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(no subject) [Jan. 19th, 2012|04:33 pm]
Updates to LJ are rare these days, but I wanted to share this:


by Raina Telgemeier
September, 2012
240 pages

Ordering info, ISBN, etc, coming soon!
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CCBA, Travel, Eisners, AA:ZG, and more!! [Apr. 23rd, 2011|04:38 pm]
Oh goodness. I guess I'm guilty of ignoring Livejournal, too. But I'm overdue for a post--I have lots of news!

First up, SMILE was recently named a finalist in the Children's Choice Book Awards! This is an award that gets voted on by actual kids, so if you know a kid in 5th or 6th grade, they can vote! Teachers, librarians, and booksellers can also register their students'/patrons'/customers' votes. The deadline is this coming Friday, April 29, so get your votes in right away!

Kids, vote here!

Adults who serve kids, vote here!


Second, I've been crazy-busy with travel and events! Here are a few links to some posts and photo sets:

November in Miami: School Visits and Miami Book Fair Int'l

February and March in Vancouver and Seattle

April in Austin: Texas Library Association Annual Conference

April in Houston: Teen Book Con

Next I'm heading to Toronto, Baltimore, Chelsea and Ann Arbor, MI, and San Diego Comic Con! Maybe I'll see you on the road...


Third, Smile has been nominated for an Eisner Award!

If you work in comics in almost any capacity (including librarian, bookseller, or teacher), you are eligible to VOTE!!! I'm nominated in the Best Publication for Teens category, and would truly love it if you'd cast a ballot. Winners will be announced at San Diego Comic-Con in July!


Last but not least, there's a lot of excitement around our house because Dave's new book Astronaut Academy: Zero Gravity hits stores on June 7!! Here's a shiny new book trailer for you to watch and share:

If you'd like to pre-order a copy from Amazon, you can do so here. There's also an AA:ZG Facebook Fan Page, and of course we're throwing a book release party when the book comes out--stay tuned for more info about that.


I'm a little less than halfway finished with the art for my next graphic novel, which remains untitled, but which I occasionally post non-spoilery art from on my Tumblr. I should be done drawing in January, and the book itself will hopefully be published in late 2012.

What a year it has been and continues to be!
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Seattle! [Jan. 25th, 2011|02:09 pm]
SEATTLE: I am coming to you soon!

I'll be in town for a few days, between a conference I was invited to in Vancouver, BC, and the Emerald City Comic Con--and, I would like to do some stuff!

I have the following days free: Tuesday, March 1, Wednesday, March 2, and Thursday, March 3.

Are you a librarian? Teacher? School administrator? Book store owner, dental professional, professor, college club organizer, or simply someone who knows a group of people who might appreciate an author visit from a graphic novelist?

Please do drop me a line. I'd like to set up some events, whether public or private, while I'm in Seattle. I can be reached at goRaina AT yahoo DOT etc.

I realize this qualifies as last minute: there's only about a month till my trip. So let's make it happen! Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon!
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SMILE Fall Tour 2010: in words and pictures [Nov. 4th, 2010|07:32 pm]
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In the event you need any further proof that kids are passionate about reading comics, look no further. Kids and Comics are alive and kickin' in California. I was there for 19 days promoting SMILE, and I met hundreds and hundreds of enthusiastic kids (and their parents, teachers, and librarians), all of whom were excited to read, discuss, and even make comics of their own! I was absolutely blown away by everyone I met and every place I visited. I could never have imagined I would receive such a warm welcome from my home state.

Let's go on tour! )
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SMILE Fall Tour: Update [Oct. 18th, 2010|11:48 am]
APE was a lot of fun! The tour continues: I'm doing a signing tonight at Green Apple Books in San Francisco! It starts at 7 PM and all the information is here:

506 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA

So excited!
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Start of the Tour! [Oct. 16th, 2010|11:33 am]
Just a reminder, I'll be at APE in San Francisco today and tomorrow, at table 202! The whole thing goes down at The Concourse, at 8th Street & Brannan. Then, Monday at 7 PM, I'm signing at Green Apple Books on Clement Street!
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New York Comic Con: The Bad and the Ugly [Oct. 13th, 2010|12:22 pm]
I read that not enough "regular" people were writing about this year's NYCC. I'm gonna dash off some thoughts, because I don't work for a news outlet.

