Saturday, January 12, 2013

What a week it's been. A month, a year, a life.
Anniversaries piling on at the moment, a little overwhelming.

Personally I worry about Mauberly, missing in blogging and Days Heads. Mauberly awakened my interest in Wittgenstein over 8 years ago, I think. I learnt about slabs. His last comment in November, 2012:
"If Wittgenstein were the brick layer, 'block' and 'slab' would have caused him to stumble."
Somewhat prescient - in a wibbly wobbly time travel sort of way. I sent out some feelers a while back but no news came back, except that others are concerned also. I hope you are alright mate, wherever you are.

Meanwhile a picture they say tells a thousand words. But sometimes a picture cannot convey the moment. Bushfires are ravaging Australia. The smell, the crackling, the heat, the explosions, the voracity of flames consuming things instantly, the fireballs, the choking smoke and the speed of the fire cannot be conveyed by photos, it is a lived experience.

I am living a full on upside down, shaken all about, confused time at the moment. I am not the man I was, and need your prayers gentle reader.

I have an opportunity to begin something that could be good for me. But oh, the uncertainty. I hope I do not stumble, and fall:

Edited. Mauberly has surfaced. Great news!

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Tasmanian Bushfires and Kmart

Shame Kmart Shame I cannot independently verify this, and if I am wrong I will apologise:
The Tas Fire Service have been running low on bottled water for their men and women in the field and have asked for donations to be delivered to the Hobart fire station. K Mart Newtown was asked if they have stock and they said they had 500 bottles available for the public to BUY then donate! Wtf Kmart?? You cant donate the water to these hardworking people who are your customers?? Now I read that a group of women have BOUGHT all their water and donated it! Once again, the people who can least afford it come forward while the corporates grab the money. You should be ashamed of yourself Kmart Tasmania and I hope people vote with their feet! Please, if you care, share this with as many people as you can!
via Facebook. Googling returns another facebook entry on the Woolworths page:

Monday, December 17, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

One of Australia's most sensitive wonderful cartoonists...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

They want to ██████ the Internet

via email from the Avaaz team.

Right now at a UN meeting in Dubai, authoritarian regimes are pushing for full governmental control of the Internet in a binding global treaty -- if they succeed, the internet could become less open, more costly and much slower. We have only 2 days to stop them.

The Internet has been an amazing example of people power -- allowing us to connect, speak out and pressure leaders like never before. That's largely because it's been governed to date by users and non-profits and not governments. But now countries like Russia, China and United Arab Emirates are trying to rewrite a major telecom treaty called the ITR to bring the Internet under its control -- the web would then be shaped by government interests and not by us, the users. Tim Berners Lee, one of the "fathers of the Internet," has warned that this could increase censorship online and invade our privacy. But if we object with a massive people-powered petition, we can strengthen the hand of countries fighting this power grab.

We have stopped attacks like this before and can do it again before the treaty text is locked this week. A wave of opposition to a new ITR is already building -- sign the petition to tell governments hands off our Internet! and then forward this email to everyone you know -- when we hit 1 million signers, it'll be delivered straight to the delegates at this cozy meeting:

The meeting to update the ITR (International Telecommunication Regulations) is being convened by a UN body called the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Normally, it wouldn't merit much attention, but Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and others are trying to use the meeting to increase government control of the Internet through proposals that would allow for access to be cut off more easily, threaten privacy, legitimize monitoring and traffic-blocking, and introduce new fees to access content online.

At the moment, our Internet has no central regulatory body, but various non-profit organisations work together to manage different technological, commercial and political interests to allow the Internet to run. The current model is certainly not without its flaws. US dominance and corporate influence highlight the need for reform, but changes should not be dictated from an opaque governments-only treaty body. They should emerge from an open and transparent, people-powered process -- putting the interests of us users in the center.

The ITU does extremely important work -- expanding affordable access for poor countries and securing networks -- but it's not the right place to make changes to how the Internet operates. Let's ensure that our Internet stays free and governed by the public and show the ITU and the world that we won’t stay silent in the face of this Internet attack. Click below to sign and then share this email widely:

Avaaz members have come together before to save the free web -- and won. More than 3 million of us demanded the US kill a bill that would have given the government the right to shut down any website, helping push the White House to drop its support. In the EU, the European Parliament responded after 2.8 million of us called on them to drop ACTA, another threat to the free net. Together, now we can do it again.

With hope,

Pascal, Ian, Paul, Luca, Caroline, Ricken, Kya and the rest of the Avaaz team


Cerf and Berners Lee Criticize ITU Conference (IT Pro Portal):

ITU and Google face off at Dubai conference over future of the internet (Guardian):

Keep the Internet Open (New York Times):

Proposal for global regulation of web (Financial Times):

Who controls the Internet? (Guardian):

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A former work colleague posted this on my latest facebook rambling. Well worth the read.

(My facebook post:  "Our brains are hard-wired to revere. In this post modern era an apple with a bite out of it unites both the ancient and modern. This article and a long long list of comments makes sense: ) And from last year .

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Getting around.

The agonist is bedding down in its wordpress clothes.

Permissions for comments, contributors and newswire items are being figured out.

There is the front page and the newswire. No diaries yet. And forums are still a work in progress.

I've set up a wordpress test site to experiment with some ideas.

Content will appear and disappear according to whimsy.

However I am happy with this particular page which provides a list of recent comments from the agonist, and also a list of posts from Mauberley of headlines that interest him.

So there you go.