacy?  Where indeed.

So, Obama was looking at a shortfall in campaign contributions.  To get back in the LGBT community’s good graces, he came out for marriage equality knowing very well that his endorsement was coupled with the idea that states could do anything they damn well please.  This cost him nothing politically.  The social conservatives who weren’t going to vote for him before aren’t going to vote for him now.  The social conservatives who like him but don’t like marriage equality know they can vote against it and Obama doesn’t care.

The only people who were hoodwinked and bamboozled by this are Obama fans.

Yes, it’s a victory for the LGBT community.  They’ve eeked support out of a sitting president. It’s too bad it came so late in his first term, has no teeth, doesn’t precipitate a move of the 2012 Democratic National Convention from North Carolina to some other state, like Vermont, and was *clearly* driven by the need to fundraise.  No, no, don’t even try to convince me that he feels passionately about this.  I’m guessing that he doesn’t really feel passion about anything that doesn’t affect him directly.  I mean, supposedly, he’s a pro-choice president but I doubt you’ll ever hear him say that women have the right to make their own decisions about abortion without the interference of half a dozen family members and social institutions.

He’s not a nice guy.  He’s not a great president.  He’s just an overconfident underperforming politician whose big money guys are stingy this year.  This is about Obama, not Hillary.  You can say all you want about Hillary.  She’s an adult and can take care of herself.  But please, give up trying to convince me that this man is God’s gift to the country and for god’s sakes, stop making excuses for his impotency.  We are really tired of excuses.  Maybe you guys are too chickenshit to ask him to step down for the good of the country but stop trying to convince, intimidate or whine to us about why we must choose him this fall.  We own our votes and we’ll give them to people who act like they actually believe in something.

Ok, looks like I’m done harshing your mellow.  Must go paint…


Wait, I’m not done yet after all.  A couple of days ago, James Carville told Democrats to STFU about how they’ve got the election in the bag this fall because they could easily lose.  Yes, there is a surplus of unearned overconfidence about trouncing Romney.  I’m going third party this year but I understand where Carville is coming from.  No matter what you say about Romney and his youthful indiscretions with hair clippers, he ran for office in Massachusetts and won.  As far as states go, it doesn’t get bluer than that.  And he’s already tied with Obama in latest polls well inside the margin of error.

As Carville says, voters will go with the person they think cares about them.  It doesn’t matter how many terrorists you slay, if your constituents have suffered through job losses, foreclosures and loss of health insurance, and there is still no end in sight, they will hold you personally responsible.  Obama’s campaign and other Democrats ignore this at their peril.

They also seem to be ignoring the effects of outsourcing our scientific infrastructure and the loss of high paying, middle class, suburban jobs who were once held by people who do not need additional education to fit in to the present job market.  Democrats are still in la-la land if they think we don’t notice how we’ve been abandoned by their party.  We will not forget who stood by and did nothing.

Uncomfortable Truths

Kristen Schaal explains how the Obama campaign intends to pander to the cartoonish “Non-Mom Mom”, otherwise known as “women”

The Daily Show was full of uncomfortable truths yesterday.  Let’s see if I can summarize them (go watch it yourself to see if you agree):

1.) Obama is pandering to the LGBT community.  He says he’s all for marriage equality.  Yeah!  But he still supports states making up their own minds.  Boo.  Did I mention that gay advocacy groups have withdrawn their campaign contributions to Obama’s campaign because he refused to sign onto a non-discrimination clause in government contracts? You don’t think there could be a monetary motive for this “evolving” position that comes 5 years after he announced he was running for president?

2.) North Carolina just passed the most reactionary law on same sex marriage as it is possible to pass.  Not only have they explicitly forbidden in no uncertain terms that gay couples may not marry under any circumstances, they have also outlawed civil unions and domestic partnerships.  That will apply to straight couples as well- and their families.  If you are a child of one of these families, you should have chosen your parents more responsibly and if the wrong parent dies before you reach maturity, well, tough noogies, kid.  Social security for minors of the wrong deceased parent was not YOUR birthright.  By the way, Obama’s evolution on marriage equality came *after* the state of North Carolina voted it out of the question so, presumably, he’s ok with the decision this state has made.  He didn’t say he was going to try to do anything about it.