Whenever mention of NYCC comes around before the fact, I usually groan. This is because of bad memories: I've gotten extremely sick twice at that show; I have tabled a few times and it was always a struggle to get noticed and to make back costs, especially when you have to rent not only the booth space, but also a table and chairs! We tried to get around that once by bringing in our own table via borrowed van, and the van got into a car accident. Not worth it. And simply having to tolerate the Javits Center for 28 hours in a 3-day period pretty much sucks my soul.

The Javits: that's really my main problem. It's in the middle of nowhere, transportation is hard to come by so you walk the 8 blocks from the subway which is tough even in GOOD weather, there is nowhere to eat nearby, and it's just ugly. The roof leaks, so there are dismal black tarps all over the ceiling, attached to pipes that lead to drainage stations. Your only food options are inside, and they're expensive and mediocre. The whole place is super-confusing, and I have found myself lugging a dolly full of boxes on level one, only to realize that registration is on level 2, and am forced to carry the boxes up flights of stairs. Seriously, I walk into this building and I want to leave. But let's say I'm going to be there for several hours, I might as well make the most of it, right?

Well, that means packing a lunch, and bringing my own water because I don't want to pay $4 for a bottle of Poland Spring. Oh, but if I have to use the bathroom? If I can get to one (it would not hurt to have bathrooms on BOTH sides of the hall), I will probably have to stand in line for 20 minutes, because they have so few stalls. And this is a comic convention, so half the time there are people in there changing into their costumes, which takes much longer than your average bathroom trip. I focus on this because I have stomach issues, and the idea of having to hightail it to a bathroom with only a moment's notice, only to be faced with a situation like this, fills me with DREAD. It's never happened, but the idea fills me with anxiety, and makes me never want to spend more than a few hours at a con here.

But anyway, knowing it'll take 20 minutes just to use the bathroom, means I don't drink very much. And that means I get dehydrated. Which means I get a headache, and will probably be more susceptible to whatever viruses are floating around the hall. It's a lose-lose, if you ask me.

Then there is the con itself, which has clearly become a phenomenon, and is way too big for its own good. Every space gets overcrowded. It's hard to move through the aisles. I get hit with peoples' backpacks at ever turn. I'm a small person, but I can't imagine being a kid in the middle of all this. Any booth that features a sound element tends to be WAY too loud. If you're unlucky enough to have a booth next to these guys, you're out of luck.

The program books and the floor maps are useless. The con's website, which I checked Thursday to see where MoCCA's table was because I was signing there, was useless too--if you look for Artist Alley exhibitors, it's impossible to figure out which table is where. You'll have to figure it out when you get there.

So these days, I come in for panels, walk around a little bit, do my signings, and then leave, if I can. This year, I went for most of Friday, skipped Saturday, then went back for most of Sunday. That was the right thing to do. Sunday afternoon found me hiding under an escalator, because I had an hour to kill and did not want to be accosted by all the overwhelming stimuli any more. I could have easily skipped Sunday altogether, but I had a signing and wanted to watch the panels my husband was on, so I toughed it out.

I should mention that my publisher doesn't exhibits at this con. That's their choice, I have no say in the matter. I think if they did exhibit, I might be more willing to throw myself into the experience, because it would mean selling books, meeting kids, talking up kids' comics. But since they don't, I feel invisible at NYCC. I could remedy this by getting a table, but as I explained, I don't want to do that ever again.

Maybe I'm being unfair here, but I've been at every NYCC thus far, and maybe because I live in New York anyway, the city's charms are lost on me and I'm only seeing the con for the con. I don't know what can really be done to fix most of my problems, but barring a Javits renovation (adding twice as many restrooms!!), probably nothing. Oh, they could also do that 7-Train expansion project that takes the train as far as 11th Avenue, but the city seems pretty set against that one. Capping the attendance seems to defeat the purpose of putting on a show like this. The best advice is probably for me to just not go at all...but for someone who loves comics, and loves doing comic conventions, and loves New York, and loves seeing so many friends in one place...that seems like such a sad conclusion.

