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Clues Put FBI Informant at the Apex of Fast and Furious Scandal

US Weapons “Walked” Into Mexico Under ATF Operation Supplied Firepower for Juarez Bloodbath

A top enforcer for the Sinaloa drug organization and his army of assassins in Juarez, Mexico — responsible for a surge in violence in that city that has led to thousands of deaths in recent years — may well have been supplied hundreds, if not thousands, of weapons through an ill-fated US law-enforcement operation known as Fast and Furious.

Sicilia and the Mexican Movement for Peace are “fed up”

By Paco Gómez

“If we were fed up a year ago, today we are fed up in a more profound and brutal way,” said Javier Sicilia in Cuernavaca at the March 28 commemoration of the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity's first anniversary.

He spoke firmly and asked citizens to leave their voting ballots blank in the upcoming July elections. He spoke in front of a small but committed audience that had carried out a day full of symbolic acts, performances and protest.

The MPJD was born from death. It was Sicilia’s reaction to the appearance of his murdered son Juan Francisco’s body and those of other six friends, with a poetic and emotive letter one year ago, exactly on the 28th of March. His words and steps inspired a great national march that arrived at the Zócalo in Mexico City the following May.

For Spanish click here.

Human Rights Defender Kerry Kennedy Detained, Threatened by Mexican Military

Robert F. Kennedy's Daughter Nearly Meets Tragic Fate at Drug-War Checkpoint

A squad of heavily armed Mexican soldiers this past weekend accosted Kerry Kennedy, the daughter of Robert F. Kennedy, while she and her 14-year-old daughter were traveling in southwestern Mexico to attend Easter Sunday mass.

The Movement for Peace Marches On Against the Drug War

The Goal Is Clear: Peace With Justice and Dignity

The one-year anniversary of the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity, a grassroots groundswell against the drug war, played out March 28 in a small plaza in the Mexican city of Cuernavaca, just south of Mexico City — absent the cameras and pens of the mainstream media.

Javier Sicilia and the challenge to us all

By Paulina Gonzalez


"In August and September of this year, we will be joining together with North American, Mexican, and Central American organizations on a U.S. caravan on a route of peace and justice.   We will do this because it is important that Central Americans, immigrants, and Mexicans radicalized in the United States, understand that American arms are strengthening the ability of Mexican organized crime to kill.  Only through working together can we put an end to this and construct a unity based on our humanity that extends beyond our borders, political ideologies, and differences."  These were the words spoken by Javier Sicilia, who moments earlier erected a plaque, weighing 60 kilos, dedicated to the memory of his son, Juanelo, and his six friends who were killed in Cuernavaca a year earlier.

For Spanish click here.

The Movement for Peace in Mexico shows us the way to being a country

By Paco Gómez

The Loudest Yell, a collective of over 250 artists, has thanked the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity (MPJD) for “showing the way to being a country”. The actor Daniel Giménez Cacho read an announcement by the artist collective at the one year anniversary of MPJD.

For Spanish click here.

Drug war victims in Cuernavaca denounce impunity


By Lela Singh

While children play with paint on small pieces of paper, members of the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity (MPJD) paint larger signs. One reads, “Justice for the assassinations of Bernardo Méndez and Bernardo Vázquez by paramilitaries from the Minera Cuzcatlan.” These leaders were assassinated this month in Oaxaca, where they were fighting the entrance of Minera Cuzcatlan, a Canadian-owned mining company, into their community. As long the deaths of community environmental leaders such as these can be carried out with impunity and blamed on drug trafficking, the violence caused by the war on drugs will be multiply.

Spanish version here.

Movement for Peace stitches hope in Cuernavaca

Teresa Vera en el Zócalo de Cuernavaca

The main plaza in Cuernavaca is full of activity: speeches, poems, prayers, heartbreaking testimonies and altars of the victims of the Drug War fill the scene. Today’s event commemorates the first year of an organization that fights against death: the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity (MPJD). Maybe that´s why there are two tiny women that go unseen. Together they breathe a deep sigh. Until they look in each other’s eyes, until they talk, until they tell their stories.

Versión en español

In Cuernavaca, remembering drug war victims

By Lela Singh

The central plaza in the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos today looks like a typical Mexican square where vendors sell snacks, raspadas and giant balloons. A banner over a shoe-shine booth still advertises the 2010 celebration of ¨100 years of Revolution.¨ But today marks a different anniversary in Mexico: it’s been one year since the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity emerged, demanding to end the violence of the drug war and justice for its victims.

Click for here for the version in Spanish

Children of Cuernavaca

By Ahlam Said

Walking through Cuernavaca Plaza yesterday was like being caught between a memorial service and a celebration.  Pictures of the deceased were everywhere: screen-printed on t-shirts, hanging across stone walls, surrounded by candles near Jesus and Mary statues, and even on balloons in children’s hand. Yet, there couldn’t possibly be enough space in the plaza to display the pictures of over 60,000 who have died and the 20,000 who have disappeared since the Mexico’s president, Felipe Calderón, militarized the drug war in 2006.

Click here for Spanish.

Juanelo, Javier Sicilia's son, returned to the soccer field

Between the 27th and 28th of March, 2011, the life of Juan Francisco Sicilia Ortega, known as Juanelo ended. He was the son of the journalist and poet Javier Sicilia, whose words after his son's death inspired a national movement to end the violence in Mexico. Today, one year later, his “second family,” the one he played soccer with, rendered a tender homage to him on the soccer field of the American University of Morelos in Cuernavaca. “Let’s do what he loved the most,” urged Luis Añorve, who was probably one of his best friends. And so the ball rolled with joy.

Versión en Español

Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity in Mexico commemorates one year

Isolda Osorio

By: The School of Authentic Journalism

This Wednesday March 28th 2012the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity (MPJD) will commemorate 12 months of protests and actions in Cuernavaca, Morelos.  This event will seek to remember, with "pain, rage, and love", the dead, disappeared, and victims of the federal government's war against drug trafficking. Victims of the war will make offerings, and participate in indigenous and ecumenical ceremonies, performance art, poetry readings, and testimonials beginning at 11AM and continuing well into the night. 

Versión en Español

Drug War-Related Homicides In The US Average At Least 1,100 a Year

However, Full Extent of Carnage Unknowable Because US Government Doesn’t Track Violent Crime Linked To The War On Drugs

The number of people murdered in the drug war inside the United States between 2006 and 2010 exceeds the US-troop death toll in the Iraq War since it was launched in 2003, according to a Narco News analysis of FBI crime statistics.

US Troops May Now Be Coping with Fast and Furious Fallout

Reported US Military Ramp-up on the Border Follows Years of ATF-Sanctioned Gun Running

U.S. troops deployed to the US/Mexican border last week may well be there, in part, to deal with the blowback from ATF's botched Fast and Furious gambit.

Fast and Furious Is One Among Many Similar Drug-War Warts

Turf Wars, Agency Budgets and Case Stats Trump Lives in the Era of Prohibition

Ever since ATF’s Fast and Furious gun-running operation was catapulted into the national spotlight in early 2011, the focus has been on the politics influencing the police work and the manipulations behind intelligence operations, with little to no attention paid to the dysfunction of the drug-war bureaucracy.

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