3.) Obama had a significant challenger in the West Virginia primary election from a felon in Texarkana, Texas.  Keith Judd won 40% of the vote in West Virginia after getting on the ballot with a $2500 filing fee.  The WV primary is closed to party members only so 40% of WV’s Democrats would rather vote for a felon than Obama.  Obviously, they are racists.  Or maybe they are just royally pissed off Hillary Clinton voters from 2008 who beat the snot out of Obama in the primary but whose votes were trashed at the convention.  Oh, and Obama’s campaign pretty much called them racists back then too.  So, not a lot has changed.  Except the “racists” have watched the candidate they did NOT pick turn out to be a lousy president.  So, you know, there’s that.

4.) Finally, Kristen Schaal did the Life of Kristen, a take off on the life of Julia, a cartoon of how the typical American woman will benefit from Four. More. Of. The. Longest. Years. Of. My. Life.  Yes, to the Obama administration and campaign org, we are cartoons, mere blips of data, carefully mined to hit the principle component sweet spot.  In case the point was missed, we’re not individual human beings with our own unique talents and dreams, and with the drive, ambition and agency to attain self-actualization like men are.  No, we’re Non-Mom Moms.   It’s just easier for the Obama administration to do data reduction on a demographic it has made no attempt to understand or work with over the past 4 years and has pretty much left to defend itself against the insane Republican party.  Wasn’t it part of the plan to leave us out there on our own without a champion against those rabid snapping crocodiles?  So that Obama would look like a hero in return without having to lift even one of his finely manicured pinkies?

More and more, I get the feeling that the outrages against women are bunched so that it becomes too overwhelming to respond to each one.  We’re just sitting here on the curb after a multi car pileup wondering what the f^&* just happened.  Can’t get birth control, can’t get an abortion, can’t get a job, can’t get food stamps, will get a LOT less social security after paying a LOT more after 30 years of work.  I guess we’re supposed to feel relieved that Obama says we have the right to have birth control.  Jeez, it’s almost like Reg of the People’s Front of Judea saying men have the right to have babies.  What does it really mean to Obama except that he thinks he has said *just* enough to keep the women on his side without pissing off the evangelicals too much.

But here was Schaal’s parting shot after noting that she once again gets to choose between two males who are pandering to her for office:

“Please run for office, Hillary Clinton”

It wasn’t me, this time.  Nooooo, this time it was a member of a popular late night TV show.  And by the way, millions of viewers, and a LOT of women, all thinking the same thing.  Yep. It’s that bad.

5.) Note that Schaal didn’t say “Please run for office in 2016, Hillary Clinton”. We want her now.  Nevertheless, there is no way Hillary Clinton is going to run for office in 2016.  I notice that every single one of the mainstream media posts I read that mention Hillary also mention this unbelievable and stupid 2016 scenario.  Do they think we are really soulless secondary beings with the IQ of children?  So, I’d just like to say to all of you women out there who are desperately hanging on by your fingernails waiting for for Hillary because everyone from the NYTimes to Nancy Pelosi has sworn and promised that she is going to run in 2016:

Hillary Clinton is not running for president in 2016.  It’s not going to happen.

The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can do something about your present situation.  The 2016 meme is designed to 1.) enforce “learned helplessness” and make you passively accept your fate and 2.) turn your attention to supporting Obama.  But if you do that, you will, like Kristen Schaal, have to choose between two guys for president and they don’t give a shit about your concerns because the idiots in charge of the Democratic party and their clueless creative class activists have no intention of ever letting Hillary Clinton near the White House in 2012- at least, not yet.  (I’m betting there have already been discussions about this)  Their troubles are not your troubles.  They just need to make sure you are sufficiently depressed about not getting Hillary but not too depressed to not go to the polls in November.