Edit to add: I don't want to give people the impression that the NYCC folks are all bad--Lance and Peter have done an amazing job promoting, organizing, and throwing an event that is safe and fun for most everyone. My issues lie mostly in factors that can't be controlled, and the people running the show try their hardest to compensate for those, the best they can.
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(no subject) [Oct. 5th, 2010|02:29 pm]
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This is my week! Library event & NYCC:

Wednesday, October 6
Youth Workshop at The Queens Public Library
Steinway Branch
14-01 Astoria Boulevard
Astoria, NY
4-5 PM

October 8-10
New York Comic Con
Jacob Javits Center
New York, NY

Please note: I am not tabling at NYCC this year. I will be around the convention Friday, and possibly part of the day Sunday, but I won't be selling books. If you'd like to see me or get your book signed, your best bet will be to come to my one panel, on Friday morning:

Panel: The Other Side of the Table
Panel Room 6 (1A21)
Friday, October 8
11:15 am - 12:15 pm

Creating your product is only half the work it takes to succeed in the comics industry. What about the other half that we don't see as clearly after the product is released to the world? This panel will explore what it is like to be on the other side of the table, as a creator. We will discuss what it takes to exhibit at conventions, promote yourself, and gain a loyal audience - from the POV of professionals already behind the table. We will be giving away one signed copy of Ultimate Cerebus Guide to Self-Publishing by Dave Sim to one lucky audience member.

Join creators Jimmy Palmiotti, Raina Telgemeier, Bryan J.L. Glass, Carla Speed McNeil, and Carolyn Belefski in this conversation, moderated by Joe Carabeo.

Next week, I'll be attending the opening reception of the Ink Plots Exhibit at SVA, and then hitting the road for California--massive post about that coming shortly!
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Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards! [Oct. 4th, 2010|12:41 pm]

This past weekend, I was in Boston to receive the Boston Globe-Horn Book Nonfiction Honor Award for Smile!

The Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards have been presented every year since 1967, choosing Winners and Honors for fiction, nonfiction, and picture book titles...and this is the very first time a graphic novel has been awarded.

I can't tell you how thrilled I was to receive this honor by the awards committee, and I can't thank the judges (Julie Just, of the NY Times; Gregory Maguire, whose book Wicked you may have heard of; and Martha V. Parravano, executive editor at Horn Book) enough. The rest of the Horn Book staff, most especially editor in chief Roger Sutton, also deserves huge and amazing thanks for their kindness, and I can't overlook the staff at Simmons College, who not only have a long-standing history tied in with the Awards, but also hosted the events this weekend.

The ceremony was held on a stormy Friday evening, and I had to make a short speech--I was pretty nervous, but in the end didn't trip or fall or embarrass myself. Listening to the other Honoree and Award-winners' speeches was incredibly inspiring, and I felt so humbled to be among all them.

After the ceremony, I got to sign copies of Smile, and then went to a really fun and delicious dinner with my Scholastic friends. I was happy to be joined by my editor, Cassandra Pelham, as well as folks from the publicity and marketing departments, and also the independent bookstore owners who were selling our books at the weekend's events.

The next day, Simmons College hosted an all-day colloquium with the Winners and Honorees, as well as the judges, Horn Book staff, editors, and librarians. I met a ton of interesting people and had some very meaningful conversations. It's always nice to talk to groups who aren't necessarily familiar with graphic novels, and spread the joy to all of them. I had a very fulfilling day. This was followed by a dinner with Horn Book folks and some of the Award recipients, and that gave me a chance to finally talk to some of them, and relax in the company of interesting people and great food. I went home with a full belly and a very full heart.

Although our time in Boston was short, it was one of the best weekends of my life. I was thrilled as always to be able to share the experience with my husband (and unofficial photographer), Dave Roman, and we both felt like we walked away with many new terrific friends and heads full of ideas.

Thanks again, to everyone who made it possible.

Cross-posted from
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Call Out for an Assistant! [Sep. 28th, 2010|10:25 pm]
SEEKING: Art Assistant/Studio Intern

Raina Telgemeier (Smile, Baby-sitters Club) and Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy, Agnes Quill) are seeking a studio assistant to help with the production of graphic novels for Scholastic and First Second Books. Ideally, an art student with some experience making comics. This will be a great opportunity to learn valuable pre-press skills and gain insight into the process of creating a graphic novel!

Be able to commit to 1 day per week (day negotiable)
Be able to commute to Astoria, Queens, NY (we are near the subway)
Basic Photoshop skills
Familiarity with InDesign a plus

Ruling out page templates
Erasing pencil lines from inked artwork
Scanning black and white comic and thumbnail pages
Digitally cleaning up art files in Photoshop
Flatting colors for comic pages
Prepping packages for shipping
Occasionally dropping off packages at post office

This is an unpaid position, but you will receive credit in any printed works.

Please contact Dave Roman at yaytime AT gmail DOT com, with the word ASSISTANT in the subject line. Please include a link to your website and/or a brief resume. Thanks!
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