Rick Hasen

Rick Hasen

@rickhasen ÜT: 34.152905,-118.446893
Professor of Law and Political Science at UC Irvine; Election Law Blogger. Posts starting ELB are auto-generated links to my most recent blog posts.
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Rick Hasen
I've missed the debate. Where's a transcript of the exchange on the Voting Rights Act. Thanks!
Rick Hasen
ELB: Santorum Ahead by 80 Votes in Iowa?: No kidding. And no surprise.
Emily Bazelon
Romney and Santorum box over who Is more righteous on permanently disenfranchising violent felons. Double umbrage.
Rick Hasen
Santorum ahead by 80 votes in Iowa? No kidding. And no surprise.
Rick Hasen
ELB: CBS News on DOJ Objection to Preclearance of South Carolina Voter ID Law: CBS News…
Rick Hasen
@ coordination rules governed by FEC standards, which allow a lot of legal coordination between candidates and superpacs.
Josh Marshall
Report: Santorum May Have Won Iowa: Rick Santorum may have won Iowa and in ongoing counting holds an 80… via @
Rick Hasen
ELB: New CRS Report on Presidential Nominating Process: Here.
Rick Hasen
ELB: West Virginia Redistricting Case Reaches SCOTUS: Lyle Denniston explains.
Rick Hasen
@ Then don't say either way if it is because of Super PACs. Say "we don't know."
Rick Hasen
ELB: Did Citizens United Leads to Super PACs?: Noah Feldman at Bloomberg view says yes. I…
Rick Hasen
@ The point was best made by Farnam, looking at how polling moved outside Iowa w/o super pac ads.
Rick Hasen
@ The correct answer, I think, is that without further study (such as polling) we do not know whether superpacs will matter.
Rick Hasen
@ Oy. That's the "serious" answer?
Rick Hasen
@ Open question: will the superpac spending frenzy affect the SC primary?
Rick Hasen
ELB: “Super PACs dominate Republican primary spending”: Dan Eggen reports for WaPo.
Rick Hasen
ELB: Audio of Political Wire Radio Now Posted: Here [I was interviewed about Super PACs in…
Dan Eggen
Super PACs dominate Republican primary spending - The Washington Post -
Rick Hasen
ELB: “Unlimited contributions give ‘Super PACs’ power to change presidential race”: NBC’s…
Rick Hasen
Big week for voting rights in DC: Texas preclearance trial, Shelby County appellate oral arg, and possible SCOTUS opn.