Is that what you want??  Did you see what Obama did to get the LGBT community back in his win column?  (I think they’re stupid if they settle for some meaningless words)  If you are a member of the majority segment of the population and are sick and disgusted and angry that once again, you have to choose between two guys, don’t take it.  Tell the next person you see that Hillary is NOT running in 2016.  It’s the one thing I believe she means when she says it.  She will be 69 years old.  The Clinton years will be a faded memory and by then, the economy will be in shambles and our liberties as American women will be gone.  You know they will.

Don’t tell me there’s nothing you can do about it.  Tell them you aren’t going to vote for Obama.  What difference does it make?  No, seriously.  I don’t for a minute think that Romney is worse on women’s issues than Obama is.  Are you kidding me?  You could maybe make an economic argument about Romney but Obama has been so bad in that area as well that it’s not very convincing.  You might as well vote for Stewart Alexander or Rocky Anderson or whoever that Green Party woman is.  Save your Democratic votes for Congress.

Why settle?  Oh sure the Democrats are going to protest and call you stupid racists but so what?  You were right in 2008 and they weren’t so who are the stupid ones, the ones who see clearly what reality is, or the ones who are too afraid of their own shadows and too enamored with their own aspirations to do the right thing?

BTW, Hillary has ditched her contact lenses and make-up.  She says she’s going to do it if it feels right and who cares.  Indeed.  Unfortunately, it just means we want her even more.

Tuesday: There’s something happening here

Theresa McBain, former Methodist minister, new non-believer

Theresa McBain, Methodist minister, came out publicly as an atheist during the Reason Rally weekend.  Since then, she and Jerry DeWitt, executive director of Recovering from Religion and first “graduate” of The Clergy Project, have been barnstorming the country with their stories.  They were recently on Talk of the Nation and were interviewed by Neal Conan and Barbara Bradley Haggerty.  Listen to it here.

Since Haggerty broadcast her first interview with McBain on All Things Considered, she says the piece received 25,000 responses from listeners, many with stories similar to theirs.  She also says that the fastest growing religion in America is None.  Non-believers make up 15% of the population and that segment of the population is expanding rapidly especially with young Americans.

Jerry DeWitt, former Pentacostal minister, now pastor to the non-believer

McBain and DeWitt were asked what they miss most about their religious lives and their answers are instructive.  They say they miss the emotional connections, the community and music but neither of them mention missing god.  I’d like to see them stay in the ministry by reaching out to other non-believers and showing that you can have all of those things without god.  There are some wonderful pieces of secular choral music that still deliver the emotional impact of religious music.  And we must not forget that just because a piece of music was written for the church doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyed by everyone.  Mozart might have been commissioned to write masses but that was a different era.  For all we know, he composed the Te Deum during an orgasm and the Ladaute Dominum in the afterglow in Constanze’s arms.  (How would the bishop ever know?)

Anyway, keep it up, Theresa and Jerry.  If nothing else, you are making it safe for the conservative religious to be comfortable with questions and they now know that they are not alone.  And that’s a good thing.

Here are my favorite choral pieces that would be lovely at any new community service:

Choose Something Like a Star, Poem by Robert Frost, set to music by Randall Thompson:

and Laudate Dominum by Mozart.  Think of all those billions of years of evolution coalescing to give us one perfect, shimmering note at minute 4:39.:

Monday: Things that are mildly annoying

I know I’m not supposed to get ticked by this sort of thing but the kid ran out of contact lenses and left her remaining boxes of them in her dad’s car.  Which is at the airport.  And will be for the forseeable future.

So, I call the optometrist to order a spare box until her dad gets back and a new office assistant gets on the phone.  She can’t seem to figure out what prescription to order.  I told her to order the newest prescription.  She’s confused as to whether that was March 2011 or January 2012.  I said January.  She says that in January, they ordered the old prescription for her.  I told her that was pretty much incorrect and please not order the old prescription.

Then she asked me which prescription it was.  Was it X or was it Y? (Where X and Y are integers).  I told her I have no idea.  (I am not an optometrist and those measurements mean nothing to me.)  Usually we just order new boxes and get rid of the empties.  She said she would call back.

