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What part of "public" do public officials not get?! Waytago Jim March! AZ Elexn Officls Call Cops On Man Recording 'em: PM May 12thvia Tweet Button
RT @kenvogel Gay Repub org @GOProud rips Romney for Liberty U. speech: “Taking bait frm O on culture wars will not unify the consrvtve base”8:28 AM May 12thvia Twittelator
Other than that, Romney is a surprisingly bad and dull speaker. Seems to whine, play victim. Thought he'd be better by now, in truth.8:10 AM May 12thvia Twittelator
Romney gets rousing applause for saying "mrrge is btwn 1 man & 1 woman" at Liberty U. Love it when haters applaud themselves. #SomeonesGotTo8:08 AM May 12thvia Twittelator
@rfisk Right. Millions of ur fellow Amrcns can fuck off. U really need 2 leave the Paul rallies & figure out what's going on in ur country.9:53 PM May 11thvia TweetDeckin reply to rfisk
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