Project Censored is adding University/College affiliates for the annual censored news stories selection process.  Any college or university class is eligible to participate.  This document is a tutorial on how to conduct and submit researched stories for nominations to the annual yearbook.  Occasional repetition in this document is intentional to insure that all issues have been adequately addressed.  Comments and feedback for improvements are strongly encouraged and most welcome.

Students in classes search independent and foreign news sources for important news stories not covered in the US corporate media. Stories are reviewed in class and prioritized for importance to the American people.

Students research the prioritized news stories for coverage in the US corporate media using the following databases (if available) Lexis-Nexis, Proquest, Google, and Factiva.  (Explanation to follow)

News stories not covered by US corporate media are then vetted by campus faculty or community experts for accuracy and credibility.
News stories rated as accurate, credible and not covered by the corporate media are candidates for submission to the annual Project Censored vote process and are posted on this site for public comment.  Stories can be nominated year round.  News story nominations for the annual yearbook selection process must have been published within the last 12 months starting in March 2008 and including March 2009. All nominations must be posted by March 15 each year.

Nominations are to be submitted electronically as 150-200 word summaries of the news story with direct links to the original source URL. Summaries should include the names and contact information of the student researchers, and faculty/expert evaluators.

Here is an example:

Hi Class.

Please send your synopsis to me making sure that you have the following in order:

1. Your Story number and Title
2. Student Researcher:  (followed by your name)
3. Faculty Evaluator: (the professor you had evaluate your article)
4. 150 word synopsis as per class discussion
a. title of article in quotation marks
b. author of article
c. publisher in italics, (name of magazine or website this article originally appeared in)
d. date of publication
e. url link for article (make sure it’s alive and links to your specific article)
* repeat this for each of the articles that were included in your original story packet.

Please go over this list and make sure your synopsis has all of the above before sending it me in a MS Word document.
Please put your story number in the subject heading of your email.

Here’s a formatting sample to follow:

#001 Congress Invested in Defense Contracts
Student Researchers: Leora Johnson and Michael Seramin
Faculty Evaluator:  Andy Merifield, Ph.D.
The investment portfolios of 151 current members—more than a quarter of Congress—had between $78.7 million and $195.5 million invested in companies that received defense contracts of at least $5 million in 2006.  The portfolios include holdings in companies paid billions of dollars each month to support America’s military in Iraq and elsewhere from the manufacture of aircraft and weapons to producers of medical supplies and soft drinks.  Investment in wartime contracts is bipartisan; in 2006 Democrats had at least $3.7 million invested in the defense sector alone, compared to Republicans’ $577,500. More Republicans, however, held stock in defense companies in 2006—28 of them, compared to 19 Democrats.
“Strategic Assets” Lindsay Renick Mayer,, 4/3/2008

“Fusion Center Update” Mike German and Jay Stanley,, 7/29/2008

Who we are:  Participating Instructor and their colleges include:

Peter Phillips, Sonoma State University
Mickey Huff, Diablo Valley College
Rob Williams, Champlain College
Natalie P. Byfield, St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY 11439
Carl Bybee, University of Oregon
Brian Murphy, Niagara University
Kevin Howley, DePauw University
Tom Huckin, University of Utah
Bryan Sacks, Immaculata University
Michelle Ronda, Marymount Manhattan College, NY
Stephanie A. Flores-Koulish, Loyola College in Maryland
Julie Andrzejewski, St. Cloud State University
Patricia Gibbs Stayte, Foothill College
Christina Knopf, SUNY Potsdam
Kathleen de Azevedo Feinblum, Skyline College
Victoria Johnson, University of Missouri-Columbia
William Dinan, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
James F. Tracy, Florida Atlantic University
William Du Bois, Southwest Minnesota State University.
Duane Macha, Siena College
Elliot Cohen, Indian River State College.
Jaime Becker, University of San Francisco
Peggy Lopipero-Langmo, City College of San Francisco



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