She calls back- and *immediately* puts me on hold!  Why not just wait until she could actually talk to me on the phone?  Anyway, she asks me again if it was prescription X or Y?  I tell her- again- I have no idea.  That’s not the kind of information I keep squirreled away in my RAM.  Maybe, I suggest, we should wait for the doctor to review her file.  Yes, she says, but he won’t be in for awhile.  That’s Ok, I’d rather not order the wrong pair.  Are you sure you don’t remember the prescription, she asks?  What if I read these prescriptions to you, would one of them strike a bell?  Maybe, I say, but not my bell.  I honestly don’t know what it is.

At this point, I’m getting a little exasperated.  She says she will call me back.  Gah!  She is beginning to sound like the information operator in a Nicholls and May skit.

Jeez, I should just schedule another appointment.  This is ridiculous.

Anyway, just wanted to share.  So, how is your day?

By the way, here’s a great pasta dish called Aubergine Siciliana from British model, Ruth Crilly.  I made it the other day.  Fantastic.  And it didn’t take a lot of time.  Enjoy.

Monsieur Hollande’s Opus?

According to The Guardian, the socialist, François Hollande, appears to be in the process of unseating Nicolas Sarkozy. The results have been known since 7:00pm local time and should be announced any minute now. You can follow the election updates at The Guardian site here.

My in-house translator just woke up from her post SAT slumber. She’s got a French AP coming up next week, sooo…

In the meantime, stand by for Wall Street to commence wailing, gnashing of teeth and rending of garments. Wait. Skip that last part. Do you know how much a good suit costs these days?

If Hollande wins, good for the French. It means that they know what’s going on, won’t be taken in by the fearmongers and definitely do not want to adopt Third world labor habits and living standards.

Here’s an update from Paris by writer Fiachra Gibbons:

Euphoric atmosphere at Bastille — hard to believe that François Hollande, the clubable once chubby Monsieur Flamby, could provoke quite so much fervour, but he has — and we don’t even have the official, official results yet. The truth is the thousands of Parisians here have gathered as much to celebrate the demise and humiliation of Nicolas Sarkozy as the triumph of François Hollande.

People are smiling, laughing, being wonderfully joyful and polite — generally not behaving at all like Parisians ought to in public. It must have been like this after the liberation — when Parisians, who usually go to great lengths to ignore and be pointlessly rude to each other, also let their hair down for a few days. A Portuguese gardienne from my quarter who hasn’t talked to me once in six years just hugged and kissed me on the mouth when she recognised me in the crowd. Immaculata voted for Le Pen in the first round but against Sarko today. “It is true there are too many foreigners and Muslims in France but his voice was driving me mad. He’s a crazy person. And he was making the country as crazy as him. It could not go on. All he cared about was himself and his rich friends.”

A shout of “Sarko en prison!” — roughly, “Lock up Sarko” — has been taken up by a part of the crowd, a reference to the multiple corruption and party funding investigations he will now face, from the Karachi scandal over the death of 11 French engineers in Pakistan over alleged unpaid kickbacks to Bettencourt brown envelopes and now allegations of millions from Gaddafi. An even more grisly chant of “Copé au pot eau!” (“Put Copé against the wall [and shoot him]) is also making an occasional appearance, aimed at the not very likable head of Sarko’s UMP party — who if you can imagine such a thing, plays the Mr Nasty to Sarko’s Mr Nice — and who was responsible for the ban on niqab. But the violence of the slogan seems completely at odds with the mood of the night and is being drowned out by the very drole, “Copé au burqa!” (Put Copé in a burqa!)

Lots of people I have talked to believe France is rid of Sarko forever, that there is no way back for him now. (There are, rather cruelly, not giving his marriage much of a chance of survival either.). They point to his frequent protests that he would withdraw forever from public life if he lost, which I think amounted to “Re-elect me or I will never play with you again”.’But I don’t think this will be the last we hear of him. Remember he has Transylvanian blood — and as far as I can seetonight, there’s been no crucifixes or silver bullets

It sounds rather personal.

