Facing the truth is hard to do, especially the truth about ourselves. So Americans have been sorely pressed to come to terms with the fact that after 9/11 our government began to torture people, and did so in defiance of domestic and international law. Most of us haven't come to...
(3) Comments | Posted May 21, 2012 | 4:05 PM
An army of guitarists took to the streets of New York City earlier this month as part of Occupy Wall Street's May Day resurgence. Led by former Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello, the 'guitarmy' marched peacefully while strumming protest songs including Woody Guthrie's This...
(243) Comments | Posted May 16, 2012 | 4:49 PM
That sound of shattered glass you've been hearing is the iconic portrait of Jamie Dimon splintering as it hits the floor of JPMorgan Chase. As the Good Book says, "Pride goeth before a fall," and the sleek, silver-haired, too-smart-for-his-own-good CEO of America's largest bank has been turning every television show...
(34) Comments | Posted May 14, 2012 | 6:12 PM
Below, watch an extended preview clip from this weekend's Moyers & Company, featuring activist and musician Tom Morello. In the clip, Morello talks about "two Americas," and his solidarity with "the voiceless, the poor, the wretched" across the world.
"If my songs can give some hope to their struggle," Morello...
(21) Comments | Posted May 8, 2012 | 10:39 AM
Maurice Sendak, who died at 83 today, has been called the Picasso of children's literature, and godfather to generations of readers. He won nearly every major prize for children's literature plus the National Medal of Arts. And no wonder. Just look at these titles: In the Night Kitchen;...
(190) Comments | Posted April 30, 2012 | 9:49 AM
(12) Comments | Posted April 25, 2012 | 3:54 PM
I was very pleased to find this video in my inbox this morning. Two intrepid journalism students from Kent State -- Megan Closser and Shanice Dunning -- took me up on my challenge to visit their local TV stations and uncover data behind the political ads they run....
(47) Comments | Posted April 24, 2012 | 11:24 AM
My conversation with Eric Alterman on last weekend's Moyers & Company continued even after the cameras were turned off -- the TV cameras, anyway. But we captured that extended conversation exclusively for BillMoyers.com. In it, Alterman talks about Paul Ryan, Andrew Cuomo, liberals' weaknesses, and his dinner with then-Senator Barack...
(12) Comments | Posted April 23, 2012 | 12:06 PM
Can you imagine Super Grover from Sesame Street followed by a super PAC ad from K Street? Neither can we. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals may have just decided to allow political and issue advertising on public TV and radio channels, but there are ways you can...
(257) Comments | Posted April 20, 2012 | 4:53 PM
Just as, 50 years ago, liberalism was the vital center of our politics, our religious landscape then was dominated by mainline Protestants and a Catholic Church becoming less Roman and more American every year. One of the most symbolic events occurred in 1958 when President Dwight D. Eisenhower laid the...
(178) Comments | Posted April 19, 2012 | 2:39 PM
In this special preview clip from Moyers & Company, Bill Moyers asks Eric Alterman to rank President Obama as a liberal on a scale from 1-100. The answer -- and which Republican former President scores higher -- may surprise you.
Watch the entire conversation this weekend on Bill Moyers' weekly television program Moyers & Company. Check local...
(51) Comments | Posted April 18, 2012 | 3:46 PM
A couple of weeks ago, we wrote about how the media giants who own your local commercial television and radio stations have been striking like startled rattlesnakes at an FCC proposal that would shed a light on who's buying our elections. The proposed new rule would make it easier...
(1069) Comments | Posted April 16, 2012 | 12:40 PM
Benjamin Franklin, who used his many talents to become a wealthy man, famously said that the only things certain in life are death and taxes. But if you're a corporate CEO in America today, even they can be put on the backburner -- death held at bay by the best...
(15) Comments | Posted April 10, 2012 | 11:20 AM
According to Bloomberg News, the financial industry's success "demonstrates that four years after Wall Street helped cause the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression and prompted a $700 billion taxpayer bailout, its lobby is regaining its power to blunt or deflect efforts to rein in the banks."...
(267) Comments | Posted April 9, 2012 | 12:08 PM
Here we go again. Another round of the game we call Congressional Creep. After months of haggling and debate, Congress finally passes reform legislation to fix a serious rupture in the body politic, and the president signs it into law. But the fight's just begun, because the special interests immediately...
(4) Comments | Posted April 8, 2012 | 5:07 PM
Mike Wallace was one tough s.o.b. -- or so he wanted you to think of him on air. Off camera he could be as charming as Rhett Butler.
We were colleagues during my seven years at CBS News and our offices were on the same floor. He was always polite,...
(23) Comments | Posted April 3, 2012 | 12:43 PM
The most recent Moyers & Company looks at what we can do to solve the country's problems, assisted by the smart perspectives of some young -- but very experienced -- activists. Below, drop in on my conversation with Ai-jen Poo and Sarita Gupta about restoring workers' rights -- rights they...
(252) Comments | Posted April 2, 2012 | 10:01 AM
Great efforts are underway both locally and nationally to keep secret the identities of people and organizations paying for local political advertisements. But Americans can still do something, even when broadcasters shirk their responsibilities. Here's what you can do to reveal who's paying for -- and hiding behind -- misleading...
(1) Comments | Posted March 26, 2012 | 2:03 PM
Check out my in-depth interview with the independent Andrew Bacevich for clear thinking on hard truths about Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and America.
Moyers & Company is Bill Moyers' weekly exploration of democracy, politics, and our times. More information and web-exclusive content at
(29) Comments | Posted March 23, 2012 | 3:07 PM
Does Robert Bales, the army staff sergeant who was charged today with 17 counts of murder and six counts of attempted murder, symbolize a larger problem in our military ranks? In this web-exclusive video from Moyers & Company, Vietnam veteran and military scholar Andrew...
(260) Comments | Posted May 24, 2012 | 4:21 PM