Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™
It’s Friday, which means it’s time for the Wizbang Weekend Caption Contest™. Enter your best caption for the following picture: Source Winners for last week and this week will be announced Monday morning.
Foolish Naivete: Sen. Coburn ‘Believes’ Obama Will Become Entitlement Reformer in 2nd Term
Republican Senator Tom Coburn has just completed his transformation into a laughing stock. In an interview with the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein, Coburn claimed that he fully believes that President Obama will become an “entitlement reformer” in his second term. At the end of Klein’s first part of the interview he asks Coburn if Republicans [...]
Transparency? Secret, Soros, Left-Wing, 1% Summit Meeting Held Behind Closed Doors
A luxury resort in Miami, Florida with police-guarded closed doors was the home of a secret George Soros-backed summit attended by deep-pocketed left-wing donors over the weekend of May 12. They met to plan their strategy for the 2012 elections and beyond. Yes, it was all hush hush and secret-like — so much for all [...]
Obama Injects Himself Into Bios of Past Presidents on WH Website
As unbelievable as it may sound for the sheer arrogance and audacity of it all, President Obama has injected himself into the bios pages of all our past presidents on the official White House website. So, when you go to read about our past presidents you’ll also get a campaign blurb about The One, the [...]
See if you can keep up
Mike at Cold Fury is about to walk us through the maze that is the liberal mind: Okay, let me see if I have all this straight. Bill Clinton, a white Southerner, was the first black president. Obama, an apparently straight guy, is the first gay president. George Zimmerman, a Hispanic, is a white guy. [...]
Evidence Continues to Support Zimmerman’s Claim of Self Defense
Evidence of Martin as innocent waif? Not so much.
Why is the New England Historic Genealogical Society Lying Abut Warren’s Amer. Indian Claims?
As each day rolls on in this investigation of the claims made by Massachusetts Democrat Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren that she has Native American heritage in her background we are finding fewer and fewer reasons to believe her. Sadly, she is dragging down once well-respected groups with her unprovable claims and Boston-based New England Historic [...]
Rev. Wright hush money donor named — plus — an Obama Muslim bombshell
On yesterday’s Sean Hannity broadcast, Sean interviewed author Edward Klein about his three hour face-to-face interview with Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Over the weekend, Klein had revealed in the New York Post that after ABC News broadcast the infamous “God Damn America!” video from Trinity UCC, Rev. Wright was contacted by a “very close” friend of [...]
Ron Paul suspends Presidential campaign
The Washington Times is reporting: Rep. Ron Paul of Texas said Monday he will not compete in primaries in any of the states that have not yet voted — essentially confirming Mitt Romney will win the Republican presidential nomination. Mr. Paul said he will continue to work to win delegates in states that have already [...]
FAIL: Obama Ad Attacks Romney for Bain Bought Company That Laid People Off… But Romney DIDN’T Work There Then!
Barack Obama released a new video ad featuring former workers of GST Steel of Kansas City who lost their jobs because of Mitt Romney’s work at Bain Capital — at least according to Obama that’s why they lost their jobs. Unfortunately for team Obama, the truth seems to argue against his campaign lies. The ad [...]
J.P. Morgan Chase $2 Billion Loss Raises Fears of Government Actions
Last week the news of the $2 billion trading loss suffered by J.P.Morgan Chase hit the country like another nasty slap in the face to a nation already facing an economic downturn that is the worst one in a lifetime. The $2 billion bandied about by the media is not likely the end of that [...]