Update: It’s official. François Hollande is the next President of France:

François Hollande élu président de la République LIVE
Le candidat du PS a devancé Nicolas Sarkozy au second tour de l’élection présidentielle, avec 51,8 % des voix contre 48,2 % au président sortant, selon les estimations Ipsos pour “Le Monde”, France télévisions et Radio France à partir des premiers bulletins dépouillés.

51,9 %
48,1 %

Présidentielle : 71,96 % de participation à 17 heures

Not a landslide but decisive nonetheless. Congratulations to all my former French ex-pat colleagues who voted today.

More on why Sarkozy lost from Angelique Chrisafis at The Guardian reporting from Paris:

Sarkozy is the 11th European leader to be ejected since the economic crisis. But the irony is that he was not booted out directly because of it. The eurozone crisis was paradoxically one of the only ways he could have won the election, selling himself as Super Sarko, an international firefighter and problem-solver, protecting France. That was the message of his election posters which featured his portrait against the sea: Captain Courage in a storm. But instead of vaunting his crisis-busting skills or even leadership in the intervention in Libya, he chose to pour his energies into veering hard-right in a crusade against immigration and halal meat, blaming Islam for the troubles in French society, and claiming to protect the Christian roots of Europe. Much of this harked back to his ill-fated far-right flirtations in office, from his controversial ministry of immigration and national identity, which he eventually abandoned, to a speech blaming Roma for crime in France and dismantling their camps.

Sarkozy’s courtship of the far right ultimately failed. By bringing the favourite topics of the Front National into the mainstream, namely immigration and fear of Islam, he served only to strengthen its leader, Marine Le Pen. He also dented his own legacy, leaving himself for the time being remembered in French minds not for what he defined as his bullishness in defending France abroad, or for reforms such as lowering the pension age, but for a divisive, stigmatising campaign that even some in his own camp privately felt was repulsive.

Sunday’s vote was a personal referendum on Sarkozy.

There’s a warning in there for Obama that I think the Democratic party has not been paying attention to. If you court the far right, you end up strengthening it. Also, this fall, expect it to get very personal. Bludgeoning the voters with accusations of racism will probably backfire this year even if they happen to be a lot more true this year than in 2008. Win by racism, lose by racism. And those of us falsely accused in the past will not be coming to your aid this time. Maybe it would have been better to have spent the last four years fixing the crisis instead of giving in to rich friends and polishing your image.

Just sayin’.

Latest update: François Hollande says this about going forward: “Austerity can no longer be inevitable in Europe” The Socialist candidate, elected President of the Republic Sunday, said he was “proud to have been able to restore hope.” He asks to be judged on two commitments: “Justice and Youth”.

Sounds like he has been talking to Krugman. Or Occupy.

Sunday: Taking the Top off the Mountain

Digby wonders why the bankers are whining.  They’ve gotten everything they wanted but they’re all upset that Obama is speaking harshly to them.  So, now they’re going to sit on their money and not give him any for his re-election.

Wait!  Why is that a *bad* thing?  If they’re not contributing to his campaign, maybe he and other Democrats will have to start paying attention to what the voters want.  Would that be such a crime?  After all, there are more voters than bankers.  Seems to me that banker money has made it too easy for Democrats to coast instead of doing what they’re supposed to be doing.  So, ok, then, let the bankers keep their money.  And if they give it to Republicans to run a bajillion campaign ads, then Democrats better get on it and do some legislatin’.  But I digress.

So, Digby’s question is a valid one: What drives the bankers to be such whiny Verulka Salt’s who want it all NOW!?  She has a couple of theories that glance at the truth tangentially.  They explain the whininess but not what drives the bankers.  They’re either naive, resentful of populism or arrogant twits.

