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Opinion Roundup

Damon Young

Very Smart Brothas' Damon Young grapples with the way black people tend to recoil at certain comments made by white folks, even when those comments address the same things we criticize about ourselves.

Clarence Page

Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page says that any dispute over the heritage of Massachusetts' Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate only illustrates how quickly our old racial narratives are failing to keep up with changing times.

Ioannis Gatsiounis

In a New York Times op-ed, Ioannis Gatsiounis says that the press emphasizes Africa's progress because people are tired of sad stories, but the positive reports ignore the continent's backward slide.

More Disturbing Comments

Report: The FBI is actively investigating a hate crime charge. Plus: Zimmerman's medical report shows broken nose and lacerations.

Is 20 Years in Jail Fair?

What does this case say about justice in Florida?

Somewhere Under the Rainbow?

Andrew Sullivan writes that the president "had to come out of a different closet."

Does Citing the Bible Make Sense?

Some are asking if black churches arguing against gay marriage are using the same literal approach to Scripture used to enslave their ancestors.

The Economic Impact of Gay Rights

Obama's recent endorsement of gay marriage means equality but also financial rights.

Jobs Outlook: 'Funemployment' vs. 'Discouraged Workers'

The statistics we hear about don't give a full picture on jobs. That's good news and bad news.

Protecting the Environment

Your Take: A climate-justice expert offers a creative way to avoid contaminating the air we breathe.

AIDS in Africa: Blaming the Victim?

A Zimbabwe politician is drawing attention to the issue with some out-there (to put it mildly) suggestions.

Can You Guess Who's Who?

Using a pseudonym is common practice for many stars, but their backstories may surprise you.