As my long time readers know, I am a strong supporter of the Dream Act. Passing the Dream Act is one of the Missions of my Blog. President Obama and his Administration also support the passage of the Dream Act. He has said so on countless occasions. He has pushed forward several bills and in 2010, a Dream Act was nearly passed. However the Republicans and 6 Blue Dog Democrats ruthlessly defeated it.
I believe that if he is re-elected and we vote in a Democratic Congress, one of the first bills that will be passed is the Dream Act. Many polls indicate that +70% of Americans support its passage.
Knowing all of this is why I am saddened by the Dream Protesters in Arizona (of all places) protesting against the President in support of the Dream Act. Russell Pearce and Joe Arpaio are cheering from their tower offices. The protesters are protesting the rate of deportations during Obama's presidency and somehow connecting that to the failure of the passage of the Dream Act. What the protesters are not understanding is President Obama and his Administration have valiantly tried to pass the Dream Act. They were almost successful in 2010 except for the Republicans and 6 Blue Dog Dems who defeated it.
Additionally, the reason for the high rate of deportation isn't because of the President. It is primarily due to:
1. High rate of Republican states that have passed racial profiling bills like sb1070 and have targeted Latino neighborhoods for arrests.
2. The Obama administration / ICE have reduced the time in Detention Centers/Private Prisons and moved to deport more quickly than the Bush Administration who pandered to private prisons and demanded 180 days in their $100 a day private prisons of their private prison cronies.
In fact, in 2011, the Obama administration updated their policy and only deport the felonious criminals and are not tar getting students or workers at all. The Republicans are very upset by this change.
Romney is a STRONG supporter of the racial profiling bill SB1070. He has also said that if he is elected President and Obama has passed the Dream Act, ON DAY ONE he will VETO the Dream Act.
Romney said he believes in 100% Mass Deportation/Self Deportation.
Regarding this bogus Republican Dream Act alternative promoted by Romney and HINO Marco Rubio, Kris Kobach (who is on Team Romney) said the only way that Romney can pass his new version of the Dream Act is if ALL the students self-deport themselves FIRST.
PLEASE, Dear Dream Students, Read and Study the Republican Agenda. They are NOT on our side. They are merely pandering to you, attempting to hoodwink Latinos into voting for them.
We MUST Support our President. If we elect him again and elect a Democratic Congress, they will Pass the Dream Act AND Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
If you want to March, then March in support of helping our President pass the Dream Act on Day One of his re-election.