But if you’ve read my Strategy of No Strategy series, you’ll see if from a different point of view altogether.  The finance class actually consists of a bunch of overqualified strip miners.  They’re overworked, which might explain the number of bad decisions they make, and their compensation system decouples the consequences of their actions from the actions themselves.  They are being paid to make “deals” and the purpose of those deals is to extract “wealth”.  In a way, it’s not that much different from getting into the cab of some giant piece of earth moving equipment and mowing down the side of the mountain and then loading that potential ore onto a conveyor belt to be separated from dirt.  They live in a “company” town and are paid “company scrip”.  It’s a truck system for them as well.  The compensation is not proportional to the amount of work they do, they can be fired at will and they’re never going to leave that mountain because they owe their souls to the company store.  The more they work, the more compensation in bonuses they are promised but it’s never enough.

That’s not to make you feel sorry for them.  That’s just the way it is.  And seeing it for the way it really is can help us get over the very legitimate emotion of wanting to ring their skinny necks right out of their Brooks Brothers suits. We need to separate our feelings of hatred towards them from our understanding of what’s really going on here.

What I see is really going on here with Obama is that he was hired because he is one of them.  He comes from the right school, he has the right pedigree, he had the right connections.  It didn’t matter if he knew nothing about finance.  Just like them, he would get a crash course and learn on the job.  And they have taken this deal with him as far as it would go.  Just like them, Obama has stripped the top of the mountain.  There is no more wealth to be extracted.  Now, the middle class has been mined to death.  It’s exhausted and can no longer generate the wealth that they have been paid to retrieve.  They’re screwed.  The owners (ironically, that would be some of us shareholders through our 401Ks) want more money.  There’s no more to give.  It’s a vicious circle because generating more wealth for us, the shareholders, means laying more of us off, which means less wealth going into the 401Ks.  When Obama finally signs the Grand Bargain, he will be creating an environmental catastrophe but before that happens, he has to win this election and people are hurting so badly, he may not be able to do it.

Do the number of ad buys really make a difference anymore?  We may see the effects of the internet on politics for real this election season.  Some of us have given up TVs altogether and no longer subscribe to newspapers.  I’m guessing that would affect the Democrats more.  Their base is younger and better educated (but not necessarily smarter).  The people who are moved by TV ads are older and less well educated.  That would favor Republicans.  I don’t know, this crap makes me crazy.  It’s all a bunch of political psych tricks that make no difference to how people live their lives.  But I suspect that the Osama bin Laden to-do this week had something to do with appealing to older and independent voters.  I could care less.  All I want to hear coming out of either candidates’ mouths is how they are planning to solve the unemployment problem and save our retirements without requiring even one more half penny of sacrifice from the late babyboomers.  Anything other than that might as well be speaking in some obscure language from a small isolated population in the Caucasus.  ”Blah-blah-blah-SEALS! Blah-blah-blah-SHOT-IN-THE-EYE!” Who. Gives. A. FRACK.

So, as I was saying, the bankers are like strip miners and they’re not getting much out of the mountain anymore, their manager says the place is exhausted and they’re puzzled because this particular piece of real estate has been pretty rich for so long that it’s hard to take it all in that it’s gone.  It’s really gone.  And now, they have to go mine somewhere else and in those other places, the ore’s not so rich or it’s harder to get at or there are people standing in the way or it’s going to take time to get the permits and pay off the owners or make new deals.  They’re going to have to do a trickier kind of work now or they’re in big trouble because the deals they are about to make are a lot riskier.  Meanwhile, they’re leaving a big mess behind with lots of toxic runoff and the downstream people are angry because they have destroyed our economic ecosystem.  I guess they want Obama to keep the rabble down while they finish their work but it’s getting loud and noisy and not helping their concentration.  Maybe Mitt can keep a lid on it…

Anyway, that’s the way I see it.  They’re getting paid to stripmine.  Changing the way they behave will require the will to change the environment they work in.  If I were really interested in changing the way this works, I would have protected the employees that worked for Wall Street at the very beginning of this crisis.  I would have enforced workplace standards, required a limit on the number of hours worked, required mandatory overtime to be dispensed with the next immediate paycheck, enforced the minimum wage, tied salary to hours worked and prevented bonuses from rising to more than 20% of salary, mandated more 4 weeks of vacation per year, paid, and required every blessed transaction to undergo rigorous outside auditing, just to slooooow everything down.  Also, I might have had the EEOC or some other agency review hiring practices so that applicants were not discriminated on the basis of where they went to school or their genders.

From the money side of things, I would have begun the process of eliminating the 401K, reinstituted the defined benefit pension plan, and placed rigorous outside auditing checks on every blessed pension fund transaction.  One final thing: I would have made sure that I seized control of any fiber optic cable coming out of Wall Street.  We should never negotiate with terrorists.

Wall Street would have screamed bloody murder but such measures might have gotten a lot of support from workers including some of the workers on Wall Street.

Alas, Obama did not do this.  So now he is faced with having to do without finance sector money and will have to face the mountain this fall.

I kind of like the way this is playing out.

Saturday Morning SAT

Conversation this morning:
(Leaving the house)

Me: Do you have your pencils?
B: yes
M: Sharpener?
B: yes
M: Here is your admission ticket and your passport. Do you need your calculator?
B: Maybe. No.
(pulling out of driveway)
M: Are you sure? Do you know where it is?
B: It’s in the basement
M: Do you want to run in and get it?
B: (thinking about the last time she took the SAT in 8th grade at —boro HS) No, I don’t need it.
M: Ok

(driving to test site)

B: Where are we going?
M: to —ville High School
B: (alarmed!) You didn’t tell me that!
M: It’s on your admission ticket. —boro High School was at capacity. It’s no big deal, is it?
B: (hesitantly) I guess not. I just wish you’d told me.
M: (concerned) Did you even read your ticket?
B: (off on daydream) No.

(pulling up to test site, watching students queue up to get into building)

M: Do you want me to walk in with you since you don’t know where you’re going?
B: Yes, (looking nervous) please walk in with me.
M: Ok, you know, you will be done sooner this time. It will be much easier than it was two years ago.
B: Yeah, I know.

(walking up To queue)

M: Um, everyone here is carrying a calculator
B: (panicking) Why didn’t you tell me? It’s written on the ticket, “please bring a calculator”. They gave us calculators at —boro HS.
M: (exasperated and imagining having to do this again in June) I told you to read the ticket. Tell them you forgot. Maybe they will have extras.
B: (looking around at all the unaccompanied minors, turns to me with chill expression on face) You can leave now.
M: (taking my cue) See ya’ at 12.

(calculating whether I had time to get a calculator somewhere quickly. Figuring I didn’t. Leaving her to figure it out.)


Terry Gross interviewed Eric Larson, author of In The Garden of Beasts last year. The book is about Ambassador Dodd’s mission in Nazi Germany in the mid 1930′s. Larson explores the rapid acceleration of extremism through Dodd’s letters and official documents. Dodd’s primary goal in Germany was to make sure the country paid its debts left over from WWI. But he and his family became eyewitnesses to the turn of the German people to a form of cultural psychopathy. At first, he thought it couldn’t last because it was just too abnormal and that the German people would self correct. But as time went on, the extremism got worse and took on ever more deadly forms.

I don’t think there is any mystery why Gross replayed this interview this year. We have a party whose followers are completely unhitched from reality and whose displays of viciousness and callousness during the Republican debates were shocking and ugly to watch. That ugliness is reflected in the politicians they have elected to Congress who think nothing of threatening to bring down the global economy if they don’t get what they want. And the Democrats have been too passive, too corrupt, too slow and too morally bankrupt to challenge them. What has happened to the Occupy movement should be a wake up call to all Americans. Are we entering our own garden of beasts? And how do you know when to take extremism seriously and not just as some phase some people are going through?

As Sophie Scholl says in the clip below, Laws can change, your conscience doesn’t.

I would say, your conscience *shouldn’t* change. Some people in our own country do not let their conscience be their guides and can no longer tell right from wrong when they are under pressure to conform.

It has also occurred to me that illegal immigrants have become our Jews and that INS crackdowns and legislation in states like Arizona and Alabama have become our Nuremberg laws.

Listen to the interview here.


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